Need help staying motivated

Hey everyone I'm new to the website. I've used the app for a while though. Everyone around me seems to not want to join me on this journey. I want to lose a little over 100lbs. I'm currently 280lbs want to get down to 160. My issue is when I don't see results fast I get discouraged. I slow is the best way but, I need to see some type of change soon. So if anyone out there has any tips or advice it will be greatly appreciated. Also please anyone send me a friend request. Thx


  • meemaw423
    meemaw423 Posts: 119 Member
    why do you want to lose weight? As for seeing quick results that isn't realistic.... I mean if you think about it we didn't get this way overnight it took years. I'll tell you what my cousin Bruce told me " Just 5lbs" This thought does help......... Bruce has lots a lot of weight and that's his motto. I just need to lose 5lbs. Then once you complete that then work toward the next 5lbs!'
  • why do you want to lose weight? As for seeing quick results that isn't realistic.... I mean if you think about it we didn't get this way overnight it took years. I'll tell you what my cousin Bruce told me " Just 5lbs" This thought does help......... Bruce has lots a lot of weight and that's his motto. I just need to lose 5lbs. Then once you complete that then work toward the next 5lbs!'

    I definitely agree with this statement!
  • mrodriguez1082
    mrodriguez1082 Posts: 28 Member
    Ur absolutely right! I think if I start with smaller goals then work my way up ill actually have better results. I want to lose weight first and foremost for health reasons. I'm not sick or anything and I'm perfectly healthy medically ( as per my lab work) but lately I've been feeling very sluggish and my body aches. I know it's due to weight. Also I have a one year old that I NEED to be healthy for. Thank you for your replies.
  • ZaftigLor
    ZaftigLor Posts: 17 Member
    Hi mrodriguez. I'm back on track, working to get healthy again after going off-track ( I lost 75 pounds about 10 years ago, but regained). I know that one of the things that made me successful before, and which may be a motivation tip,is to focus on how good you feel physically, emotionally and in terms of self-confidence after a day of healthy eating and movement. Maybe focusing on the big picture weight loss is too intimidating all at once? But focusing on how you feel better in the moment is definitely achievable each day…
  • Iamworthinvestingin
    Iamworthinvestingin Posts: 51 Member
    I hear you loud and clear - I have worked out and ate a good diet for over 2 months without weight loss. this is my experience, maybe it will help you -

    See exercise as MEDICINE - that you must take every day - slow and steady wins the race... keep doing it each day and you can change the type of ACTIVITY to keep you interested - I have a few varied choices to help me - but I do what feels good- and yet gives me the bang for my efforts - such as 'walk away the pounds' - uses hand weights and in 15 minutes I burn a lot of calories and I feel energetic or motivated IF I keep doing it.
    I was walking 3 miles nearly every day - eating a good diet - lost nothing - because my thyroid levels were off.... I became tired and it drained me of motivation- It is important to check in with your doctor and take any prescribed medicine on a regular schedule.

    Get a partner to keep you accountable - My daughter and I lost 10 lbs in a shorter time in less than 2 months, simply because we decided to pull each other up when we were not feeling like exercise - exercise will make you look good - even if you are not aware of the incredible changes that are taking place within you -

    Know that if you keep at it - eventually you will start to melt the pounds- consistency, determination, and asking for help - do not beat yourself up when you fall - just pick yourself up again -

    I admire your goal - and I hope you will not give up - I have stopped and restarted myself many times- stressful events keep coming at me - but at least I do not stay down as long as I used to -

    hang in there!
  • MoniYum
    MoniYum Posts: 10
    We all know good choices make us feel good about ourselves and poor choices make us feel bad about ourselves. I like what ZaftigLor said about feeling better in the moment, for me that's by at least putting forth some kind of effort to make a simple change. I don't over analyze all my poor choices eating and lack of exercise choices, it's too self defeating. But I know that little changes day by day will make a difference over time.

    Don't be defeated that you don't drop the weight quickly. You have to build a new lifestyle of right eating and exercise that will take time to develop.

    Today I did 40 min of aerobics that I did not want to do at all. But I told myself, "you got the time, if you don't do it, you'll just be pissed at yourself later.". So I did it, I didn't really enjoy it, BUT I FEEL GOOD about the fact I made a good choice. I also had a fruit and veggie smoothie with a small lunch. And I felt good in that moment too.

    You can do it! I know you can. Don't sell yourself short. We're all here to cheer you on, but the best motivation comes from within - by making one good choice at a time.
  • mrodriguez1082
    mrodriguez1082 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you all so much for sharing ur stories and all ur kind words. U will be seeing my progress on here hopefully it's a good one. Thanks again to u all
  • Hey M, that little one of yours is most likely your biggest motivator. Your kid needs you to be fit and healthy and to have you set a good example for them. The other big motivator is as Zafligor says how much better you feel at the end of a healthy day and building on that.

    Do set yourself lots of little goals along the way. I've been setting myself 6 weekly goals of losing 3 kilos every six weeks. When I've made my goal I have bragged about it to all and sundry. :) I also run a chart on the fridge where I note down what exercise I have done for the day, and how I felt about how I'd eaten for the day - generally just one word e.g. good, excellent, o.k. bad, don't ask etc. It just helps me to stay committed. (although I think I am going to miss my goal for this 6 weeks just spent the w/e away and put 2 kilos back on!!!!!!! ah well administering a kick up the behind to myself).

    Another potential motivator could be you put a big jar in the cupboard and for each pound you lose put a dollar in the jar. Every dollar that goes in that jar stays in that jar until you reach goal and then you can splurge it all on something for yourself.