How long did it take before you actually ENJOYED exercise?

Personally, I loathe it. I know it's importance, and I know that it's vital for, not only weight loss, but everyday health. However, the amount of will that I have to gather just to get myself moving is ridiculous. I hate feeling out of breath, and I hate sweating. Lame, I know.

SO, my question is, "How long did it take for you to look forward, or, at least not mind, working out?"

I would love to be a runner, but I don't think I have it in me. Honestly, I don't think I've consistently exercise for more than 10 days (even taking 1 or 2 days off per week) without giving up.


  • I've always loved walking...specially on a really nice day on the 5K trail by my house since it is away from any traffic and along the river. Beautiful!! I don't run because I always tense up to where it starts hurting my back...though, I would love to change that. And weights...well...they're pretty much are the devil's creation! Leg and Ab workouts aren't so bad, but I LOATHE anything upper body.
  • Amie_46
    Amie_46 Posts: 60
    8 Months

    I was very inconsistent with my exercise until recently, when I signed up for a 10k. Now I train 6 days a week and I love it! I totally love the way it makes me feel, powerful, in control, fit, and like I am accomplishing something.

    I recommend switching it up until you find something (or lots of things!) you enjoy. Don't limit yourself to just one thing, or you will get bored really fast.

    Also, try to find a goal and then train for that. You say you want to be a runner? Try the Couch to 5 K program?

    There are lots of exercise programs out there to try and follow. Commit yourself and don't look back!

    Good Luck,
  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    I still feel sick before a high intensity resistance session... It's been a year and I haven't adapted to "heavy lift days"... they hurt!

    Cardio on the other hand delivers a high.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Been at this a little over a year and I still hate working out.
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    It took a good 3 or 4 weeks... Just push yourself... You are doing it for you after all.

    And i just started running a program i found here works well... and its nice to see your stamina improving... its called C25k

    its a series of free podcast. I was surprised how good the music was... And dont get discouraged if you have to modify the plan a bit... I did week one for 2 weeks because i wasnt ready for it... JUST DONT GIVE UP!!!

    Take a buddy or give up something you like...

    I gave up drinking, smoking, SMOKING!, and sex... lol until I lose 30 lbs.

    Ive lost 18... 12 more to go.. and its only been month...
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    When I first started I didnt enjoy it, it was hard work. Exercise shouldnt be something you need to do it should be something you want to do. It does get addictive and for me makes me happier doing it. I did realize Im very out of shape but Im working on that. My goal is to be skinny and fit. I used to only do 30 minutes a day when I started 30 days ago but everyday I added time and effort with setting small reachable goals. Now I work out 2 hours a day and I also want to be a runner, working towards that building my stamina by running 60 - 90 seconds, walking for 4 then running then walking. Once that is no longer a challenge I will move the length and speed of my running.
    I look at sweating as fats cells crying, its not flattering but its something that has to happen for the fat to go away.
    For me it took about 2 weeks when I reached one of my big goals 15 days early to be able to walk 5 miles a day and not feel dead from it, thats when the determination and devotion to myself really kicked in.

    You will get there maybe you just have to find an exercise you love doing.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Personally, I loathe it.

    Haha, I know how you feel! I workout 4-5 times a week. And although it does make me feel good... I still hate having to do it sometimes!
  • Shunhades
    Shunhades Posts: 16
    I wouldn't say that I hate exercise, nor do I enjoy it. I guess i'm just seeing it as apart of my routine. Like I was using my exercise bike while watching a movie and before I knew it i'd done about 15 minutes on it, and I thought i'd only done 5 minutes. I find distracting myself while working out works for me because I don't notice. xD
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i wouldn't say i love it, but i certainly don't mind it and it wasn't until i did it almost every day.

    i got rid of my car 4 years ago and over the last year and a half have used my bike almost exclusively to commute to work & back (a 20mile rt). i do this 4 days a week and then on the weekends i usually have one day i don't bike at all, but have to use it in general just to get around town and run errands.

