Critiques On Some Basics

Just got back from meeting with the training director at my gym. Somehow I got talked into signing up for a training program and blah blah blah next thing I know I'm out of $400 and they are teaming me up with a trainer once a week every month for a year or until I decide I don't want to pay the $120 monthly fee (on top of the $20 gym membership) and cancel the program. They get ya by making you do a bunch of activities until you can't breathe then talk to you about money.

So this is the basic rules the director gave me:

Eat 4-6 times a day: This will boost your metabolism so you will be burning calories and melting fat all day long. This will also keep you blood sugar stable all day so you will maximize your levels. So make sure you're eating within one hour after you wake up and every 2.5-3 hours after that.

Combine Carbs and Protein with each meal: (pretty much explains itself there) This will also help boost metabolism and energy level.

Appropriate portion size: Make sure you're eating the right amount of calories, don't overfeed yourself. Use the palm of your hand for correct portion size.

Plan your meals in advance: (just makes things easier)

Water Intake: A good rule of thumb is to drink 1 gallon to 1.5 gallons per day.

I haven't met with my actual trainer yet so my customized plan hasn't been created and won't be until after Friday. I know a lot of you won't agree with most of this, but still I want some insight on how you feel about it. Should I follow all this advice or pick and choose?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    There is no NEED to eat multiple times a day unless you have a medical blood sugar condition like diabetes that you need to manage. Try if for a few weeks - if it works for you, great, if it makes you miserable, don't do it. (makes me miserable)

    Combining protein and carbs won't boost your metabolism but it WILL give you a nice mixture of macros so you'll be more likely to hit a good protein goal but you won't feel super deprived by going no-carb.

    I think a gallon of water is unnecessary but it PROBABLY won't kill you. The other stuff is up to you. you obviously already know how to manage your total calories because you're an MFPer
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    There is no NEED to eat multiple times a day unless you have a medical blood sugar condition like diabetes that you need to manage. Try if for a few weeks - if it works for you, great, if it makes you miserable, don't do it. (makes me miserable)

    Combining protein and carbs won't boost your metabolism but it WILL give you a nice mixture of macros so you'll be more likely to hit a good protein goal but you won't feel super deprived by going no-carb.

    I think a gallon of water is unnecessary but it PROBABLY won't kill you. The other stuff is up to you. you obviously already know how to manage your total calories because you're an MFPer

    Thanks for your insight. I figured when and how many times you eat a day isn't that important. Just everyone has their on opinion on it and I get confused :/
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    Haha I was thinking the same thing when he was talking to me :laugh:
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    It's mainly BS, I wouldn't pay for that advice, and if that's the crap they're giving you on the first day how can you trust them to look after your health for the next however many weeks?
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    It's mainly BS, I wouldn't pay for that advice, and if that's the crap they're giving you on the first day how can you trust them to look after your health for the next however many weeks?
    Well sadly I already paid the $300+ so I might as well show up for the 4 sessions
  • mommyjo2
    mommyjo2 Posts: 3
    That sounds like good advice to me, actually. I have had several rounds of gestational diabetes and met with registered dieticians before and after, and they give the SAME advice.

    I also (personally) do well with eating 3 medium meals plus 3 snacks during the day, with water in between. Try it, and see how your body responds. You have know your own body. Also I do know that protein and FIBER (not just carbs) at a meal WILL help you stay full longer and keep your blood sugar on an even keel. This has been my personal experience as well as what leading health experts recommend.

    A gallon of water seems like an awful lot.

    I've lost a lot of weight in the past between pregnancies, and I've also found that protein for breakfast (and actually eating breakfast) helps a lot (adding nuts to your oatmeal, or cereal with milk, etc. Don't just eat a piece of toast! Get some protein in.)

    I'm brand new to MFP, though, trying to get back on track and lose the pregnancy weight that seems to be hanging on. I'm definitely not a weight loss expert.
  • bnadinea
    bnadinea Posts: 3
    They will REALLY try to guilt you into it, so don't give in. They will tell you that it's the only way you will succeed, but that's not true. Take the stuff you paid for and say that it's just not for you.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    There's really nothing wrong with what the trainer said. For a lot of people, especially those only eating 1200 calories, eating often will greatly help overcome being hungry, even if it is small snacks every few hours . I think we can agree the water is maybe a touch on the high side but its not like he was giving her bad or harmful advice.

    The cost and need of a trainer is entirely personal and largely irrelevant.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    There's really nothing wrong with what the trainer said. For a lot of people, especially those only eating 1200 calories, eating often will greatly help overcome being hungry,

    Quite the contrary. On 1200 calories, 6 meals = 200 calories/meal.

    Just enough to stimulate hunger, but not nearly enough to be satiating.

