manic4titans Member


  • I am 10 pounds heavier too. Can't seem to get moving today. Very sluggish. Walked through bedroom to get in shower but the bed invited me to snuggle. Hopefully I will walk later.
  • I didn't get enthusiastic until I ordered it , and Amazon allowed me to read the intro. Maybe because I have been slacking is the reason for my excitement plus the scale dropped. I am still not below what I was when I first joined MFP
  • Hey, yall! I got on the scales this am expecting the worse. I lost 3.2 from my last weigh in! I hope the last few days do not catch up with me. I ordered the new Strong book early this am from Amazon. You can get it 30% off using the HOLIDAY30 code at check out. I purchased it for $13.xx :p The code is good until 11/30 and…
  • Julie, I lift for all reasons. I want to be strong and lean. Plus, I hate cardio. Ha! I haven't lifted in months although, I plan to get back once I talk with Dr about labrum tear. I am excited to get back. I felt AWESOME! Yesterday, was a bad bad day of eating. Today I did have a slice of pumpkin pie for breakfast but I…
  • Beeps for well over a year I have been curious about a hip thrust. I can't imagine me doing one Just what does it do. Thanks sue!
  • MRI RESULTS: labrum tear. Will see dr who specializes in tears on Dec 16 if not sooner. I requested to be on a call list. The Dr I saw specializes in hip replacements. Thankfully I don't need that.
  • I am not sure what happened to my 2 posts! but I'll try for a 3rd time. Dawn you look awesome! Keep up the great work. Sludge is moving faster than me today. I will walk because tomorrow I have the MRI and errands. The rest of the week-weekend I'll be out of town. No exercise until next week. Beeps, I messaged Sam on fb.…
  • I will know about surgery after the mri with arthrogram Wednesday. I am almost wishing for surgery. A friend of mine had it and was back up in a week. But from what I read lifting and squats are out for 3 months. So I guess it depends on the severity Anyone find Sam? I might need to stalk her in Facebook! Great work out…
  • You are welcome, SueBoo! Yes, Beeps, go find them! Where's Sam? Hi, Jo! Today was not a good eating day. I ate 2 huge meals! No walking today. I was too busy (church and eating :expressionless: ) Plus, I have a major headache in an 7.5 hour time frame I took 4 advil and 2 tylenol. It has eased some.
  • Hey, ladies. Long time no chat. I see LOTS of new people. BEEPS! I am here! :p The plan : Start lifting by the new year. I am sure I'll have hip surgery to repair a labrum tear in the next coming weeks. I don't think I can lift for 2-3 months after that. :(
  • Sam, :( perk up sweet cheeks. You can do it. Made it to the gym for a quick 35 minute walk. No time to lift. DNA, it makes me happy that you can laugh about it.
  • ((sigh)) I am tired. I woke up at 3:30am , rolled out of bed at 4:30 because I couldn't sleep, and had my workout, errand, and shower completed before 10am. EXTREMELY atypical . I am sore from the past 2 days. The lack of inactivity is catching up with me. Sitting down or getting up has become dreaded. I have set some…
  • Hey, ladies. I am trying to get my head back on straight! No promises. It really did help me chatting and logging in here. It held me accountable. Sooooooo, I plan on being here more. Hello, to the newbies (maybe not so new anymore but you don't me) Yesterday, I walked 32 minutes and 2 miles. BW squats, the DREADED step…
  • Hey ladies! I know I've been MIA on here. I can't keep up with yall (in various ways ie. eating, working out, reading, chatting. LOL) I'll try to be more active once the NY is here. We will be out of the town for the next 7 days. Keep up the awesome work.
  • Hi, ladies. I worked arms and legs yesterday and I am feeling it in my glutes tonight! Today I worked shoulders and back. It is so hard getting back in the mode. I gained a bunch of weight back . between vacation, surgery, and vacation again it has messed me up. HUGE! Welcome to the newbies.
  • I don't have hormones anymore :bigsmile: I haven't had a mood swing or that nasty gross feeling. I still crave sweets but in the past 8 weeks I haven't been up and down with the cravings. Saying that..... I really want a donut right now. LOL Beeps , you look awesome! PFFTTTT seven pounds heavy my BLEEP! Sue, what's going…
  • I've been slacking , ladies. It is hard to get back into routine. I made it to the gym today and upped my protein. I have had over 60 g today. WOOHOO GO ME. I am in sore in places that I have forgotten about.
  • Went to the gym today! AAAACK! It felt like I NEVER EVER lifted. I did 3 arm and 3 leg lifts (curls, extensions, squats, etc) and 10 minute elliptical. I didn't think I could walk out of that place. I only used 5 lbs for arms : I had been doing 20 lbs per arm. squats NONE . leg extension I could only do 17.5 pounds for…
  • Doc said I could lift, exercise, back to regular activities as I could tolerate. WOOHOO THEN my donut shop owning neighbor brought over fresh donuts. So I had to eat one to celebrate. :grumble: :ohwell: I'll be at the gym tomorrow. And I need to get that protein back up! I am shooting for 75 daily as I did previously.
  • Today is the day! Headed to the dr appt and hopefully be released! wish me luck
  • I am chomping at the bit to get back to lifting! FIVE more days before I will know.
  • Thanks , SueBoo! I had pneumonia after surgery so I had to be re-admitted to hospital for 2 or 3 days. I can't remember it all is a blur. I was so sick! I didn't care about logging or anything. Jamaica, I am hoping when I go back for a 6 week (09/22) follow up Dr will allow be to start lifting again. We'll see.......
  • thanks yall for the well wishes. I am counting down the days. Getting back in the gym will be like starting all over. :cry: I need to increase my protein a little each day. It will help with healing plus get me back to where I need to be. Sam, I am jealous that you live so close to an amusement park. Next Friday we leave…
  • Hello, Ladies! it has been a little over 2 weeks since surgery . I am finally over the pneumonia which I had to be re-hospitalized for. I had a dr appt yesterday. He wanted to look at stitches and see how I was doing. I go back in 4 weeks and hope to be released for regular duties and LIFTING! I haven't read the thread . I…
  • Hey, yall! I missed yall. I have had a LOT going in my life. Lifting and eating right have been on the back burner. It all seems to be falling in place for the good (except with my daughter. Nothing new or changed with her) My lifting will be on hold for another 7 weeks. Next week I will have an hysterectomy . Hopefully,…
  • I am HOME! Eating out at restaurants has been sickening! :sick: Summer traveling is done until our last bout in September. Sam, have you received your money back?
  • 0/3 I weighed last week! EEEK but I was down in weight! LOL I haven't been to the gym in over a week. I have noticed more definition in my arms. Yay for loss of water retention in muscles. I realized why I am in a funk! The new med I am taking. It makes me sleepy and decreases my appetite (hence the weight loss). I will be…
  • Cyclist and swimmers aren't getting the "weight bearing" they need. ANY exercise that is weight bearing (weightlifting, walking, running, jump rope) is great for bone density. Plus, Sam had a great explanation of the calcium being pulled out due to the lack of weight bearing.