Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ((sigh)) I am tired. I woke up at 3:30am , rolled out of bed at 4:30 because I couldn't sleep, and had my workout, errand, and shower completed before 10am. EXTREMELY atypical .

    I am sore from the past 2 days. The lack of inactivity is catching up with me. Sitting down or getting up has become dreaded. I have set some personal goals to meet by next Friday, as follows:

    1. 2 miles under 30 minutes by next Friday. Today I hit it in 30:4 (or something like that . brain fog....)
    2. Adding weight back to the squats and deadlifts. I want to have at least 25 pounds for squats and 45 deadlifts. I was up to 50 pounds with goblet squats and 40 lbs with bench squats. The deadlifts I think were 80 pounds.
    3. Increase activity by 3-5 minutes. Instead of 45 minutes I would like to have a time of 48-50 minutes (4-5 days a week) by February 7th.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Just tried to do one of these, slipped and kissed the floor... and then I burst out laughing ROFL Got it on the second go :stuck_out_tongue:

    In other news, I think I *need* a set of rings and a TRX system. Like really *need* it :wink:

    Beeps, what if you walked in with a door-frame pull-up bar and hung it in some completely conspicuous place... maybe they'd get the hint LOL

    I am finished BT3. Onto BT4 next week. Not on my usual Monday as we'll be driving, but I'm sure I'll work around that. Kids go back to school on Wednesday!

    I did something naughty and did two days in a row. But that's 'cos tomorrow I'm going into the city for shopping and lunching and staying overnight in one of the flashiest hotels in town with the husband. He's working on Saturday, we have no children, so we're going to make the most of it!

    I really have to get back into routine. I'm sitting on my backside way too much.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Did a video of the tri push-ups. Then I went and made a YouTube Channel. Why? Because really lol


    Yes, I'm avoiding work again.... :wink:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hahaha dna tricep push ups are beastly. I struggle with back arch rather than anything else.... not sure why as I don't have a weak core. It's just not something my body likes to do.

    Home from hols tomorrow - looking forward to getting back into 'normal' routine... kids back to school next tues/weds. That said, I start my new job in a couple of weeks, so shift work is sure to wreck things. I have my bedroom to decorate between now and then (or it will never get done) and sort out a new workout program. I am hoping for 3 x lifting, 2 x cardio and 1 x yoga/ balance/ stretch to increase flexibility. With 3 kids doing after school activities and working pretty much full time.... yeah, wish me luck! Sigh. At least my gym does early/ daytime/ evening classes. And if I was really prepared, I could gym before an early shift (7am start). Again..... wish me luck. I am going to morph into a miserable fat blob :'(

    And somehow.... whilst on hols.... I appear to have lined up 2 more research projects.... FFS, I am crazy :s
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    dna, triceps pushups are killer. But they do get the job done. I did them in StrongCurves and I think I was only able to work up to about 5 with good form.
    Manic, it looks like you're on the right track- setting small goals to get you where you want to be.
    Julie, a maintenance day isn't always a bad thing.
    Made it to the "HIIT" class today. Really it was just a bunch of Jillian Michaels/Beach Body type stuff. Bunch of cardio with very little rest. Not a HIIT class- just a hardcore cardio class. I don't think I will try to go back. I can do true HIIT on my own time and do activities that are more fun.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'mm just going to keep my negativity over here and say, Happy lifting ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    It is just a gym for the employees of the office I work at! So, it serves noone except these 200 employees! As you know, most people don't exercise or use the gym. Those that do mostly use the cardio machines.

    Anyway, i raced to the local rec centre over lunch....had a weight workout. Place was fine. Not stellar. One squat rack. One power rack. Still no pull-up machine with assist, no rumble rollers, no bands. Bought ten passes. That will last one month.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Sam, are you okay?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, :( perk up sweet cheeks. You can do it.

    Made it to the gym for a quick 35 minute walk. No time to lift.

    DNA, it makes me happy that you can laugh about it.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Welcome back manic

    Dna, thanks for the video, love your page there. Hope you enjoy your weekend with your hubby, it sounds great.

    Julie, I've been doing the same thing with my workouts lately. I never got to finish reading strong curves so I've been doing SL with some exercises from SC because it doesn't feel like enough.

    Sam, hope your ok and it was nothing more than a crappy day, sending hugs your way. <3

    Seems like we've got a lot of new jobs around here which is great! I'm getting into a bit of a routine, but I know it will change. Unfortunately my new position requires me to learn all the accounts under my managers so I can fill in when people are off, so I will never have a set office. But at least I will know more than the other people and it sounds like this is a position with more promise for advancing so I'll make due. I've found a better route to work & cut my commute down to 30-40 minutes which is much better :D

    Love, I may get around to finishing stage 7 because its irking me that I didn't. Feels like I spent all that time and gave up with 3 workouts left.

    I've gone back to running on my elliptical ( is it called running on it?) I did my first mile in 7min 40 sec which to a personal best. I'm not a running but I no longer get to do my cardio & hiit stuff at work so this is what I'm reduced to :'(
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hola, all!

    Stage 7W5 done. I have a confession to make: I've only been doing 3 sets of the "A" superset. I just can't bring myself to do that 4th set. *shrugs* Ah well.

    Sam, I hope you're okay!

