Daily Chat Thread



  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks for the link bepee, that looks awesome. Brought a smile to my day! :smiley:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    There was me thinking puppy bowl was a typo.......

    I'm lifting today. By butt is sore (from squats or balance), my back is sore (from trying to fix my rows) and I really don't have time, but I don't care. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hello all.
    My pants are tight and I'm not happy about it.
    I too HAVE ovulation pain!! This is fairly new for me. I was on the pill for 17 years except while pregnant, and was not accustomed to ovulation. Now every month my breasts feel like they are going to explode, can;t even sleep without a bra, and I'm exhausted and my appetite is insatiable. It's like having PMS twice a month. At least with the IUD I don't have a flow and by extension no cramps.

    Ok enough with the TMI. Calories have been decent though to make the pants loser I may need a bit more of a deficit :( I've been good about getting to the gym at least 3xweek. Now to try to add #4. Gym was CRAZY crowded last night. No racks AT ALL. Not even the crap *kitten* smiths. I subbed back squats for front squats. TWICE my stuff got ganked!! Even though I left my phone and water bottle next to my bar while I was using the pulley machine. People suck.

    Happy lifting ladies. I'm off to Zumba.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Ovulation pain sounds frightening!

    Squat day, today..so, WHT it is! 12 sets x 5. 155 lb BB. Am sore. BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Caught the grit strength class and a little cardio after today. I missed last week but didn't think they'd change it up quite yet. Turns out, completely different than last time I caught the class. Burpees with the step thing along with more squats, rows, clean and press. Hard and I can't do as much or as fast but I did attempt push-up with the burpees along with doing one set of jumping. My thighs ached during from all the moving and I was instructed to not squat so low, which is always interesting to hear. Nice class though.

    Tomorrow is no exercise, just freight day at work.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I saw the puppy bowl puppies this weekend when I was downtown, my new site that I have to train at is among that super bowl chaos.

    Love, Congrats on finishing!

    Pudding, hope you're have a great time and compliments are awesome especially from strangers who don't know you.

    All my sympathy to yo ladies who get the ovulation pain. That's just not fair.

    Jo, I hope its nothing serious and a simple fix.

    Dawn, you're #'s are amazing!! I'm in total awwww of you.

    Tauny, as my 3 yr would say High Five fist bump! It is such a good feeling when you get those planks. And I don't miss the body matrix :'( They were just awful.

    Dna, good luck with uni, I think you picked the perfect profession for you.

    Julie, I don't want you to have wait so I guess I'll just have to go with you. We can leave all the kids with the men, I'm sure they'll be fine LOL. Feel better soon.

    Sam the ppl at your gym suck!

    Pmag, hope youre feeling better.

    I finally figured out how to get this forum on my phone and my phone works at the site I'm training at this week. I am trying to come to terms that since my new job requires me to fill in for ppl at the different accounts my company has, every Monday will be my first day on the job until I am trained on all the accounts. This is so horrifying for me, I hate change, I stayed at a bad job for 9 yrs because it was comfortable. But I keep telling myself this pays more and I have a family to take care of. I need to get back on my workout schedule too. I'm lifting about 2 a week which is terrible for me. I am still doing SL with my little extras here and there. Right now I don't think I have any goals other than to look & feel better and not gain weight.

    You girls are doing great as always and you keep me motivated.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    I'm exhausted and my appetite is insatiable.

    I hear ya. Except mine is a different kind of appetite ;) Yes beeps - pretty scary, lol

    Sam - busy gyms SUCK. I feel your pain.
    Dawn - class sounds tough - makes it a good one :-)

    So today was supposed to be SL..... but some dude had the rack and I was thinking ok, I'll do it backwards (no time to wait) and do DLs first. Got my 5 reps easy. Tempted by my PT's idea to find out my 1 rep max, I thought I'd carry on and try and up to the 85kg I previously failed (end of supercharged). Got 1 rep each on 82.5kg, 85kg, 87.5kg and then 90kg! That's 198.5lbs to all you American folks. Smashed my PR by 16lbs. That's now 1.66 x bodyweight. And there was no one in the gym to celebrate with - I felt like running around and doing a victory lap :D

    Needless to say, 5 x5 squats didn't really happen after that..... did some OHP, push ups and light squats. Back to SL another day.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-wow! Freaking wow! Amazing!!! Go girl!!