    i won't lie. there are days i simply don't want to get on the bike. but usually after about 10 minutes in, i feel relaxed and happy and energized. i have coffee and water and music and a nice breeze, beautiful things to see (half of my ride is through a throughway that has a great bike lane and a running / walking path down the middle. it is lined with deciduous trees, so it is constantly an ever-changing landscape/

    i burn about 1000cals /day so i don't worry about what i eat too much because i eat reasonably lean most of the time (i get a little fatty around the beginning of the month because i'm soon to start my girl time). i always log it though, just to be sure.

    so i don't know if it's something that you really enjoy doing until you do it often.
  • galaxysue
    galaxysue Posts: 83 Member
    well I really was overweight and I hated exercise, I started off exercising at home far too embarrased to show my body in a gym. That was all throughout the winter, in the spring I took to jogging on a mini trampoline in the garden, by then I had shifted some weight then I joined a gym I was already slightly fit with work done at home, and now I just LOVE my exercise routines, just stick at it!!!
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    You have to find something you enjoy...something you crave and can't wait to go do. Zumba worked for me. I feel MORE energetic after an hour of Zumba than when I started. It's the only thing I've found where when I realize it's almost over I'm contemplating doing another round of it. I've never liked treadmills/ellipticals because they're too boring and repetitive. With Zumba, I don't have time to think about anything besides keeping up.

    Swimming, dancing, hot yoga, spinning classes...just keep trying things out until you find what's enjoyable for you.
  • I hated running. HATED it. After a week of running every other day, it suddenly became way easier and I started to like it! Stick with it and it gets better.
    Good luck.

    Also agree with everyone saying find something you love doing. For me that's ice hockey. But I can't afford to train at the moment so boring gym it is! Or running outside, which is nice in good weather.
  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    About 3 months into it I started loving it =) I still think of it as work but I love the afterglow and the good feelings I get when i'm done working out.. If i go two days without working out I really hate how I feel. (more tired, lazy..) Anyways now i'm addicted to it so I'm at the gym almost every day =) Hope this helped.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I feel good about myself after I have worked out but I HATE it before and during!!!! Right now I am injured so I am not working out and I kinda love it however I should be forcing myself to do like abs and arms and stuff. If I cant do cardio I can still do weights but right now im just enjoying the excuse of im injured!!! lol
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    One thing I can suggest is to scale back the intensity of your workouts just a bit. Just enough so that when you think about your last workout it doesn't have a negative feeling associated with it. When you reflect on your last workout you should feel accomplished and proud. Do it for several weeks this way, and once you have a routine going, then ramp up the intensity.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I said pretty much this exact thing to my husband this afternoon. That exercise sucks because I hate being sweaty and out of breath. I'm doing c25k and I dread those days. Doing the 30 day shred isn't as bad, but I don't care for that either. I also don't feel good when I'm done, I just feel relieved that it's over.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I have a love hate relationship with exercise... I struggle to get motivated to do it, but once I start I just want to keep going and I love the feeling after a really good work out :smile: And I love all the outdoorsy things I can do in the summer like hiking and mountain biking that burn a lot of calories, but are so fun they don't even feel like a work out.
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    My favorite part is when it's finally over! :wink: Seriously though, I have a few workout partners now, so it is always a bit of a "social hour" for me and I actually look forward to it. Plus I hit the gym during lunch so I am happy to get out of a work for a bit.
  • I hated exercise until I found Zumba. I bought the DVD's and I have been doing them since the New Year and have lost 20lbs and feel great. I actually look forward to doing Zumba and haven’t missed many days since I started. Yesterday Wii Zumba arrived so I now have even more variety to add to the exercise routine otherwise I get bored! This is the only exercise I have ever enjoyed. It is easy, fun and it works.
  • you just need to stop doing the things you dont enjoy and find something you do like.... swimming works for me and burns loads of calls and I walk to work and back whenever possible you dont have to be an exercise freek to make a difference. xx good luck xx