So Darned Close

Hi Everyone
Have heard a lot about myfitness pal and thought I'd give this a go.

Back in mid October last year I had a dummy spit moment with myself, gave myself a kick up the behind and committed to getting fit and shifting the excess kilos that I had been accumulating over the past 12 months, I'd gotten up to a BMI of 29 - and no I wasn't a mass of rippling muscle. I knew that it was time to start eating better and promised myself that I would move my body everyday. To help me achieve that end I rejoined the gym.

Four months in now and I have shed the majority of the weight, I am feeling fitter, taller, leaner stronger and I only have 1..6 kilos to lose to hit the top of my healthy weight zone. I have moved my body almost every day.

I know from past experience that I am now in my personal danger zone.

For the past ten years I have not been able to achieve a healthy weight. I get down to within sniffing distance of it, I feel good, I look good and then the next thing that I know I have lost all commitment and motivation and I stop weighing myself, I start skipping gym sessions, I eat more junk food - hell I can afford to can't I? And then, next thing I know I'm back at or beyond my starting weight and I need to gather the motivation and the enthusiasm to do it all over again. It is just so exhausting!

Knowing this about myself I have made myself a promise that this time I am going to stick with it. I'm going to keep an eye on my diet and not let it get out of hand - I am going to keep on getting to the gym, I am going to make it into my healthy weight zone and then a couple of extra kilos down to give me some wriggle room and I am going to maintain this new fitter, healthy, taller, leaner stronger me right through this coming winter (I'm in sunny melbourne australia) and next summer I will have my summer body at the start of summer and the healthier eating and exercise will be such an established habit that I am not going to let it slide again.

So here I am and this time I am going to use every tool, every trick, strategy, threat, promise or down right self bullying that I need to use to get me over the line and keep me there.

Cheers all,
