Daily Chat Thread



  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Oh gosh, I have been missing for 2 full pages of posts!

    Sam, a 95 lbs squat is great. I had to back off my weight and start from the bar when I got sick the other day. I'm so looking forward to getting to 95 lbs. Soon I hope.

    pudding, enjoy your cruise!

    girlstrionce, congrats on the loss!

    beeps, your gym sounds totally awesome!

    pmag, <hugs>

    julie, when is the Maui trip? Sounds nice! I need to start planning a vacation so I have something to motivate me.

    love, congrats on finishing NROLFW!

    AFM, nothing much to report. Except I was sick for a few days and wondered if I was pregnant (but really really hoped I wasn't). Anyway, guess it was just a bug, I feel much much better today. Looking forward to the gym later. Squat and DL day. Need I say more?
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow you all are doing great! I completed week 2 today of Stage 1. Loving it. Lost another 1.1 lbs.

    Today has been a bit stressful afternoon as got my study guide for first nursing exam next friday today so spent all afternoon/evening completing it. It is 10 pages long. Hope I do well. Lookig forward to next weekend already as i will have a semi break from studies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Superbowl = go Seattle!

    And....my inner chowhound is in FULL swing!!

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Dawn, your numbers are amazing!

    I'm on my cruise and won't likely have wifi after today, but I hit the ship gym this morning and got compliments from an older man in the weight room. I was doing some three point rows and he said I was doing some serious lifting, and that he doesn't usually see women going hag heavy. I joked that I have two little boys who I need to be able to wrangle :) I should have just told him the truth....that I like to eat :P
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Pudding-go girl! Have a blast!

    Lol beeps! Looks good for your team right now!

    Girls-great job on the loss! Hope you do well on your exam!

    JL-I'm de loading my squat as I work on going deeper, box squats are tough! I thought I was going low enough but I wasn't :(. You'll get it back. Glad you're feeling better! Still waiting on our friends for Maui, not sure when we'll know...but I'm getting impatient!

    Got some cardio in on Friday and went for a walk today during half time. Better on the cardio already! Dropping cals a bit further this week, hoping for some fat loss. Hoping this chest cold leaves! It's getting in my way, kinda making me tired and feels heavy on my lungs. Kind of burning. More annoying than painful...but really hope I can go lift tomorrow. :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey all I had a rough week but next week will be better.
    Dawn your rows are awesome.


    DNa nutrition is so important
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited February 2015
    Another night lifting after work for me.

    Julie - You'll get there. :smile:
    Pudding - aww thanks.
    Pmag - Row was the hardest for me to figure out but doing pendlay from floor has helped as I was doing just bent over rows before. Don't think I could pick up from the low rack on the platform, moved back, get into position, then do the set like I was doing before I gave in and went to stacking plates to get the height needed.

    Workout B
    Squat 5x5 @ 150 - bit of a struggle and my back bothered me a little afterwards
    OHP 1x4 @ 70, 1x4@ 65, 3x5 @ 60 - might try again next time after some rest and with a lighter squat but technically should de-load
    Deadlift 1x5 warmup @ 135, 1x5 @ 195 Almost there and oddly didn't feel as hard as 190 so next time, going for 200.

    35 minutes treadmill walking.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I too aspire to do one unassisted pull up someday! I practice with negative pull ups like on Scooby's video.

    Puppy Bowl XI was great as always! But I thought the MVP would be Henry, not Cara! Fixed! Fixed! :D The goat cheerleaders were as good as ever...meep the bird that tweets, Katty Furry halftime show...aaahhhh..... :D

    Today, I lift!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You all are doing so well!
    Beeps, I totally agree on the 5 lifts. I HATE squats and BP, but I do them because I know they are excellent compound lifts.
    Pmag, feel better this week!
    Julie, I've decided that I wish I would've done SC before I did NROL4W. It's actually a more gradual introduction to heavy lifting. I think that NROL4W should be required reading, but I think SC focuses on form more (i.e., box squats, goblet squats, body weight movements, etc).
    JL, you will get back up to 95lbs in no time. I've really had to back off the weight in the past several months on my squats too simply because of form issues, but I've worked back up to almost body weight.
    Pudding, enjoy the cruise! How awesome to get a compliment from a stranger.
    Jo, you're so close to having visible abs- I have no doubt you will be able to accomplish it!
    dna, I bet your hubs has no idea how very strong you really are! I tell my hubs how much I can lift and he (never lifted in his life) always asks, "Is that a lot?", LOL.

    Upper body today. My back is a little achy from overdoing it on hang cleans last week. I need to either learn to keep the weight low or just quit doing them. I'm still learning the form. On a good note, I did 255lbs X 2 on hip thrusts Saturday.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just to add to the pull-up discussion. This article has some good stuff in it.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Bbc-dude! That's a heavy WHT! What pad do you use? I just ordered a new one to help with bruising. Lol at dh! You are a strong lady, he should be proud!
    BP-I wanted to see the puppy bowl. Sounded so cute! Maybe next year we'll figure out where to find it!
    Dawn-go girl!

