

  • Check out They have a lot of different types of lifting programs and a ton of information on lifting, nutrition, etc. I've found the site to be very helpful and continually switch up my lifting program based, in part, on the information on this site - have dropped about 12% body fat and toned up a lot.
  • Aww c'mon guys . . . if these clowns don't drop their weights or slam the freakin' machines so hard they are frayin' the cables - then no one will ever notice their grunting, lazy behinds . . .
  • This too!!!!
  • Totally this . . . with the addition of the grunters who strut around doing absolutely nothing but are "set up" on 5 different benches for if and when they decide to actually DO something . . . . And . . . definitely the new year's resolutioners . . .
  • frozen fruit, bananas, whey protein
  • I get the dry ranch dressing mix and instead of mayo use plain yogurt. It isn't as thick but tastes very close to the same as ranch and is very low in calories.
  • I do a post workout protein shake and I think it definitely helps with soreness. I'm seeing a lot of definition too but don't know if it is necessarily attributable to the protein or the workout.
  • Ditto to all the above - decrease sodium and stay away from the processed stuff - add more veggies too. There are tons of chemicals in processed foods (foods that don't have a mamma or come out of the ground) and they mess with your metabolism - especially a metabolism that is already fighting thyroid problems - even…
  • Great post!! Thanks!
  • Any loud metal for weights (Metallica/Anthrax/Ozzy) - new favorite is Free Reign (Dallas Cowboys meets heavy metal) . . . GNR & AC-DC for cardio
  • For me - it's the perfume and makeup wearers at 5 a.m. I totally don't get it. And the chit-chatters in my way when I'm trying to get in some serious reps. But the perfume is the worst - makes me want to gag when I'm working hard - trying to get in some deep inhales . . . okay makes me want to puke just thinking about it .…
  • I agree with the above. Also, try to add more lean proteins (fish, chicken, etc.) and more water. Protein will make you full longer and water will do the same and help decrease water retention. Good luck!
  • I workout at 5:30 a.m. and the idea of getting up by 4 or 4:30 to get a "meal" in at least an hour before is NOT appealing. I tried Scivation Xtend about 2 weeks ago - basically an amino acid supplement. I love it! My husband is convinced it is just a placebo, but I really feel like it gives me more energy for my a.m.…