Speaking of co-worker rants

reminds me of my co-worker:

I take the stairs ( work 5 flights up) down and try to come UP all 5 flights if Im not wearing heels.... at quitting time, I got downstairs faster than he though he left before me ( considering the elevator is literally a 3 minute walk from my cubicle) ...he asked how I got down stairs so fast...I told him I come down the stairs everyday. nastily he replies, WHY?? As nice as I could be, I say..because I try to get in a lil exercise wherever I can....he mumbles something about seeing no point in taking the stairs down because the 1 or 2 minutes of exercise wont do me any good. WHATEVER

the next day we have a fire drill.... he can NOT make it down the stairs...At the end of each flight he huffed &puffed & complained. He sees me in the parking lot when its time to go back int he building.... he heads towards the elevator, I head towards the stairs....He mumbles that he will try to walk down the stairs with me sometimes...I reply "Great!"

The next day I quietly suggest to him that perhaps he will want to take the elevator to the 3rd floor ( which is actually 4 flights up since we enter on the basement level) and just walk one flight of stairs....Do that for a few weeks and work himself up to more. he seemed to like that idea but never have I seen him try it.

Monday we got an email stating there will be several fire drills as well as HAZMAT drills for the next few weeks and we are required to go out of the building for each of them. Ever since all I hear is how these drills are hazardous to his health and how he is going to contact OSHA before he has a heart attack caused by the stress of going out for fire drills.....


  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    That's ridiculous! I've met a few people like that. I live on the 4th floor of my rez and always take the stairs down...but I am astounded when I get on the elevator to go up and people are going to the 2nd floor! Football players too! It drives me nutssss..
  • Shunhades
    Shunhades Posts: 16
    Your co worker isn't very smart is he?

    Your job has properly notified him of the drills as per the law. It's not your jobs fault he doesn't like to exercise. If he can't deal with that then he should quit and get a lazy job if it's too much trouble for him to use the stairs.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    That is so annoying! It's like that for me at school. There are only three floors in this one building and people take the elevator all the time! I took it once when my knee was killing me and I could barely walk, but other than that, it is stairs for me!!
  • I am pretty sure OSHA would stand behind the workplace SAFETY drills. They are not a personal health agency.
  • Shunhades
    Shunhades Posts: 16
    That is so annoying! It's like that for me at school. There are only three floors in this one building and people take the elevator all the time! I took it once when my knee was killing me and I could barely walk, but other than that, it is stairs for me!!

    That's what I do, but as of late I will admit i've been using the elevator due to physical issues (medical reasons). But before that I took the stairs.
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I think he should be more worried about his health if there is a real fire and he is too unfit to make it out of the building!
  • Oh and I forgot his last comment was.... "My grandfather was healthy & exercised everyday, worked a farm, etc... and guess what...He still died"...then he went on with his mantra of we all have to die sometime.... Later he told me that he has a heart attack 5 years ago & after he lost over 100 lbs as suggested by his doctor...he said after a year, his cholesterol levels were still high & he needed by-pass surgery so losing weight didnt help him be healthy, thus he didnt see the point....

    I know he was being facetious and misery loves company but now he makes it a point to point out my "rabbit food" and how I need to enjoy life because eating rabbit food isnt going to make me live longer than God wants me to

    I actually feel sorry for him..
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    That is sad! This is how obesity became an epidemic...take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming anything and everything but yourself!