liha0808 Member


  • I just started today and trying to figure out what her pace is on the 1 mile video, anyone know?
  • Have no idea how old you both are, but he for one, sounds like he's in high school, yet you've been together for 'YEARS' and he's not making more money yet to contribute financially. I got married 5'2" 110 and was skinny so it doesn't add up that you where chubby, we divorced...primarily over my weight gain. This is called…
  • Is there a group? I would like to join, almost 53 but so many on here are young. Midwest US 52 (53 in Aug) 5'2" shortie SW: 311 GW: 180 Perfect weight: 140 Eating clean food I make mostly myself (mostly). Under cancer treatment for 2nd time and its like poison causing wt loss + wt gain over and over. Healthy foods help my…
  • Forget about weight loss for just a few seconds. Don't know if they make you want to eat more, but they make you want to drink more. The artificial sweeteners and chemicals can mess with your hormones and thyroid, and that's just for starters. Some chemicals can cause cancer. Read the ingredients. Off soapbox now. Try tea,…
  • Hello everyone~ I'm back as I've been here before and have had some stumbling blocks but am committed to meeting my goal this time! I'm in cancer treatment (for 2nd time) and am trying to eat 'clean' with foods I prepare myself, low carb, mostly vegetables and lean meat. I feel better when I do, it helps my energy level.…
  • :happy: Congrats!!
  • My fav is to fry couple strips of bacon, or use diced ham, then fry potatoes, adding onion, pepper and sometimes chopped asparagus to last few minutes before the potatoes are done. Then I add 2 eggs scrambled with almond milk and cook till just underdone, turn off burner, then throw in a handful of spinach, and halved…
  • Thanks for sharing- you are our motivation! You look perfect right where you are now!
  • I'm with you-started at 311 and I too feel like first, how the heck did I get so far before I woke up and second how can I do this! But it is what it is now and if we don't keep going forward with a lifechange, it could be more! 8-/
  • unbelievable- you have changed your life and possibly your family tree! Congrats!
  • "Planning" to eat multiple times per day (3 meals 2 snacks) helps me alot, to stay on my plan and eat/drink healty, getting in more than 5 servings fruits/veggies- 2 fruits 3+ veggies, and drinking minimum 64 oz water. Working for me.
  • Good for you to get on it now- when I feel off I really fell, starting all over!
  • 5' 2" add this gal if you want :)
  • We were JUST talking about this, how rude to judge a skinny person as it is a heavy person. Its like being in your 40's the first time you hear someone say you are getting to "that age". If only we didn't have NUMBERS to label ourselves or others, by age, by the scale, by our pay, by our homes square feet! :)
  • Do we have an answer for sure on this!? I'm the SAME way. 1/4 Banana and 2 T non-fat yogurt in my smoothie this morning and 1 C grapes for a snack, not even to lunch yet and I'm over. I'm 'eating clean' and eating 5 servings of veggies and fruit per day at LEAST and trying to keep fruit at 2 just for this very reason.
  • Yes! Go to goals to edit, it will ask you to choose from 2 choices, pick the bottom one "Custom" to adjust your settings. I just did mine and still not sure of the settings. What are people using? I try to eat clean so I do eat complex carbs, but no simple carbs. 5 servings of fruits/veggies day. Fruits make my sugars go…
  • I rarely eat out also, but when I do, choose a sit down place with salads and grilled chicken or fish. I don't trust fast food on so many levels! Its a personal thing. Many employ teens and I don't care for them preparing and handling my food. With the crazy stuff in this world and the people in it and some of the things…
  • and all this time I thought only women played games. :-/
  • Here I am! Imagine being your weight and 5'2! Yes, I have about 150 to lose. A whole person! Feel free to add me, being accountable always helps. I have beaten cancer, so my doctor as well as myself says I can beat this, only this will be a longer battle. We have started a new Biggest Loser contest at work, so I'm…
  • Are you parents healthy or is this part of the downfall for their children? Do they hold down jobs and thats how they can eat out so much food or do your parents supply the money or the food? Perhaps you can speak to your parents first. Sounds like they are at the age, that if they have been eating this way I would bet…
  • I would LOVE to lose 10 lbs in April! Drinking water water water this week trying to break a platueu. I've been doing well, but things are slowing down and I've not ate anything bad but its starting to look temping after a couple of months of doing quite well! SO i thought i would become active on the website! Lets do it!
  • Thank you for your post- job well done!
  • Aldi has it and so does Hy-Vee in Kansas/Missouri