
Since last March I have gained a 50 gruelling pounds with my wedding being in between then and now.
I'm not going to say I hated my wedding pictures (To be honest I love who I am no matter what weight I'm at ) but I wouldn't have minded being at a healthy weight.

- I'm currently 23. I had a really active life growing up. I could fit into a size 6 jean size! Now I'm an awful 18. Yikes!

With my Husband who now doesn't go to the gym and hasn't this past year where am I going to get my motivation from!
I thought getting married would be a good one but honestly it was for a few months than I thought well he'll love me either way...

I'm not looking at getting " Skinny " but I do want to be fit and at a healthy weight. I know I could always get a personal trainer but they're so expensive!

Guess I'm looking for some suggestions or to hear what works for all you lovely people!


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    sign up for a race. you can find plenty in the next few months. a sprint triathlon, a warrior dash, a spartan race, a 5k color run, whatever. there is your motivation right there, that you have put your money on an event that you have to perform at.

    personally, i get motivation mostly from within. sure, outside things can inspire me, but i mostly motivate myself to keep pushing.
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    When I first started my weight loss journey, my motivation came purely from vanity: The number on the scale terrified me and I was tired of wearing old lady clothes. Now nearly six years in, my motivation has changed. There are still vain aspects (rocking a bikini on the beach, shimmying into a pair of skinny jeans, counting my abs, etc.) but I also think of the children I'd like to have one day, the call from the doctor telling me my cholesterol and triglycerides are within normal range, and the success story I can tell when I've conquered the mountain of obesity.

    I would suggest breaking down exactly why you want to lose weight. Those reasons can serve as a jumping off point for motivation. Surround yourself with people who support you in your efforts and inspire you to put in the work to achieve your goals. Make a pump-up mix of your favorite songs that you know will energize you and get you focused. Most importantly, take it one day at a time. :o)
  • GhostGIrl66
    As Ocean breeze said you need to know clearly why you want to get fit and lose some inches. Once you know clearly why, then just commit to doing what you need to do to achieve your goal. If your "whys" are important to you then you will keep the commitment.

    I don't like motivation, it can come and go, but commitment is an obligation, something that you just need to do and so you do it.
  • daniellembanks
    Thank you for such great advise!

    The thing I fight for most is my health! I'm afraid that with such weight gain
    my health may be in trouble.

    it's frightening to think that indulging in food and not exercising can lead
    to so many health problems that can be avoided just by taking care of yourself.

    So I want to get and stay motivated to do so!