
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i have level 2: day 9 tonight of 30DS and i am also going to try to do 6 week 6 pack level 1 tonight!

    I would join a group!! :)
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 tonight... I watched the Level 2 video last night and it scared the crap outta me!! Can someone tell me how difficult the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 was for them and how long it took you to get comfortable with Level 2? I feel like I got spoiled with Level 1.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 tonight... I watched the Level 2 video last night and it scared the crap outta me!! Can someone tell me how difficult the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 was for them and how long it took you to get comfortable with Level 2? I feel like I got spoiled with Level 1.

    It is quite a switch not moving out of the leg movements, the static lunges and squats especially I found took a little bit to maintain without losing balance or giving out on form for the whole time, but it's not unbearable. Once you're done lvl 1 you should be exactly where you want to be for lvl 2, ready but still challenged.
  • TessMacc
    TessMacc Posts: 31
    I finished last week and was so proud of myself! It really works too - but remember it's about size, not necessarily weight, so don't judge it by the scales.
  • TessMacc
    TessMacc Posts: 31
    Day 8 Level 1 tonight... I watched the Level 2 video last night and it scared the crap outta me!! Can someone tell me how difficult the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 was for them and how long it took you to get comfortable with Level 2? I feel like I got spoiled with Level 1.

    Oh God, I thought I was going to die the first day of level 2! By day 4-5 I was so much stronger though. Same goes for level 3.
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I completed the shred twice. Second time I skipped over Level 1 and alternated between Levels 2 and 3. Good work out and it does tone you up. It's a quick workout... so there are no excuses not to fit it in! After doing it for a while... you know the routine. I would put my ipod on and listen to music. Kind of got tired of hearing the same comments from Jillian. lol Music gave me more motivation. Since I finished the Shred... I moved on to Insanity. Definitely give it a try after the Shred! It's tough... but I'm seeing great results! Shaun T is awesome! But whatever workout you're doing... stick with it and don't give up! You can do it! And remember...It's almost time to go bathing suit shopping! :glasses:
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 tonight... I watched the Level 2 video last night and it scared the crap outta me!! Can someone tell me how difficult the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 was for them and how long it took you to get comfortable with Level 2? I feel like I got spoiled with Level 1.

    Oh God, I thought I was going to die the first day of level 2! By day 4-5 I was so much stronger though. Same goes for level 3.

    Awesome! That sounds about how Level 1 went for me, by Day 4 I felt a lot more confident and strong. This should be interesting...!
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 tonight... I watched the Level 2 video last night and it scared the crap outta me!! Can someone tell me how difficult the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 was for them and how long it took you to get comfortable with Level 2? I feel like I got spoiled with Level 1.

    It is quite a switch not moving out of the leg movements, the static lunges and squats especially I found took a little bit to maintain without losing balance or giving out on form for the whole time, but it's not unbearable. Once you're done lvl 1 you should be exactly where you want to be for lvl 2, ready but still challenged.

    Thank you! I think that's what I needed to hear -- that I'd be prepared for it. I'm OK with being challenged, obviously that's what it's all about. :) Just wanted to know I wouldn't be way out of my league!
  • TessMacc
    TessMacc Posts: 31
    Day 8 Level 1 tonight... I watched the Level 2 video last night and it scared the crap outta me!! Can someone tell me how difficult the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 was for them and how long it took you to get comfortable with Level 2? I feel like I got spoiled with Level 1.

    Oh God, I thought I was going to die the first day of level 2! By day 4-5 I was so much stronger though. Same goes for level 3.

    Awesome! That sounds about how Level 1 went for me, by Day 4 I felt a lot more confident and strong. This should be interesting...!

    The best thing to do is bear in mind how you felt the first day of level one compared to the fourth or fifth day. It gave me the strength and motivation to think "OK, right now I think I can't do this, but in four days I'll have proved myself completely wrong". It got me through the start of level 2 and 3, and I'm going to apply it to all the exercise I do in the future as well.