    For many (if not most) people, two 600 calorie meals would be MUCH more satisfying.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Also do you guys and gals think 5'1" CW: 118 with GW: 112 is too low? I was told that's low and he even did that "heh" laugh when i said that. Didn't boost my self-esteem any lol.

    I want to be 112-115 with a BF% of 15-18. I prefer the lowest though, but that's just me. I'm small with a S/M frame so I don't think my goals are THAT bad. I could be wrong though.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    There's really nothing wrong with what the trainer said. For a lot of people, especially those only eating 1200 calories, eating often will greatly help overcome being hungry,

    Quite the contrary. On 1200 calories, 6 meals = 200 calories/meal.

    Just enough to stimulate hunger, but not nearly enough to be satiating.

    For many (if not most) people, two 600 calorie meals would be MUCH more satisfying.

    Or 3 300 cal. meals with 3 100 cal. Snacks (apple, V8, and low fat yogurt or mini ice cream sandwich) will keep hunger from ruining your diet.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    They will REALLY try to guilt you into it, so don't give in. They will tell you that it's the only way you will succeed, but that's not true. Take the stuff you paid for and say that it's just not for you.

    He didn't seem like he was gonna guilt me. although I stopped paying attention to him half way through, my fault. But I also did a strength test a week or so ago with another trainer and she put all my numbers into the system and now I have a workout plan (free of course). I thought this training thing was the same but boy was I wrong.

    I already contacted customer service about cancelling. Not sure what i was thinking when I signed the papers
    There's really nothing wrong with what the trainer said. For a lot of people, especially those only eating 1200 calories, eating often will greatly help overcome being hungry, even if it is small snacks every few hours . I think we can agree the water is maybe a touch on the high side but its not like he was giving her bad or harmful advice.

    The cost and need of a trainer is entirely personal and largely irrelevant.

    Right now I eat between 1200-1400 and burn down to 700-1000 depending on my day. I know I should eat back calories and blah blah blah but I'm not hungry so I won't force myself to eat.

    I already eat 3 meals with snacks in between but only if I feel like I need to eat. Maybe i'm doing it wrong
    There's really nothing wrong with what the trainer said. For a lot of people, especially those only eating 1200 calories, eating often will greatly help overcome being hungry,

    Quite the contrary. On 1200 calories, 6 meals = 200 calories/meal.

    Just enough to stimulate hunger, but not nearly enough to be satiating.

    For many (if not most) people, two 600 calorie meals would be MUCH more satisfying.
    Most of my main meals are high in calories and keep me going better than "snacking" so yeah I can see what you mean there
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Also do you guys and gals think 5'1" CW: 118 with GW: 112 is too low? I was told that's low and he even did that "heh" laugh when i said that. Didn't boost my self-esteem any lol.

    I want to be 112-115 with a BF% of 15-18. I prefer the lowest though, but that's just me. I'm small with a S/M frame so I don't think my goals are THAT bad. I could be wrong though.

    Go to the tools tab and use the BMI tool to determine your healthy weight. I tried your figures as a male and your goal seemed reasonable.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    Lol...mehh...that many lil meals a day seems excessive and time consuming.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    eating smaller meals more frequent won't hurt if that is what you want.

    But 128oz of water? That is 16 - 8 oz glases or over 10 12oz bottles - HOLY COW!!! I honestly think this will flush nutrients from your system. Plus I would be in the bathroom every 15 minutes!!!!! Then maybe 192 oz - I really don't think that is healthy.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Or 3 300 cal. meals with 3 100 cal. Snacks (apple, V8, and low fat yogurt or mini ice cream sandwich) will keep hunger from ruining your diet.

    The point is, hunger is HIGHLY individual. I'm not arguing that small meals MAY help SOME people, but there are just as many people for whom small meals actually make hunger worse (myself included).

    Any blanket recommendation for a specific meal frequency is simply wrong.
  • liha0808
    liha0808 Posts: 31 Member
    "Planning" to eat multiple times per day (3 meals 2 snacks) helps me alot, to stay on my plan and eat/drink healty, getting in more than 5 servings fruits/veggies- 2 fruits 3+ veggies, and drinking minimum 64 oz water. Working for me.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    I thought the advice sounded good. It's pretty much what I have been doing, and I'm -42 pounds in a little over 4 months. I don't drink all that water, however.

    I'm on 1200 calories for now and I shoot for 3 - 300 calorie meals, which allows me a few extra calories during the day. Bad me - I don't eat back my exercise calories. I typically burn between 600 and 300 a day, with 45 minutes of exercise everyday. So far it's working, but I know I will gradually have to add back those calories when I get to my goal weight.

    I have participated in a Biggest Loser type competition at my gym. About 5 -7 of us, lead by a trainer. 5 weeks and $125 - BEST money I've ever spent.

    If one plan of attack worked for everybody, this weight loss/fitness stuff would be simple (not necessarily easy). You have to find what works for you. Good luck!