not losing weight? maybe its the toxins!

I have recently subscribed to a relatively new theory in why your body stores fat.

This theory states that your body can only process and clear so many toxins. Therefore, if you are eating more toxins (such as those found in processed food, trans fats, unnatural man made chemicals etc) than what your body can clear, your body needs to protect itself from these toxins harming you.

It does this by covering the unprocessed toxins in fat.

Makes sense, the fat protects the toxin from entering the body until it can process it, but if you keep loading more and more toxins in, then your body is just going to keep coating them in fat.

It seems to be taking effect with me personally, cutting out most processed, man made and "toxic" products has made dropping weight easier, I feel fitter and better and the food I am eating seems to be being processed faster.

Love to hear the thoughts from others ...


  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    that's a good theory and one i've wondered about myself. i know i don't eat a lot yet a still have a hard time losing weight. i'm thinking it's due more to the types of foods i'm eating rather than the amounts i'm eating. i'm working on eating more healthy less processed foods.
  • Shunhades
    Shunhades Posts: 16
    It's actually not a theory. My doctor says it's actually a fact. Your body can only remove so much toxins in a day, especially if your sedentary. But if you eat more healthily and exercise more the amount of toxins your body removes goes up. But by adding more toxins your slowing that process down.

    I actually just asked her this recently and she told me if your about 20 lbs overweight you have more toxins in your body than the norm. When I heard that I went O.O

    So yeah guys reduce your junk food intake, it's affecting you more than you know.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi, processed food has loads of salt in it - I avioid them for that reason...
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks Sunshades! I KNEW it made sense and it's great to know that the theory is backed up!!
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    I've actually read something like this quite recently, the article recommended taking a milk thistle supplement for a while to assit your liver in getting rid of the toxins as well obviously as changing your diet to include less of them!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Fat is essential in some sorts but its generally by design excess energy storage. You know eating to much processed or high calorie junk foods. I've reduced my beer consumption by 2/3rds what i used to drink and my fat around my belly is 1/3 what it used to be. Beer in effect causes fat storage on the gut. I don't buy into the fact that FAT is a toxin filter at all. Medical doctors in generally are horribly educated when it comes to nutrition. Most of the doctors i see or know are overweight or obese themselves.

    Now there are things that can prevent weight loss. Alot of diabetics on a highly caloric restriction are morbidly obese or just the opposite starvation thin looking. Women sometimes retain water for various reasons. There is one simple rule and that is in order to lose weight you must consume less calories then it takes to maintain your current weight which vary's from person to person. Now if you don't consume a reasonable amount of calories your body will enter starvation mode and cut your metabolism way back which works against your efforts. Sorry i don't buy into the toxins idea.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I agree that we can only get rid of so many toxins. I've heard that when we eat mercury-filled fish, the mercury potentially stays with us forever! I read the same thing about a certain type of fat as well... (trans fats? I forget...) And that's not even mentioning the chemicals that seem into our skin through makeup, shower gels, deodorant, and there's toothpaste, laundry detergent, cleaning solvents, plastics (water bottles, containers, baggies). I get paranoid when I think about it.

    My advice is to eat organic, and get as many natural (organic) products into your house as you can. We're lucky that so many things are available to us now then ever before. It's just unfortunate that these good-for-us products are so expensive!! Just do the best you can with the knowledge you have, and keep finding out more about what is really going into your body. :flowerforyou:
    I've actually read something like this quite recently, the article recommended taking a milk thistle supplement for a while to assit your liver in getting rid of the toxins as well obviously as changing your diet to include less of them!
    Milk thistle is good for cleansing the liver, so it does make sense that that would help out. I've used milk thistle tea before as recommended from my naturopathic doctor.
    There is one simple rule and that is in order to lose weight you must consume less calories then it takes to maintain your current weight which vary's from person to person. Now if you don't consume a reasonable amount of calories your body will enter starvation mode and cut your metabolism way back which works against your efforts. Sorry i don't buy into the toxins idea.
    I agree and disagree with this post, but there are a lot more obstacles to losing weight that just reducing calories. There are toxins everywhere.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Have noticed this recently too. I see people that eat processed food and drink diet pop are either not losing weight or very little!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Have noticed this recently too. I see people that eat processed food and drink diet pop are either not losing weight or very little!

    Back in the early 80's i lost about 60 lbs by calorie reduction and lots of exercise. All i drank was diet drinks be it soda or tea and spent the majority of my time eating 350 calorie lean cuisine meals of which neither are healthy choices. Being in good physical condition makes a huge difference when it comes to shedding pounds. More muscle requires more calories to fuel. With plenty of water, exercise and a good diet your a self cleaning machine not a toxic storage dump :)
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    Outof curiosity: Are there any results of researches published on that topic?
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Have noticed this recently too. I see people that eat processed food and drink diet pop are either not losing weight or very little!

    Back in the early 80's i lost about 60 lbs by calorie reduction and lots of exercise. All i drank was diet drinks be it soda or tea and spent the majority of my time eating 350 calorie lean cuisine meals of which neither are healthy choices. Being in good physical condition makes a huge difference when it comes to shedding pounds. More muscle requires more calories to fuel. With plenty of water, exercise and a good diet your a self cleaning machine not a toxic storage dump :)

    I love it toxic storage dump! Great way to put that. I cant drink diet pop and think its not good for you no matter what. But I use to drink ton's of mountain dew. Now i drink 12 cups of water a day and feel awesome. Just think if you would of not drank diet pop and ate healthier where you would of gotten in the 80's!
  • Yes, and when you start burning the fat, the toxins are also released, so that is part of why you need to drink a lot of water, and why you might feel sluggish off and on as fat burns off. Different layers of fat, different toxins, some from who knows how long ago!!

    Milk thistle does help you liver rebuild -- take it in the evening, since your liver is only active from around midnight to 3am, and take it for 6-12 weeks b/c it takes 6 weeks for your liver to rebuild itself intirely from new cells.

    Burdock root, Dandelion and Nettle are all safe detoxing/tonic herbs for the liver and kidneys, too :) So safe, herbalists recommend you can take them during pregnancy -- I certainly did. You can get them as teas or capsules in most healthfood sections.
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    I have recently subscribed to a relatively new theory in why your body stores fat.

    This theory states that your body can only process and clear so many toxins. Therefore, if you are eating more toxins (such as those found in processed food, trans fats, unnatural man made chemicals etc) than what your body can clear, your body needs to protect itself from these toxins harming you.

    It does this by covering the unprocessed toxins in fat.

    Makes sense, the fat protects the toxin from entering the body until it can process it, but if you keep loading more and more toxins in, then your body is just going to keep coating them in fat.

    It seems to be taking effect with me personally, cutting out most processed, man made and "toxic" products has made dropping weight easier, I feel fitter and better and the food I am eating seems to be being processed faster.

    Love to hear the thoughts from others ...

    Yes, very true. I do not eat anything processed, man made, artificial, etc.... If I do, I drink an all natural organic liquid everyday that helps flush out the toxins. It's awesome! It's like a body cleanse. The name of it is Body Balance. Here is the link:
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    All calories are not created equal, your body naturally releases toxins on its own. But for you body to work more efficiently u need to be active and eat clean plain and simple. I posted a topic about cals not being equal and how your body metabolises good and bad calories differently.