

  • XD i'm sorry i'm just cracking up cause it was too funny. I don't mean to laugh, but you have to admit this will be a hilarious story for future generations. It'd be nice if there was a bathroom where your meeting was. you should suggest this.
  • Your doing alot better than you think you are. Getting in any form of exercise is alot better than 0. And as another person says, you don't want to burn yourself out. If you do you'll be putting on excess stress to your body and thus may gain the weight back. Just because some of us workout everday (myself included)…
  • An easier fix is to just add another hole to the belt. Basically just remove some excess rhinestones and such and add another hole and vola your favorite belt still fits. And you didn't have to give anything up =) And if your really good at sewing you can trim the excess off, but if not I don't recommend that. I guess I…
  • Don't fret, for some people (myself included) it can take as long as a month to see results. A week is not a long enough time to see results. There's a variety of reasons you could of gained a pound. 1. Retaining water 2. Your muscle is building up faster than your losing fat 3. Your body hasn't adjusted to your not…
  • It maybe that you have lost weight but gained it in terms of muscle mass (if your exercising). One of the things alot of people don't understand when they start is they may not lose the weight in terms of the scale. But in terms of measurement. I have my times where even though i'm exercising on a daily basis the scale…
  • I have clinical depression myself, honestly it can be hard somedays. The only thing you can do in terms of your weight loss is if you feel that your getting upset. Go for a walk, or do some light exercises. Take someone with you who will listen. And I mean really listen. In my experience, I have some friends who claim they…
  • Well I can honestly say I feel your pain because I too come from a mostly traditional hispanic family. So I understand what our going through. Here's what I can recommend from my experience, some may seem harsh but in the end this is about satisfying yourself. I'm just going to be very blunt so I apologize if I hurt your…
  • That's what I do, but as of late I will admit i've been using the elevator due to physical issues (medical reasons). But before that I took the stairs.
  • Your co worker isn't very smart is he? Your job has properly notified him of the drills as per the law. It's not your jobs fault he doesn't like to exercise. If he can't deal with that then he should quit and get a lazy job if it's too much trouble for him to use the stairs.
  • First off, great job on coming here for support and motivation =) As for junkfood addiction, honestly what you can do is treat yourself every so often with a snack. But make sure its a reasonable portion. On days when you have a craving, you give yourself something small or substitute it for some fruit =) It's what I do.…
  • i kinda do consider diet pills from time to time. But honestly i'm finding that without them i'm probably losing the weight in a healthier manner. The only pills I take from time to time is called Colon Cleanse. And it's purpose is to help clean my colon. Other than that I don't take anything else, and I don't even take…
  • >.> I kinda have the same problem to be honest. But what you can do is try to wear yourself out with some exercise, or if you really need to snack have some fruit or something light. I typically work at night so my schedule is rather complicated due to this. But it wouldn't hurt to give that a shot right?
  • I wouldn't say that I hate exercise, nor do I enjoy it. I guess i'm just seeing it as apart of my routine. Like I was using my exercise bike while watching a movie and before I knew it i'd done about 15 minutes on it, and I thought i'd only done 5 minutes. I find distracting myself while working out works for me because I…
  • I'm sorry as kinda mean as it was, it was funny. I don't think they meant to hurt your feelings. Besides it was pizza. If it was a salad I think i'd be more upset. Cause a salad is healthy. Pizza is not. Just think of it this way. If they didn't love you they wouldn't of pulled the prank on you.
  • Awesome *claps for you* keep up the good work. You can do it! =D
  • It's actually not a theory. My doctor says it's actually a fact. Your body can only remove so much toxins in a day, especially if your sedentary. But if you eat more healthily and exercise more the amount of toxins your body removes goes up. But by adding more toxins your slowing that process down. I actually just asked…