

  • Congrats Leashaleash, fantastic results. I think I was very lucky with the first gym that I joined 20 something years ago - it was run by a couple of weight lifters and everyone was strongly encouraged to hit the weights floor. I've been an on again off again gym junkie since then but weights have always been the focus of…
  • Forget motivation. It comes and it goes. Just commit to doing this. Mid October I committed to getting back in shape and losing the extra kilos I was carrying. I've dropped 10 kilos since then and my exercise is now just routine. I'm fitter, leaner, stronger and only a few kilos away from my goal weight. I didn't have a…
  • First of all a great big hug. Second - what makes him an expert? Bleh! Throw his comment in the bin. What a silly boy he is. Third - we are so much more than just our bodies - never judge your self worth by how much you do or don't weigh. Fourth - be kind to yourself. You know bullemia isn't good for you - seek the help…
  • Hey M, that little one of yours is most likely your biggest motivator. Your kid needs you to be fit and healthy and to have you set a good example for them. The other big motivator is as Zafligor says how much better you feel at the end of a healthy day and building on that. Do set yourself lots of little goals along the…
  • Once you've got your first class under your belt you'll be fine. So give a class a try this week.
  • Hi tom8513 Congrats on your weight loss . you've been going great. I know that classes at the gym tend to be dominated by women but they are a great way to get some cardio happening. Spin classes are I think one of the best for pure calorie burn & cardio conditioning. Cheers GG
  • Hey 1momycamp That's the attitude. Make a commitment and stick to it. do that and the success will follow. GG
  • Small goals along the way is the way to go - and remember to celebrate each time you achieve that small goal. Things like a massage, or an undisturbed soak in a hot bath make great celebration rewards. Back in mid October when I had the great I must lose weight and get fit dummy spit I set the goal of losing 3 kilos every…
  • As Ocean breeze said you need to know clearly why you want to get fit and lose some inches. Once you know clearly why, then just commit to doing what you need to do to achieve your goal. If your "whys" are important to you then you will keep the commitment. I don't like motivation, it can come and go, but commitment is an…
  • Oh how I wish I'd taken that photo! Trying to get into a pair of jeans that I couldn't even get the button together missing by several centimeters. They are now my baggy jeans. I suppose I'll just have to hang onto them instead of a photo. GG
  • I only do two spin classes a week, three weights sessions which are of course much lower intensity for the old ticker than spin and the weekends are waaaaay too laid back, generally just a nice walk. If I wear my HRM for the walks it will only give me a minor training or if I really work hard, a maintaining training level…
  • My best advice to you re weight training would be to book 1 or 2 sessions with a trainer, get them to write you a full body program and walk you through it with correct technique. There is nothing wrong with starting our doing squats with just body weight or dumb bells, even kettle bells. Once you have built some basic…
  • rofl heybales your lawn mowing analogy is a good one. I have to admit that I'm not too concerned about the calorie burn from my HRM the main benefit of it is it reflects the intensity of my workout. The more cals burned the harder I've been pushing it. Over Christmas I looked back at my exercise data and realised that…
  • Thanks Heybales - that was the info that I needed. With the HRM I always consider the calories burned as an estimate and the weight training days are always lower than my cardio days. And it is good to remember that even if I just laze around for an hour I will get a burn of around 200 calories on a HRM so the additional…
  • Hi Lela, Woo Hoo fitting into your jeans and the cute shorts! That is fantastic and a much better indicator of progress than the numbers on a scale. If you are happy being free of the dreaded scales - don't get any. They can bring you to tears if you put too much emphasis on them. Going by how your clothes fit is a much…
  • Forgive me if this is silly, but I've only just joined here today. I entered my exercise for today, cardio and weights training but I only received calorie credit for the cardio exercise - around 140 calories, My HRM had given me a total burn for the weights and cardio of 500 odd calories. How come my weight training…
  • Never apologize for a long post when you are saying good stuff. Excellent post. Was worth the time reading.
  • Thanks Curt911, that is definitely my plan. :)
  • Hey Symbol, Sometimes plateaus just happen. I've been back to exercising for about four months myself and I made a lovely graph of my weight loss over that time and I found looking back that I just tend to get a small plateau every now and then, generally followed by a nice drop. Three weeks for a plateau is pretty normal.…