    I'm sick :(. Drat. Gonna skip the gym today and rest. Drank a gallon of hot tea yesterday and went to bed early, but not better yet. Low grade fever and night sweats...not good :(. I'm never sick! Too many visits to my mom in the hospital and nursing home I guess. Sigh. What's the general option on lifting lightly if you feel up to it? I don't want to spread it, but I don't want to miss a whole week either...:(
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Jo, you're so close to having visible abs- I have no doubt you will be able to accomplish it!

    Hahaha, so far from the truth! And I have gained since my pics were taken (both muscle and fat). So, my lifts are almost back up to pre holiday weight - hurrah. Pretty sure I've identified my injury as being an issue with my periformis - it's improving but taking a while. Have started doing Body Balance and yoga stretches in efforts to loosen my hips up - they are shocking!

    Someone asked if I went to the Doctor - yes! 5 tubes of blood later and am going back for results at the end of the week.

    Feel better Julie.
    Dawn - amazing!
    dna - nice decision re: uni
    girlstrionce - good luck!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Barbell, thanks for the link!

    Julie, the Puppy Bowl is always so much fun to watch! Oh, no! Sorry you are not feeling well...hope you get better soon.
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey all! I haven't posted much but I read through the thread daily for tips and inspiration. I just wanted to share a couple small victories from the gym last night :)!
    1: I did my first 90 second plank! I was so thrilled when I made it that I looked around for someone I knew to tell, but couldn't find anyone :( lol.
    2: Last night was my second stage 3 A workout of New Rules, and at the end is the dreaded body weight matrix. My first time I couldn't do the lunge jumps hardly at all and my time was around 4 minutes. Last night I was able to do all the lunge jumps and my second round was finished in 3 1/2 minutes! Again , I looked around for a high five but found no one...

    You all are such awesome ladies and
    great inspiration! Keep up the great work !
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    HIGH FIVE to tauny78 :-)

    I have my first PT session today.... and am crippled by ovulation pain :s FFS. Panadol and Ibuprofen for breakfast then.......
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Ovulation pain?!?!?

    Good grief!

    I, myself, feel bloated and terrible but my period is not showing up. F*c* peri-menopause....this is for the birds!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lower weight tonight because my back off to the right side is still achy.

    Workout A

    Squat - 5x5 @ 115 - nice and low, didn't feel bad though my left hip aches a little when I squat.

    Bench - 5x5 @ 85 - managed okay but did feel heavy at the end.

    leg press - 3x8 @ 140 - while i waited to do rows. Also did leg extension at an easy wait.

    front squat - 1x5, 2x8 @ 45 - waiting still to row.

    Row - 5x5 @ 95 - to be safe with the back, went lighter than last time.

    35 minute walk on treadmill.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Ovulation pain?!?!?

    Good grief!

    Yep, it's complete BS. As if period pain every month was not enough, no, I am one of the (un)lucky few who experience 12 hours of one sided agony (think knife through your side) every other fortnight :-/ It's *kitten*. It's worse than my actual period.

    PT session today - we are going to work out my 1 rep max on all the big lifts to set some goals. Bench (feeble) and rows today - squats and OHP next Monday. I have been instructed to increase cals, now at 2200. Adjusted macro ratios to 40:30:30 - now 160g protein! Eeeek.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I started BT3 on Monday and my abs are aching today! Which is unfortunate because I have a cough and every time I cough I am in agony! Ah well, workout B tonight should help with that...

    Dawn, you continue to amaze me with your numbers. I am enjoying supercharged but I can't wait to get back into some HEAVY lifting!

    I have added negative chin ups into my routine to try to get me to my goal of being able to do chin ups and pull ups. I have another random fitness goal though that I am not sure how to go about training for and welcome any suggestions. For years I have wanted to be able to get from lying on my back to standing on my feet by flipping myself up without using my hands (like Buffy the vampire slayer does!). I know its random but I would feel so bad *kitten* if I could do it. Anyone know if there is anything (other than lots of core work) that I could do to build up to this?

    what is a puppy bowl? Is this sport related or something completely different?
    Jo, i hope the results come back with good information (i.e. tell you want is wrong and how easy it is to fix it!)

    Julie, I hope you feel better soon. I think if you are ill you should probably just rest until you feel better. I know it is hard to take a week off (or in my case, incredibly easy to take a week off!) but you will get better quicker if you rest.

    Barbell, thanks for the link on the pull ups. There were some good suggestions in there.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Dou...might you picture America's annual Super Bowl (American Football)? Puppy Bowl is the same, save it is all about puppies! Very refreshing!!This past Sunday was Puppy Bowl XI. Oh wait, let me just add the link to explain :)


    Yester I lagged a little bit behind at Zumba, but I think it is because I had a lot of carbs - lesson learnt! Today, I lift!!

    Lift on ladies!!