    Ali-good to hear from you! Was traffic a nightmare last week? I avoided anything related to the Super Bowl! Bummer on the changes each week at work, but you're learning a lot and hopefully you'll like the work itself? I've only been getting in 2 lifting visit the past 2 weeks too! We can figure it out and get it going. And yes! I'm up for a girls trip ;).

    Beeps-12 sets? Gah! I tried bw single leg hip thrusts yesterday...my left glute is weak! It was pitiful! Very enlightening! Kutgw!

    Dawn-WTG! That class sounds hard! I wonder about my endurance in some workout like that...I'm probably not as in shape as I'd like to think I am! I'll revisit the classes at my new gym :).

    Sam-man! I thought my gym was bad! I had to steal a OLY bar from a bench for OHP yesterday, and had a hard time finding the space to do it. I hate when it's crowded! Grrr! But good job for getting it done! I just dropped my cals a bit more this week and am FINALLY showing a small loss this week. Fwiw. I'm either under estimating my calories, or my body isn't burning as much as the calculators all say I should be. Hang in there!

    I got to lift yesterday! Woohoo! Surprisingly crowded for 1:30!!! I managed to get my lifts in, and although they weren't stellar, they were pretty good. I'm still coughing and have less energy but I'm nearly well...but I didn't want to wait any longer. I'm resting today (dh's 40th bday!) and will lift tomorrow. Went for a nice walk last night too! Got my 3x cardio in, even though I only lift 2x this week. At least it's progress :). And the scale is back down to early Dec. weight-pre-Christmas and vacation! Woohoo! :smile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Dawn, that class sounds awesome. I always find it amazing that this heavy lifting chick seems to have trouble in the bodyworks class (low weight high rep stuff).
    Jo congrats on the PR!!
    Julie way to keep up the momentum.

    Beeps, today was my third day of squats. Tuesday, front squat (due to lack of rack), Wed. BW squats in zumba, Today, first day of Hypertrophy 2, back squats (4x4@ 115) Anything over 100 these days is a good day at the gym. It is amazing how three months of laziness can just wipe out three years of hard work.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It's a fun class but definitely way different than lifting heavy. While the weight is harder itself when lifting, there is a lot of rest involved as well. I can squat 150, deadlift almost 200, but I'm not really fit yet. I can barely jog for 10 minutes at a given time so far, but am working on it. The speed and repetition are challenging, so I have to remember that when picking a weight for the class because by the end doing clean and press while trying to do more reps than before isn't easy. I'm not overly sore, just my arms a bit, and well my back still, but I do feel it the next day often.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Dou - you are welcome!

    Jo - lol @ thinking the Puppy Bowl was a typo

    I skipped core and Zumba classes yester to rest my hip. I also researched hip stretches as warm up before lifting (to help with squatting). I am going to try those for warm up today before lifting. I did a hip flexor test and realised I have hip flexor tightness. Then I will de-load quite a bit and see if I will be able to go deeper, and also with great form.

    Lift on, ladies!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo- that is freaking crazy strong!!! Congrats on the PR! Here I was happy to be doing 180X2. :p
    Julie, single-leg foot-elevated hip thrusts kill me. But they are so effective. Good job on the loss!
    Bepee, I do the squat-to-stand stretches nearly every workout. I had no idea how much tight flexors could affect your workouts until about a year ago.
    Dawn, throw in 5-10 mins of true HIIT (30 secs of all out 100% effort alternating with 1 min of rest or until your HR recovers) after your workouts. It has improved my overall cardiovascular fitness greatly.
    Ali, you will figure out a routine soon. A job change can be quite stressful.
    Beeps, I hate high volume work. 12 sets sounds horrid!

