Like Minded Lushes - November



  • Thank you for your best wishes. It's really good to know this lush thread exists - great to know we're not alone!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Robin, love the new profile picture!

    Yvonne, you know you don't HAVE to start drinking again. :smile: Sounds like you are a little nervous about it. Or reluctant? I am interested in hearing your results once you do drink again. The reduced tolerance is something I am looking forward to (once I ever stop drinking for more than a day,)

    Welcome Clive, glad you got to the doctor and got the blood pressure meds. I had to try a few before we found one that would work. Good wishes with the new dry life.

    Welcome MK also, we have the same problem, one drink turns into 6 7 8. Obviously we are still finding our way so no advice but wanted to let you know you are not alone.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Feeling particularly tonight. DH bought some lovely Pendelton. It tastes really good and it is a nice change from the really cheap vodka we usually have on hand. (Grey Goose when I get a job but until then, you know) I really need to regroup come Monday but I decided to really enjoy the holiday weekend. so here's to each and everyone of you, my dear lush friends.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I'm a strange one when it comes to vodka... All the top shelf vodkas don't appeal to me at all. I prefer absolute over everything else lol.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    starting the morning with Kaluha in the coffee. I promise I will get back on track tomorrow. :blushing:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    starting the morning with Kaluha in the coffee. I promise I will get back on track tomorrow. :blushing:

    That sounds delicious, Robin. I think you needed to let yourself go this holiday. I am sure you will be back on trick with the new week.

    I had a great day today. Spent the day with my youngest daughter and her family. Ollie, my 18 year old grandson, was home for the weekend and it was great to spend some time with him. He started a new job at the beginning of October as a trainee instructor at a Christian based activity centre. It is a residential set up and he is based about three hours away; he has been busy settling into his routine and although Mum, Dad and his sisters visited at the end of October, this is the first chance I have had to see him. He is doing great; he has so grown in confidence and is loving the job and the wonderful group of people he is starting to know and love as friends. But, he still loves his granny and is the same loving and caring boy who went away. The change is that he is developing into a great, caring young man who is a fantastic support to his family and friends.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Lushes - keep strong, tomorrow is a new day. :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Robin, I love Kahlua, discovered it on holiday once when it was served in a white russian cocktail, now those are packed full of calories!
    Debbie. I know I don't have to start drinking again but I do really like doing it! :bigsmile:

    Actually I tried to buy a bottle of wine today - red so I could use it in a lasange, not to drink! - I spent ages choosing a nice one and when I got to checkout I got asked for ID. I don't carry photo ID with me as it is not usual to get asked, only if you look under 18, so the guy refused to sell it to me. Seriously I'm 35, I think I was old enough to be his mother!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Robin, I love Kahlua, discovered it on holiday once when it was served in a white russian cocktail, now those are packed full of calories!
    Debbie. I know I don't have to start drinking again but I do really like doing it! :bigsmile:

    Actually I tried to buy a bottle of wine today - red so I could use it in a lasange, not to drink! - I spent ages choosing a nice one and when I got to checkout I got asked for ID. I don't carry photo ID with me as it is not usual to get asked, only if you look under 18, so the guy refused to sell it to me. Seriously I'm 35, I think I was old enough to be his mother!
    must be nice to look so young! I haven't been refused since my 30 birthday 20 years ago. I love white russians but I like black russians too and a little less caloric because of no cream. a mind bender is good too. black russian with soda.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey lushes....I think my grand total for the week was:

    4 margaritas
    9 beers
    3 martinis with 2 pours each (6, rough estimate)
    3 bottles of wine (15 glasses)
    1.5 bottles of champagne (7.5 glasses)

    41.5 total:noway: :cry: ...I haven't been this bad since the summer...well, I am turning over a new leaf tomorrow...just went grocery shopping to the tune of $225 with tons of meats, veggies and fruits....time to DETOX

    This weeks' goal is less than 10...hope I don't withdrawl
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hey lushes....I think my grand total for the week was:

    4 margaritas
    9 beers
    3 martinis with 2 pours each (6, rough estimate)
    3 bottles of wine (15 glasses)
    1.5 bottles of champagne (7.5 glasses)