    Come to think of it, maybe I should do that for all my weight loss and fitness goals. Every time I want to give up, I'll say "Well, I proved myself wrong about dying from mountain climbers so I can probably do this too". Good, if unconventional, strategy for getting through life.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    I tried to do this from the free Level 1 video on YouTube at the beginning of my new healthy lifestyle last September. I was so sore, I could barely walk the next day though, got discouraged and gave up. A few months later I bought the DVD & some weights intending to try again. Never seemed to have the time or didn't bother to MAKE the time I should say... until today. I did Level 1 Day 1 this afternoon and I could not believe the difference. This time, 47 lbs. lighter, it was MUCH easier. I'm still sore, but at a level I can handle. We'll see how I feel tomorrow though. hehe

    I'm going to give it my all and shoot for a schedule of 3 days on, 1 rest day, 2 days on, 1 rest day, etc. and see how it goes.

    Good luck everybody, we CAN do this! :) *Believe In You* :flowerforyou:
  • twinmommy87
    twinmommy87 Posts: 25 Member
    Level 1 Day 8 after work today! Im ready for level 2!! But to be on the safe side im going to finish all 10 days of level 1 :) The only thing i have trouble with is the pushups :( but i can do more now than i could when i started so thats a plus. And ive started using 10 pound weights for a couple of the exercises! I cant wait to be done with this though so i can start killer buns and thighs!
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 in the bag! What do you guys find the hardest part to do? For me it's the side lunges and, surprisingly, the jump rope move for some reason. Plus, I keep 'trying' to do the regular push-ups, can do one, maybe two but then have to resort to the easier version to get through. Hoping by the end of this I'll be able to do the regular push-ups consistently. :)
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    I've done this before and lost about 10 pounds in 30 days (about two years ago). I lost several inches too!! Love it! I am doing the C25K right now and focused on that (have a 5K coming up), but will do this again! Count me in!

    I also have the 6week 6 pack and the BFBM. Love me some Jillian Michaels!
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 in the bag! What do you guys find the hardest part to do? For me it's the side lunges and, surprisingly, the jump rope move for some reason. Plus, I keep 'trying' to do the regular push-ups, can do one, maybe two but then have to resort to the easier version to get through. Hoping by the end of this I'll be able to do the regular push-ups consistently. :)

    I have a good bit of trouble with the side lunges too, but I think it's due more to my inability to coordinate my arm/leg movements… I'm sure I look like a complete spaz (same issue with jump rope movement, I feel like I'm just flailing around…). I have a lot of trouble with the pushups too. Just did Day 9 Level 1 and I think today was the first day I can honestly say I didn't struggle with the pushups. Those and the squat presses in the beginning are the hardest part for me since I have zero arm strength!

    Hang in there!! It definitely gets easier. You got this. :)
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    spluto - YES, exactly! That's what I mean about the side lunges. They're not really 'hard' to do, just it's a challenge doing them correctly without looking like, as you say, a spaz. hehe I've thought about keeping a real jump rope next to me to do that move so I wouldn't feel so silly and actually 'jump' instead of just bouncing up and down during those. Might have to try that. Thanks for the encouragement on the push-ups, glad to hear it gets easier. Can't wait to be where you're at in this level.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member

    Starting Level 2 Tonight - eek!

    I've always just done the half push ups - they're enough for me lol! Have really noticed a big difference in my endurance now that I've completed the first Level.

    Good luck all!x
  • ruthaz
    ruthaz Posts: 10 Member
    I've had this DVD for about a year and never done it! Seems like people are getting good results so think I will give it a go as I'm struggling with getting motivated with the exercise side of things
  • kitreb
    kitreb Posts: 1
    hi all
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    Just finished Level 1 Day 3! Woo Hoo! This is further along than I got last time, proud of myself. :) Did the side-lunges a little better this time and actually 'jumped' in the jump rope move without wimping out or feeling TOO silly. hehe Push-ups weren't any easier, but I still have hope as my arms get stronger I'll be able to do these like a pro eventually. I was going to take a rest day tomorrow, but I might just power through for one more day, we'll see. Depends on how sore I am in the morning. I've heard you should take a rest day and not do the whole thing straight through because your body needs time to repair. True?
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member

    Starting Level 2 Tonight - eek!

    I've always just done the half push ups - they're enough for me lol! Have really noticed a big difference in my endurance now that I've completed the first Level.

    Good luck all!x

    How was it?! I start Level 2 tonight too!