Like Minded Lushes - November



  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I haven't checked in in awhile. I am now on week 3 of my no alcohol til Thanksgiving week. I can't believe I have made it this long. I have had many moment where I almost caved for a glass of wine. But I told myself I would have to start the 4 week challenge over which meant no drinks with my family for Thanksgiving. I chose water :-)
  • TreeDee63
    TreeDee63 Posts: 18 Member
    I love following this thread :drinker:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • HOOOOLLLLLAAAAAAA! Sorry I've been MIA but I don't normally get on the computer a lot on the weekends as I sit at one all week reading case law or writing legal memo's.......zzzzzzzz.

    Anywho.....I took Monday off AND went over calorie goal. Boo. However, I was hungry all day long and screw it, I need to eat. I'm worried my body is going into starvation mode to be honest. I have been doing 30 day shred and am on day 14, so I think I am burning more calories and need to up my calorie amount

    ****Anyone know how to change your daily calorie goal on here??? I can't figure it out. :(

    So fun to read all your posts.....

    Robin - love the new pic!

    Yvonne - don't know if this is any consolation, but when I was in high school I think I skipped more than I went, I smoked, drank and still managed to have good grades AND I'm a lawyer now.....HANG TOUGH!! Remember, you can't be their friend and while she may hate you now, she'll get it later!

    Pam - thanks for the encouragement - you rock!

    Kim - I am SO lucky I hate dark beer - ECK. I can have two light bud selects now (99 calories a piece?) and have a nice buzz haha sad but good at the same time.

    So thankful tomorrow is verterans day, which means I get to take the day off, exercise at my leisure then going to a dolphin tour with my Dad weather permitting!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Bobobbin, totally impressed with your sobriety

    Christy, 14 days of the shred is AWESOME...I bet your really toning up...reset your goals to change the calories

    Yvonne, I'm right there with ya, 17 year old, do you think she is being bullied by others? I kind of had some problems with that in Jr. I am fighting other battles

    Pam, Hot Toddy would warm you up fo sur'

    So, I drank way to much yesterday with hubs. We just found out his hip replacement of 3 years ago has failed. They also did blood work which showed extremely high levels of cobalt and chromium. These explains a lot of symptoms he's developed over the years. So, as any lush would do, we said "screw it" and went out to dinner and drank many a brew-ha.

    Tonight is martinis after work with a girlfriend...try to keep it at 2 or 3

    This is going to be a bad week!!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I've been more of a lurker than a poster of late. Abstinence was never my goal - moderation is. I'm visiting my Alzheimer's mum in Canada and under the circumstances can we count a large sake and three glasses of Malbec moderate?! I hope so! When I get back home I'll be working under the "one bottle between the two of us for dinner" rule and that seems sane.

    Oh and special 'hang in there' thoughts to Yvonne. I too was a horrible acting-out teen and so was my sister in different ways and we both wised up and straightened out. I know it's scarier now than in our day - I have 16 and 18 yr old boys. It's been tough, but my friends with teen age girls deal with much more emotional insanity than I ever have.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    mon 0
    tue 0
    can't wait for friday!

    christy go to the goal tab and select change goals. choose custom and then you can set whatever calorie goal you want and whatever percentages you want.

    keep on lushing my dear friends.
  • Got it! Although when I set it at 1500 calories a day it told me my weight loss will only be .7 a week......tear. I think that's crap though b/c I'm building muscle which they don't seem to account for?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    You can up your defecit a little by exercsing and not eating them all. 1000 calories of extra non eaten exercise calories in a week would be enough to get you to just over a pound a week.
  • The problem is that I am working out 6 days a week for an hour every day and I am SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I can't sleep if I'm hungry at night, so I have to try and eat something later at night or I am STARVED by bedtime. I am hoping that the new calorie goal will help me not feel as bad about eating more...

    Is it possible that merely calculating a calorie deficit is not enough when you're building muscle b/c the muscle is going to burn more calories than just pure cardio?
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Hi everyone, mind if I join you? I didn't read through everyone's posts, but it looks like you peeps are my kind of peeps! :happy:

    My husband and I are social drinkers and we found that this summer, we were drinking a bit more due to two things: the installation of a kegerator in our garage and our neighbors! Yes, I'm blaming the neighbors! We'd sit around our front patio, watch the kids ride bikes, etc. while having a glass of wine or two... before you know it, I'm 10 pounds up and he's got a belly.

    We're doing "Sober November" with our neighbors--and we're allowing each other 4 cheat days, which we'll need when we travel in an RV with my brother, his family, my sister, and my parents!

    My husband and I want to make a concerted effort to watch the calories from drinking after November is over so finding some external support would be nice.

