

  • My mother has made fun of my weight since I can remember. Even when I finally lost 30 lbs on my own, she merely stated I "still have some ways to go." I don't think that's deserving of much "thanks"... She won't even consider my opinions as she is the "always right" type. I hate to be the so-called ungrateful child who…
  • Thank you so much all! I have to take a break from heavy lifting since I had to quit my gym (very tough decision, but it closed too early for my new job hours...). I'm actually trying to put a barbell system up in my garage though, so that's exciting. I really love lifting. I had read that HIIT helps, which is why I…
  • Added!! I too am a huge gamer and work for an anime licensing company lol. Currently can't quit WoW- been playing since vanilla and have quit multiple times but I keep going back- nowhere NEAR as bad as I used to be though! Also waiting for the Diablo xpac...playing FF3 and other oldskool games. I've played too many games.…
  • Thanks guys, I feel that MFP has it at a fair deficit. Last I checked, my body fat % was around 30% and my TDEE is about 2100 so 1590 is perfect. I only keep my carbs low because my family has a history of diabetes on both sides and I may have some resistance (symptoms of PCOS- need to get a check up now that I finally…
  • Hellooo. 27 5'5" SW: 196 CW: 167 GW: 130-135 do crossfit 3x a week and eating as clean and as low carb as possible.
  • I do lifting (just hit new maxes this week, woohoooo), 27, video game (and all around) nerd and trying to lose 30 lbs (15 lbs short term), totes adding you!
  • Thanks…heh, I tend to over think things when I'm in a bout of desperation! I'll be logging food and exercise routines to the best of my abilities. Any tips on adjusting macros? Will eating over 100 carbs really do any harm? My reason for trying to stay under is because there is diabetes on both sides of my family and to…
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