Goal weight?



  • kend61
    kend61 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with those that have stated set mini goals. When I started in Jan 2013 I was 394 lbs and I immediately thought there is no way I am losing over 180 lbs to get to a good weigh(height 5'10 with a wide frame). But I knew I had to start and not let it go any further I did not want to be a member of the 400 club.

    Anyway I did set 210 as my goal in MFP just to get the calorie number, but for me I broke it down to my first 10lbs just to get started then 20 lbs and once I got that I did 50lb incremements. Even when I did the 50 lb increments I still looked at it 10 lbs of the 50, 25 lbs of the 50 etc... I never let the number get to daunting.

    Before I knew it I had lost my first 50lbs pretty quickly, then repeated and then all of a sudden I have lost 100 lbs, I am closing in on my last 50 lb increment and cant wait, because I then am on the home stretch.

    Apart from numbers on scale, look at clothes changing or acitivities you can now do as goals that way it helps supplement your desire to succeed.

    Trust me losing 180+ is by no means is a task anyone wants to do, just take it step by step dont focus on the final number.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Hi! Boy oh boy, when I read this post, I thought "I don't remember making this post" - but it sounds just like me/my story lol.

    I've found it more helpful to attack the #'s in smaller amounts. I mean who really wants to even bother when they see 200+lb weightloss looming infront of them, right? lol.

    For example - I started out at 391 - my 1st goal only 1lb....feels kinda cool when it's met and that was an easy start lol.

    My next goal - make it to a "quarter pounder mark" lol - 375 - met. having that goal....finding it tricky to keep myself dedicated but i look at it like this - you've kept off 20lbs for a whole year - talk about NICE AND EASY/SLOW lol - but hey *shrugs* took me 20years to get this big, ya know? lol

    So I agree with a lot of the other posters - probably be less intimidating/more helpful to chunk away at...the...well 'chunk' - in smaller #'s - at least for me it is :)
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I would make small goals instead of one bigger goal so it is less overwhelming. My goal weight is about 100 lbs away and quite overwhelming to me too. Have faith that if you put in the work you will get there.
  • Small goals along the way is the way to go - and remember to celebrate each time you achieve that small goal. Things like a massage, or an undisturbed soak in a hot bath make great celebration rewards.

    Back in mid October when I had the great I must lose weight and get fit dummy spit I set the goal of losing 3 kilos every 6 weeks. Although I would have liked to lose the weight faster an average modest weekly weight loss was more realistic.

    Keeping your goals achievable and short term is a great motivator. I have only had 1 6 week period where I missed making my goal, and then I achieved my required weight three days later. grrrf.

    When you look just at the big picture it is daunting, small bites makes it achievable. Four months down the track I am almost at my goal weight. The small goals along the way have definitely helped me keep on going.

    And as for the final number to aim at, I like to look at healthy weight charts. Weight, waist measurement, but most importantly is how you feel in your own skin

  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I'll be honest - i dont' have nearly as much to lose - but I have trouble keeping motivated. this time I look at my ticker -I don't look at the little guy crawling across - just the number lost! I love watching that number go up. It makes me want it to go up again and keep motivated.

    I also agree with the small goals thing - keep it real! No one gains the weight overnight - and you can't expect to lose it that way. Best of luck!
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Anyway! As I was signing up, I realised something. I have NO IDEA what I want my goal weight to be.

    I'm about 5'5 and I would love to weigh around 125-130lbs, but that means I need to lose almost 250lbs and that's incredibly intimidating! I have toyed with the idea of setting my goal weight anywhere between 150lbs which would give me a BMI of 25 which is just on the overweight side, up to 180lbs because I suspect I may have a lot of loose skin which will account for some extra weight.

    Like you, I need to lose the weight of a good size adult human being. The idea of repeatedly setting short term, small goals isn't motivating to me. Unconsciously I'll feel like I can "give up" once I reach the milestone.

    I decided my stretch goal is 200 pounds. I'm 5'6" and that's about what I weighed in Junior High School. Most of my family tends towards large but we carry it well. At the time, I felt large but not rolly polly or sluggish. I was reasonably active and didn't feel a lot of physical limitations.

    When I hit that round number (planning for 2015), I can re-evaluate at that time. Whether I'll try to keep shrinking or try to maintain what I achieved. There's not just one chance to reach one goal.

    The whole extra, loose skin thing slightly freaks me out.:huh: I'm hoping my skin adjusts with my body changes so it's not too bad.
  • maddiejp
    maddiejp Posts: 8
    you've gotten so many replies already, but I thought I would throw in my chip as well. What's worked best for me is setting smaller goal weights and then having an ultimate goal weight. You could go by whatever size increment you want: 15 lbs, 10 lbs, 20 lbs, what have you. And when you reach that smaller goal weight, you can reward yourself with something predetermined. Something like treating yourself to a facial, or a new pair of shoes, or that purse you've been eyeing for a while but passed it up because of the amount of 0's. Whatever works for you. That way you can keep on keepin' on with plenty of incentive and motivation to keep moving forward--kind of like sprinting that last stretch, taking a break, then sprinting again. Hope this helps :)
  • My goal weight is 92 pounds I weigh 123.5 as I'm on 12, I'm trying to set my goal to be 92 pounds which means I would have to lose 31.5 pounds and it's not letting me go less than 104 pounds on my goal weight so yes I feel your pain I mean the difference is I have a goal weight.:ohwell: so when I get closer to 104 pounds I'm going to change it so I can make my goal less than 104, I guess it only lets you lose a certain amount of time unless you have it differently when you sign up. Exactly what you want is what you're going to be. Just keep working towards your goal!
  • ktroiano1983
    ktroiano1983 Posts: 12 Member
    I set my goal weight as the highest weight BMI says is in the "healthy" range. If I can get "healthy" then I'll work on going further.