    Anyway, I'm new to MFP and haven't been on much, but just wanted to say hi!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    welcome soccerdot.

    christy are you eating any of your exercise calories? If you aren't then you probably should. How big a deficit is your diary showing at the end of the day?
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words, I know this will pass as they grow so quickly. Yes she is being bullied, not majorly but enough to make her life unpleasant at times. She walked out of school last week as she said she couldn't take it anymore, had a call from the headteacher to say they'd seen her leave on CCTV, was so worried as I couldn't get hold of her for a while. I kind of messed things up when I was a kid which I guess in some ways is why I'm so keen for her not to, I know I turned out OK etc but if I'd done better at school my career would probably be further along rather than me going back to get a degree now. She worries that if she doesn't hang around with these girls she'll have no friends but these girls have no respect for authority and don't seem to view punishments from the school as serious, I can already see this attitude rubbing off on my daughter.

    I'm actually feeling better about it all today, have made it through a day without a phone call from the school! Still no sign of the phone turning up but the girl they think has got it is excluded at the moment so won't be back in school for a while.

    The good news for me is that I managed to hand in my latest essay on time. I'd usually celebrate with a glass of wine but today I've had hot chocolate with cream on top, yum :)

    Hope everyone else has had a good day, I'm already counting down to the weekend. woohoo
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I had a rough time at the grocery store. I saw this Mike Hard spiced apple flavor. I had to have it. so I had one. then I had two. It tastes like mulled cider. so autumny. *sigh* I just can't say no. :frown:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Christy, I wonder if it is what you are eating and not when or how many calories. List what you are eating and maybe we can see what s making you so hungry.

    Amy, welcome to the group and good luck with Sober November. We made it through 1 day. :happy: Which was better than the month before. And hey, we still have a few days to go.

    Yvonne, I know it's hard. Been there, done that. My DD was a pain from @13-23... now she owns her own home and is raising my grandboy, has two step children, is adopting another child and studying for her doctorate. She still thinks MOM is the fount of money but at least she is learning. (she is 33 - ugghh)
  • temporary, i'm sure. it'll be gone tomorrow. don't check though. give it a week. feel better.
  • good for you. i have a friend who drinks several days a week and wonders why she can't lose weight. hello. alchol is somewhere around 100 cal/ oz. several hundred cal/night for her i'm sure. good luck to you and your good time neighbors.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 the fighting ceased in World War I. Today in my village in spite of strong winds and horizontal rain about 30 of us gathered at the War Memorial Gardens to lay wreaths and to remember the dead not just of two World Wars but all the other conflicts, including those who have died while serving in Afghanistan. We remember not just those who died but those who have suffered injury, both physical and mental, and their families and friends who suffer alongside them. It is a very courageous thing that these men and women do, some of them as young as my grandson, and we are very proud that such brave people come forward in each generation to protect our liberty. At this time of remembrance we think and pray also for those from other nations who have stood beside us and continue to stand beside us. We will remember them and we will continue to pray for world peace.

  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Pam, those are beautiful words...

    Thanks for the welcomes everyone!

    We've (as in the "posse") been doing okay. I had about 3 sips of a margarita the other night, but I just wasn't feeling it, so I tossed it and drank a diet Dr. Pepper instead.

    I really don't miss the alcohol, but there are nights, like last night, when my husband is in grad school and the kids are grumpy and crabby, and I'm doing everything by myself that I just want one big-*kitten* glass of pinot grigio to chill. We tossed all the stuff on Halloween, so that takes away the temptation, but still.

    I'm so glad I haven't seen the Mikes Hard Autumn Cider. :heart: Yum!

    I don't know if I've lost any weight since starting to really watch myself--eating, drinking and exercise, but I feel like my tummy pooch is going down.

    The hubby and I are thinking about taking one week off a month after this is over...and then limiting our weekly drinking. It's funny because when I mentioned that we (the neighbors and such) were doing a ton of get-togethers--movie nights, watching the kids play, etc. my mom asked how my liver was doing. :laugh: Apparently, that's what our neighborhood did when we were kids. Ahhh, we're doomed to repeat the mistakes of our parents.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I made a beautiful French Onion soup last night for dinner. I use red wine in cooking so naturally I drank the rest of the bottle. I guess I am just not really going to give this up. I have cut way back though so I guess that counts.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey lushes...martini night was delish...chambord, champagne, pineapple juice and raspberry yet, Wednesday special was all martinis $5...that's better than a footlong

    Have to say the midweek drinking is taking it's toll, it's much better for me to remain sober...Friday night is dinner out and then abstinence until Thanksgiving

    Take care lushes,

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