Like Minded Lushes - November



  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Yesterday was good for me - two glasses of white wine with lots of ice. And a serious hike up a mountain.

    Pam, your pie sounds delish. My husband's a scouse and I was born in London. When we became vegetarians it was one of the things we missed most so we came up with a version using vegetarian crumbles - maybe not quite the same, but a decent enough substitute.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Yesterday was good for me - two glasses of white wine with lots of ice. And a serious hike up a mountain.

    Pam, your pie sounds delish. My husband's a scouse and I was born in London. When we became vegetarians it was one of the things we missed most so we came up with a version using vegetarian crumbles - maybe not quite the same, but a decent enough substitute.

    Sounds great; its just lovely that now the cooler weather and darker evenings have arrived it's lovely to indulge in proper comfort food regardless of whether one is a vegetarian or a carnivore!!
  • I feel bad for I have already prepared myself for lushness tonight by hydrating. Maybe it is due to the long 12 hour days I work and this is my friday:embarassed: :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I feel bad for I have already prepared myself for lushness tonight by hydrating. Maybe it is due to the long 12 hour days I work and this is my friday:embarassed: :drinker:

    Hey at least you've been sensible, that's far better than I ever do, enjoy your drink :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Hubby, the neighbor and I are having a cheat day on our Sober November (we're allowing ourselves 4 days to imbibe.) We had a mimosa this morning and we did a shot of Tuaca a bit ago. We're taking the kids bowling so I'm sure we'll have a beer (I'll drive, so I'll just have one when we get there and then drink water.)

    Happy Saturday lushes!!!!

    ETA: And to top it off, I'm not exercising today. Yeah!
  • Im about to get off from this long 12 hour day... Trying to decide if I am going to workout before lushing or just take the night off. Hmmm:ohwell: Let the lushing began.. Have a good one Lushes!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I'm heading back to sunny CA from the foggy Northwest and my scale awaits! I have tried to offset the last few days with serious hikes, but I have no idea where I am weight-wise. My plan this week is to go to my killer pilates class twice, yoga once and weight training once. I also want to get a handle on my fibre because it's consistently low.

    A bit of info - A friend has been working with a physical trainer who really stressed the Barry Sears (?) training method of raising your heart rate rapidly in bursts - supposedly (and I am oversimplifying here) there are several sets of heart muscles and regular cardio only works some of them. The quick rise in heart rate mimics animals - intense bursts of energy and then a nice zebra for lunch - or something like that.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hey there lushes! Good morning and a beautiful Sunday here in So Cal.

    Sometimes I look at the calories I have left over then eye the alcohol on top of my fridge and think, just 1. Then I remember I would rather have a Skinny Cow ice cream then 1 drink LOL much more satisfying.

    I do have a lovely wine sitting on top of the fridge that has mulling spices that came with it. I went to a boutique wine tasting in Solvang over the summer ... the place was called Sort This Out. I also have a merlot from that same bottling company. I am saving those for when I hit goal ... COME ON 140!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Tonight begins the no drinking policy to get back on track:noway: I would like to make it until Thanksgiving. Then, I will be in Chicago and there will be no moderation I am sure. I come from a family of lushes as well

    I lied, I'll have to start today...
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Oy. I just posted on my blog about this, but our cheat day was a fail...or a success, I guess.

    Between 5 adults we killed a 1.75 bottle of Tuaca (our shot of choice in the neighborhood.) I was also drinking the ginger vodka/diet ginger ale. I only had one slice of pizza for dinner last night and I didn't eat a ton yesterday so I was hurting.

    I'm good now...after some tea and some potato soup. However, I think this killed my desire to have any more cheat days this month. :tongue:

    Have a great Sunday! I'm grilling a 20 pound turkey and making cranberry-apple stuffing for my Dinner Club's annual pre-Thanksgiving feast. I'm sticking with water and iced tea.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hey lushes,

    Got up at 7am to go to the gym for a session with my trainer and he overslept so couldn't make it :grumble: then spent most of the afternoon in the cold and rain watching my daughter play football, not the best day I've ever had!
    Was tempted by some alcohol free beer earlier, decided as it was alcohol free technically I couldn't be breaking my pledge to give up alcohol for November but ultimately didn't seem right as it is still a beer so I gave it a miss.

