Trying to lose last 30 lbs for forevers!

Not particularly new to MFP. Not particularly new to trying ten billion methods to lose weight.

Here's my story: I started off around 195 lbs early last year (forgot exactly what month), did low carb and lost 20 lbs quick. Moved onto incorporating some HIIT exercise and running, did my first 5k, went down to 167. Started off and ended a pretty good year. Got lazy during the cold winter months and didn't hit the gym for about 3 months straight….but tried my best to eat clean and be conscious of carb intake. Went back to the gym- crossfit based. Not always WoDs, but definitely strength training if not interval-based workouts. I lift at least 3x a week. Admittedly lazy on the cardio…

I was feeling confident the other day and decided to weigh myself after about a month of good exercise and watching what I eat. Same. Exact. Weight. I think I have been at this weight for almost half a year! So, family convinced me to keep track of my eating and back I came to MFP. I'd be happy if I could even lose half of my goal!

I was hesitant to come back because of a few things. I have no idea what to feed my body anymore and research is so different! I've tried experimenting with IF, low carb, Calorie counting….maybe I'm just not sticking to one thing long enough (or maybe just not doing it correctly), but since I'm not sure what my body needs (as every body is different), I worry about eating too many carbohydrates especially and this month I've been pretty conscious of counting my intake and keeping it around, if not under 100. I had a friend tell me I should start eating more carbs as a "reefed", and I worried that I would gain weight from it as the only activity in my day is gym or light cardio. I also grew so tired of measuring everything or finding the right ingredient on the list even though I know this is essential to using MFP.

TLDR; Basically, I just freak out too much to stick to one plan since I am always striving to find that "magic fix" to shed these last few lbs I suppose. Anyone had a similar experience and overcame it? Is low carbing hurting me more than it is doing good? Would getting a nutritionist help me figure out what the heck my body wants? Can someone slap me into not freaking out so much? Any articles or advice would be awesome. Friends too. I'm good at shaking people into sense but not so good at doing it to myself. :)


  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    :flowerforyou: There is no slap emoticon so here's a flower. You can stop freaking out now. If you can get a nutritionist then by all means do so. It's hard to offer advice when there are not enough diary entries to show any trends that need changing. The biggest thing that impacts my weight loss is eating at a too much of a deficit. I'd say relax, add some friends, log everything for a week or two, and let's revisit this topic with some good hard data to play with.
  • rhiannondream
    Thanks…heh, I tend to over think things when I'm in a bout of desperation! I'll be logging food and exercise routines to the best of my abilities. Any tips on adjusting macros? Will eating over 100 carbs really do any harm? My reason for trying to stay under is because there is diabetes on both sides of my family and to steer clear of it, I just try to do with as little as possible. Any suggestions on good, healthy fats? I notice I tend to go over on my fat macros a lot! I have had a problem with having too much of a deficit but I also find it difficult to balance my macros and eat enough at the same time. So friends who have similar attributes and goals as me or have had success in the past and are willing to help/motivate, please hit me up- currently at work so I will get more involved with the lovely community when I get home! :)