Held Hostage by the Secret Service!

millerll Posts: 873 Member
A funny story about water intake and national security….I work in space shuttle operations. We had a launch scheduled yesterday, but it was scrubbed due to a mechanical problem. Management scheduled a meeting Friday afternoon to discuss the game plan for the weekend. The meeting was held in the Launch Control Center, and the President was scheduled to stop by sometime that afternoon to meet with the astronauts and Congresswoman Giffords. As a result, the building was crawling with Secret Service guys in dark suits and earpieces and talking into their cuffs. We had to go through a metal detector just to get into our meeting.

Just as the meeting is about to start, they announce that the room is being locked down and we can’t leave until the President has left. Our meeting lasted about an hour, and then we had to wait….and wait….and wait….Now I’m a good little fitness do-bee and I drink water all day. In fact, I’d brought my water bottle to the meeting with me, but I stopped drinking as soon as they announced the lockdown, because I know that my bladder has a 90-minute timer, and I thought it best not to push my luck.
Of course, after an hour and a half, I started to get that feeling…you know, the one where you’re becoming uncomfortably aware of your full bladder. I tried not to think about it, but the more you try to NOT think about it, the more you do. Now when it comes to Presidential security, the Secret Service doesn’t care a whit about my bladder, but I’m wondering how long this torture will last? If I raise a ruckus about it, I may very well find my next bathroom break at the county jail. Meanwhile, things are really starting to get critical, and I’m wondering if anyone would notice if I snuck off into the corner with a trash can and, um, solved the problem?

Fortunately, just as I’m about to discreetly approach the security guys and plead my case, they allowed us to leave out a back door and down a back staircase away from the area where the President was. I had to go down four flights of stairs to reach the lobby where the bathroom was, and I never went down a flight of stairs so fast!

Sometimes there is a humorous downside to our new healthy lifestyle! :drinker: Perhaps I should start carrying Depends with me just in case? :blushing:


  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    They make designer colored depends now..you can pee your pants in style! hehe
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    They make designer colored depends now..you can pee your pants in style! hehe

  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Oh my word I have had so many close calls with potty visits but never with the President and Top level security involved. I do know of very fast and urgent trips to washrooms. Thanks for the story and glad you made it :-)
  • Oh my word I have had so many close calls with potty visits but never with the President and Top level security involved. I do know of very fast and urgent trips to washrooms. Thanks for the story and glad you made it :-)

    same here! the trash can idea is a frequent one of mine, I drive a school bus and sometimes staying dry from point A to point B can be a real challenge! :laugh:
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    OMG! I wouldn't have made it! Not to the depend age yet but the time limit for me before I hit the bathroom is getting shorter all the time...LOL!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    My problem has never been the Secret Service, but my kids have caused me to have a few close calls.

  • Shunhades
    Shunhades Posts: 16
    XD i'm sorry i'm just cracking up cause it was too funny. I don't mean to laugh, but you have to admit this will be a hilarious story for future generations. It'd be nice if there was a bathroom where your meeting was. you should suggest this.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but Depends (even the heavy duty kind) do not hold enough liquid for a situation like you are describing. They ONLY service patrons that have 'leakage' issues, not someone that actually REALLY needs to empty their bladder and cannot wait because of urgency. How do I know this...well suffice it to say I walked BACK TO WORK with wet pants, trousers, socks and shoes one day I went for my daily walk. Spent 1/2 an hour in the restroom trying to get dry enough to leave early. Thank goodness I didn't take the bus that day.
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    LOL that's soo funny! Thanks for sharing :)
  • KristenAnn711
    KristenAnn711 Posts: 783
    Anytime I'm put in a situation where I won't be able to get up and go to the bathroom as needed, my bladder is like okay you'll have to pee in 5, 4, 3, 2, holding........

    Like before work, I can go to the bathroom but sometimes it get so busy I forget and then it just hits me! No accidents though haha