    Hope everyone has had or are still having a great weekend depending on which part of the world you're in. I'm going to try to be good with my fruit and veggie intake this week as I've got a bit lazy recently, so I have got my tub of goodies ready to take to work tomorrow. I find it easier in the summer with the warmer weather to want to eat salads and also all the nice fruit that is in season, now it's cold, wet and dark early in the evenings I want to comfort eat carbs and stodge.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hmmm, potato soup sounds like a great hangover receipe. :smile: That would surely be less calories than a Big Mac, fries and shake.

    We had two contractors out to give estimates on the kitchen remodel yesterday and I forgot to check in here - rats! That means my count will start over. Oh well, not like I have gotten serious about this or anything. Just wish I could find some motivation to get off my behind and away from the bottle. Good for all of you that have stuck to the Sober November pledge or are at least trying.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I ended up going to McDonald's because I was starving before I ran to the store. I just got a hamburger and small fries...and didn't eat all the fries. I don't know how I managed that, but I did. :smile:
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies (are we all ladies?? I think so?) I had a great weekend drinking wise. Didnt' overdo it so much that I ruined the next day. There are lots of Monday mornings that I have a "food hangover", meaning I feel like crap b/c I ate so much crap Sunday b/c I was hungover. Not the case today. I'm getting ready to wrap up W1D3 of the c25k program. I feel like it's going to be a good week! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Happy Monday!:flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone!

    Sounds like you all had fun weekends....

    Pam - good job on the weight loss!!!!

    Yvonne - I can't believe YOU got up and your trainer didn't!!! Usually it's the other way around??

    I totally splurged this weekend - I didn't do my 30D shred fri or yesterday but made myself do it Sat. b/c I went to a wonderful home cooked Italian place and had chicken parm/eggplant rotini and wine AND almond joy pieces at the movie!! It was wonderful but I was so stuffed and felt bloated - eck! I can't believe I used to eat like that ALL the time.

    Yesterday I literally napped, read, and watched movies all day. I didn't do one thing of cardio and it was wonderful!

    Of course, I didn't have any weight loss (but no gain) when I weighed in this morning - but every day is a new day right??
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    Sunday, 0 drinks...I'm in for the long haul now

    fsuxo...I had a day like that on Saturday, heavenly....
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    good morning lushes. male and female alike. I am going to start off hoping and thinking that I may make it until Friday but I don't know. this week will be interesting because I don't get any solid food on Wednesday to prep for the 50 year old colonoscopy adventure. I am not looking forward to it. So I know I won't drink Wednesday because I am not allowed. I am in a funky state of mind. I don't want to log my food or care about any of this right now. I am so stressed about money since my unemployement ends the first week of december and I am really freaked out about that. I am sure I will drink more even though I don't really want to. I am not even enjoying exercising like I was. Oh well, this too shall pass.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Christy - it is so good to have an occasional day like you did. You will feel so much better and will tackle the normal regime with renewed vigour having had a bit of R & R.

    Robin, so sorry to read your post; will be thinking of you on Wednesday and hope all goes well. As you say, this too shall pass and I am sure something will turn up for you on the work front. Someone with a 'can do' attitude like yours will have employers begging for you to join their organisations. Keep the faith, :wink: :wink:

  • Afternoon lushes, Having a hard time thinking about working out. Today is one of my harder days and I am not feeling it. Would be easier just to relax and have an early afternoon cocktail whilst the sun is shining on this beautiful day in dallas. Oh well maybe I will have to muster up the discipline to workout and reward myself with a cocktail.... Sounds like a plan. Until later lushes, I will let you know how it turned out..:drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had wine on Friday night, bloody mary Saturday lunch, beers saturday night, one glass of wine with dinner Sunday night.
    I was sick last week so no Gateway to 8k, but I tried a run Saturday and managed 20 mins, walked for 2 mins, then jogged for 10 more so hopefully I can pick up with week 8 this week but will have to be on the treadmill-too cold and dark now:(
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