How long did it take before you actually ENJOYED exercise?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Running - about 4 months
    Aerobics - 3 lessons. The first two were hell and I couldn't walk the next day, but after that I loved it.

    I have been exercising hard for about 8 months (before that I walked a lot, and occasionally went on a rowing machine), with a month gap when I had pneumonia in Nov/Dec, and I feel irritable if I have a day off now.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    I'm just hoping I'm going to see results from all the walking I've been doing lately because I too hate intense exercise and walking is one of the only things I can somehow just push myself to do (been walking 3-5 miles daily). If I don't see/feel some results in another week's time I will face the facts and add something a little more intense because these pounds have got to go!

    Good luck to you!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I still after 14 months don't LOVE exercize. I don't look forward to doing it really, I look forward to getting over with for the day. There are some workouts I like (plyometrics and my treadmill and dancing/zumba) but I'd still much rather do nothing, yet 6 days a week I faithfully workout 1-2 hours.

    In the summer I do like outdoor running
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    It's been about 16 months for me and I still have to convince myself to get started. Though when I don't workout I do miss the endorphins and immediately notice a difference in my mood. I always have to tell myself "nobody regrets a workout after it's done"
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I love all the endorphins that come with a good workout. I never had a problem with working out
  • catsquirrelgirl
    Hi for me its been a bit stop start, but I found out I liked running outdoors in less than 10 weeks. Mainly because I started a 10 week plan I found on the internet, a run/walk plan, where you increase the time running, but still have regular walking breaks, till, gulp you are doing 30 minutes without stopping. Unbelieveable I thought - so I gave it a go and long story short I ran my first half marathon last year (very slowly, but hey there was more of me to carry round those 21ks). I am currently in training to do another half marathon in 6 weeks time. Ok I slacked off a bit late 2010 and got distracted, but after a few months of regular running the old body is doing that getting better and fitter thing. So I think the trick is find what makes you feel alive, be it running, dancing, swimming whatever and then recognise what changes your body goes through and how it responds to you pushing it, cause its gonna be getting better and you can feel good about the payoff. Then just throw in some tricks or cheats to get you from couch to whereever it is you do your thing. For instance, I find getting out hard, but once I'm off running up some road I enjoy it. So I 'cheat' and run home from work or into work, using my commuting time for me. Or I arrange to go out with a mate running, so I know I'll go out and we go to parks or lakes/canals so we can get a bit of scenery in with our run. I also like my gadgets, my phone tracks my mileage and I love my heart rate monitor, cause I can what my heart is up to and how quick it recovers - but that's just me, I think its cool to see whats happening. Now I aint no racing snake, but when I hit my stride, music in my ears, wind keeping me cool, I feel strong and alive. And now the trees are getting leaves and it is lighter, it is just good to have me time, moving through the world as it wakes up. Anyway, hope you find the thing that interests you, challenges you and charges you and then (once you've started!) its more like playing out than working out.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    still waiting
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    Find some kind of exersize you like.. I enjoy walking.. i like the quiet. gives me time to thing. i started walking around downtown where it is flat... but now do hills.. (and try to avoid bears). I also found Zumba. I just love to dance, so this was a great fit for me. treadmill.. i still find boring. not hot on weights either. but i find that now (been about 6 months) i HAVE to exercise or a feel horrible.

    good luck to you and like i said.. try to find something you like to do.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I never disliked it. As everyone said, though, I have preferences. I hate running, for example. I only run if something scary is chasing me.

    I love the elliptical, hot yoga, strength training, recumbent bike and dancing. Try to focus on the results. I can feel my muscles getting stronger and more defined and that drives me to continue.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I still don't love it! I do love the feeling after a really good run when I can push myself to do a good run but exercise in general is still kinda blah to me. I used to & still love going for runs in my parents neighborhood but I only get to go up there about once every 2 months! I wish I lived in a nice neighborhood with trees & stuff I could workout around & enjoy everyday!! I find working out outside to be much much more enjoyable than at a stuffy gym :/