

  • Hi Jules Thanks for the friends request. I was doing well but caved in and went back to old habits. The notification of your request from My Fitness Pal has reminded me I was on a mission! I MUST get back to this! Thank you! Clive
  • Welcome along and I'm sure you'll find everyone willing to support! Great bunch of people here. Good luck! Clive:smile:
  • So sorry to hear that. It reminds me of what happened to mine. My daughter aged two played with and lost my wedding ring a good few years back. We never found it. But you know what? At fourteen she presented me with a replacement one she bought out of her pocket money from a jewellers. I was really, really touched and it…
  • Welcome along! I joined a few months ago - it's a great place with loads of helpful positive people. Enjoy! Clive:happy:
    in Hello Comment by mrhelpless January 2011
  • Hi Lushes Happy New Year! After nearly 6 weeks dry - Argh - I caved in... OK a couple of tins of cider with the family as we see in the New Year here in the UK. I was glad to get some good walking in today so have some space in my calorie intake to enjoy a drink. I won't see that disappointing red total on the food chart!…
  • Hi All Hope your determination holds out, everyone. This is a really difficult time of year for us! You might remember me - had the early warning from my ticker and gave up my daily cider habit back in November. Well - I made it through Christmas and defeated the urge to open a few ciders or beers! Wow! I've been dry 5…
  • Thank you for your best wishes. It's really good to know this lush thread exists - great to know we're not alone! Clive
  • Hi Folks Glad to see I'm not alone on a fitness diet site with this thread! I'm "cider man", having spent years drinking copious amounts of commercial "Scrumpy Jack" (UK brand) cider. I love every drop of it - cheers me up and tastes wonderful ultra-chilled. Slightly worried about my consumption, I cut down the last year -…
  • Thank you! It's about time I did something...!
  • You sounds as if you are doing very well! Thanks for your good wishes. Exercise is not my strong point - gardening and the odd walk does for me! All the best!
  • Thank you - hope the pounds come off! I feel I made a good start.
  • Cheers and thank you!