    Good luck with the research, Jo!

    Enjoy your weekend, ladies!!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Love-lol! Iundeerstand that decision completely!!:wink:

    Ali-glad you're feeling good about work! Laughed at your cardio! Sure is better than nothing! :)

    Sam- ((hugs))

    DNA-have a wonderful get away!!

    Beeps-sounds like a good option :).

    Bbc-sorry the class wasn't better :(. I'm not as into classes anymore, but think I will check out the new ones at the new gym once I'm there. Variety is the spice of life!

    I'm doing well, leveling gluteal goddess (hate the name though!) I did tweak my knee, again, when I tried the high step ups today. I guess I'm not as "healed" as I thought I was :(. Sigh. I finished the workout and feel great! Hope my knee gets itself together...I'm a "rub some dirt in it, Suck it up" kinda gal and don't have time for knee nonsense!

    On a positive note...we're planning a vacation to Maui this year!! And our BFFs are talking about coming too!!! Woohoo!! There's some definite incentive there....all week in a bathing suit? Yup! Keeping the pedal to the metal with my workouts! :)
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    It is amazing how short stage 1 workouts are but how effective they are. Almost complete with week 1
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had a mixed night with one lift going very blah but the others went well.

    Workout B

    Squat - 5x5 @ 135 - Doing back squats again. I dropped down to 135 instead of doing 145. I'll move up from here and work towards that 150 goal.

    OHP - 1x4 @ 70, 1x4 @ 65, 3x5 @ 60 - Bleh. This one was just off tonight. I hadn't done it in the power cage in a while and some reason struggled even getting off the rack. They felt rough but I powered through at the end.

    Deadlift - 1x5 @ 135 warm up and 1x5 @ 190 - Went up 5 lbs instead of 10 and it was rough. Felt heavy so I think that I'm going to do this weight next time. Getting closer to that 200, woot!

    3x8 @ 160 leg press then 30 minutes walk on treadmill.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You ladies are awesome. I'm just trying to count my blessings and focussing on the positive. Life really isn't that bad. I just feel bad, but I'm working on it.
    Game plan:
    Watch my carbs, they are killing my blood sugar
    Get more sleep, Sorry honey, but mama's going to bed
    Limit caffeine (Dr. wants me off altogether.)
    Gym three times a week no matter what (2 lifts one class in.)
    Get back on my vitamin regime
    I need to take what I have learned the past two years, and apply it.
    I had a better workout last night. Squat 4x6@95. Not a huge number but I was really focussed on form. I' leaning too far forward and put too much weight on my toes.

    Beeps, I hope you have what you need.
    Manic, glad you're getting back out there. It's good to see you doing your thing again.
    Happy lifting ladies, and thanks for the support
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Aaaaggggghhhhh, too little time to workout this week. So unlike me. Not my style. It is funking me up!

    Anyway, hoping next week will be better.

    I will weigh in on Tuesday....hoping to see the five lbs down. I was at four this week. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Got a short walk in today and that was it.

    Tomorrow I will do a 2-for-1....squat day and bench day. BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    You can do it Beeps!

    I had an okay workout even though I failed on bench again. Still going strong and am on week 11 of Stronglifts now.

    Day A

    Squat - 5x5 @ 140 - Felt pretty good though had one in the middle where I went even lower and questioned my ability to get back up. But made it through in the end.

    DB bench - 3x8 @ 27.5 - benches were all taken and it was hard to get one over by the dumbbells but I used it while I waited to do regular bench.

    Bench - 1x5, 1x4 @ 90, 3x5 @ 85 - fail number 3. It was rough but okay at first then last rep on set 2 couldn't get it up. Had to rack in the low spot and get out from under it. But managed to do the last 3 sets at 85. Next time is de-load.

    Row - 5x5 @ 95 - Actually didn't feel too bad this time. I'm going to try 100 next.

    30 minute walk treadmill.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning!!

    Australia Day here today, so I'm actually away at my brother's place and gearing up for a BBQ lunch before driving home this afternoon.

    Looks like there will only be two lifting sessions this week, but I think I needed the mini break - legs still achey from all the walking I did on Friday and Saturday lol

    Shall start BT4 on Wednesday morning, which is also the day the kids oh back to school - woot!! But I now have kids in Grade 3 & Grade 6... My girl is almost in high school!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am so, so far behind on this thread!

    I am finishing Hypertrophy 1 this week and I've been loving it. Made some decent progress on a lot of the lifts and I'm loving the mix of 4x6, 3x12, and 2x20. I kind of love the 2x20 in some ways...so whoever it was who posted before and said they hate them, we are opposites!

    Technically I am winning the war against the binge this month as I've had more good days than bad, but more bad days than I'd like still. Dh and I are leaving for a kid-free cruise this Friday and while I know that I will go up a few pounds due to all the delicious food and lots of laying in the sun, I am still going to the hit the gym a few times to keep in the routine. I won't start Hypertrophy 2 until I am back but will do a bit of lifting and a little easy cardio. I feel better about the lots of eating and lounging when I do.

    Oh, and I am down a couple of pounds this month as well as some inches. Not sure how many as I have been too lazy to measure but I feel tighter and clothes are a bit looser. Definitely faster results than from NROLFW for me.