    41.5 total:noway: :cry: ...I haven't been this bad since the summer...well, I am turning over a new leaf tomorrow...just went grocery shopping to the tune of $225 with tons of meats, veggies and fruits....time to DETOX

    This weeks' goal is less than 10...hope I don't withdrawl

    WOW, but if you are going to do something you have to do it properly and I think achieved it :laugh: I'm sure you will be fine getting back on track, enjoy those veggies
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey lushes....I think my grand total for the week was:

    4 margaritas
    9 beers
    3 martinis with 2 pours each (6, rough estimate)
    3 bottles of wine (15 glasses)
    1.5 bottles of champagne (7.5 glasses)

    41.5 total:noway: :cry: ...I haven't been this bad since the summer...well, I am turning over a new leaf tomorrow...just went grocery shopping to the tune of $225 with tons of meats, veggies and fruits....time to DETOX

    This weeks' goal is less than 10...hope I don't withdrawl

    WOW, but if you are going to do something you have to do it properly and I think achieved it :laugh: I'm sure you will be fine getting back on track, enjoy those veggies

    Thank you, I try to go above and beyond....I though about your winter veggies dilemna, how about beef stew with potatoes, carrots & peas, brocolli soup or pasta fagiolo...I have recipes if any of them interest you...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Kim, I hope you had a great holiday. mine isn't over yet. I am enjoying some merlot as I type. You did us lushes proud girl! I love your honesty. you and I need to regroup and I think you are my inspiration to be good next week :blushing:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am drinking some pinot noir right now! this weekend, well, started Wednesday with Wild Turkey Wednesday, but I didn't have Wild Turkey so I drank rum in rootbeer, it was pretty tasty, then we went out for dinner and I had two bud lights.
    Thursday there was two bud lights, followed by wine with dinner (the bottle they sent home with me and I am drinking right now).
    I did not keep track Friday, we went on wine tasting to four vineyards, then had chicken noodle soup and a couple of more bud lights.
    Saturday I had a couple of margs I made with tequila, sprite and lime seltzer, then a house marg at a mexican restaurant and a couple coors lights hanging out.
    Tonight I poured this wine, then we went to dinner and I had an agave wheat beer, breckenridge brewery-really yummy if you like wheat beer, and it's a local brew.
    I am worried about the weigh-in tomorrow!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    welp ... I made it thru thanksgiving with my mom without any alcohol. I love my mom a lot, don't get me wrong but somehow it's easier to spend hours with her when I am a little tipsy. First thanksgiving in a long time spend completely sober.

    Hope all of you are doing well!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Holiday total: In the RV on the way to Nebraska...2 diet cokes with whipped cream vodka.
    Once we were there...2 shots of Canadian MIst (blech!) and a few beers
    On thanksgiving...several glasses of wine
    Friday...several beers
    Saturday...several red bull and vodkas red bull and vodka

    I've gotten my alcohol on for a few days and I'm ready for a break! :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Kim, I hope you had a great holiday. mine isn't over yet. I am enjoying some merlot as I type. You did us lushes proud girl! I love your honesty. you and I need to regroup and I think you are my inspiration to be good next week :blushing:

    Uh, oh:blushing: I inspire with my badness...jeez louise, I was bad
  • I was really bad over the weekend and especially last night. Skyy vodka and 1800 tequila shots on special!!! Do I need help? I love that stuff. Too many specials!!! I am going to take a break starting tomorrow, lol. Wish me luck fellow lushes:drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    welp ... I made it thru thanksgiving with my mom without any alcohol. I love my mom a lot, don't get me wrong but somehow it's easier to spend hours with her when I am a little tipsy. First thanksgiving in a long time spend completely sober.

    Hope all of you are doing well!

    Karen, you have done so well, there's no way I'll be surviving my family this Christmas without the help of alcohol :happy: :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    welp ... I made it thru thanksgiving with my mom without any alcohol.

    Did you have pangs for the alcohol or has it become easier at this point?
  • Glad I found this thread! I'm def a wino too. My vices are wine and cheese with crackers :) My friends all go drinking every thursday. So it's def a struggle. I guess the only thing I could do is eat less during the day so that I have enough room for the alcohol calories, but that sucks! lol
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