    Lower body last night. DLs (165 X 1 X 5, 175 X 1X3 180 X 1 X 2) squats (3X5 @125), single-leg thrusts, x-walks, jump squats, followed by skater intervals. I am sore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Did not get workout in, yesterday, so did two splits today! Yikes!! Deadlift day (12 sets of 5) and bench press (same thing), and curtsy lunges, skullcrushers, pushups, kettlebell swings, shoulder press and all my dynaband (hips, fire hydrants, clam shells, abduction) work - plus stretching/rumble-rolling. Fuuuuuucccckkkkk am I DONE. BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    12 sets is rough....but only 5 reps. So, it kind of still only takes 30 minutes to get through that (I did DL-BP-band, DL-BP-band, etc, etc for 12 sets)

    5 reps means BIG WEIGHT. So, in some ways, it beats the 3 x 8's or whatever.

    Although, I went down in my deadlifts today - my back was sore. And, I wanted to go up in my bench press, but I did not. My arms were pretty shaky at the end.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    It is amazing how three months of laziness can just wipe out three years of hard work.

    Soooooooooooo NOT TRUE! You will see that you will be right back "in-the-game" in less than 3 weeks. I PROMISE!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    bepeejaye wrote: »
    I also researched hip stretches as warm up before lifting (to help with squatting). I am going to try those for warm up today before lifting. I did a hip flexor test and realised I have hip flexor tightness.

    More than anything...work on making time for STRETCHING AFTER your weights. Warm-ups are a "nice to have". But, cooldown/stretches are kind of a "MUST", in my books.

    I have hip problems. Well, actually HAD. My constant stretching has my hips in the best shape of my life. For sure.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Weird, I'm the opposite Beeps. I insist on warm up, but usually skip on cool down, even after cardio classes. I use the squat to stand as well. On days when my legs are tight, it definitely gets me ready for those deads or squats.

    I made to the gym for the fourth night in a row. YOu're right Beeps. I FEEL better, I just need the rest of me to catch up. I was definite body image issues during zumba tonight. I was wearing a pair of older workout pants without he belly band... well I was happy with the jiggle in my wiggle. Luckily I got over it pretty quick. Now, I am toast. I just dropped my car off at the dealer so I can't go ANY WHERE tomorrow. OH WELLY lol.

    Beeps, 12x5 is 60 reps, that's INSANE!! You go with your bad self.
    Bepeejay, very wise to rest up and come back strong.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    More than anything...work on making time for STRETCHING AFTER your weights. Warm-ups are a "nice to have". But, cooldown/stretches are kind of a "MUST", in my books.

    Totally agree. A warm up can be anything (I do follow the RAMP in Supercharged, but so long as you're warmed up and ready to go, it can be whatever you want), but I never mess with my stretching after. It makes the difference between minor DOMS and not being able to move some days lol

    Jo, 1.66x bw is AWESOME! WTG :smiley:

    Husband is at work today (Saturday). I've done squad training this morning, baked one lot of cookies, done the groceries and have the first load of washing on. I've also eaten 3 cookies (good thing they're small), and am actively ignoring the other work I have to do.

    I should just get up off my backside and get it done.

    I'm enjoying the different movements that the overhead squats and step ups are giving me. It's making me focus hard on form and my core, which is a really good thing for me. It's not lifting really heavy, but it's sure making me work hard lol

    However, next time I decide to put side lunges in the mix, someone clip me over the back of the head Gibbs-style. I am reminded just how much I hate them. Which I guess means I need to do them :wink:

    Okay, so I'm off to hang out washing and decide whether to make a cake or mini muffins (determined to save some money with the kid's lunch boxes).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Dawn, throw in 5-10 mins of true HIIT (30 secs of all out 100% effort alternating with 1 min of rest or until your HR recovers) after your workouts. It has improved my overall cardiovascular fitness greatly.

    I've heard about the greatness of HIIT but I'll be honest, it seems too much for me at this point. I barely can jog and right now I'm going to try slowly adding couch to 5k but extending the weeks. Last time I tried C25K I also was over 200 lbs and doing zumba. Ended up in pain with my shin and side so didn't last long. I'm going to get proper running shoes this time and go very slow in the increases since I have till June to be capable of jogging 5k. Maybe when I'm more comfortable with my cardio abilities I'll try HIIT.

    Well, I've made it 12 weeks on SL. Though I'm on a de-load on most of the lifts because of my back, it's still fun to see how far I went in that time. Just using the bar and not even knowing how to do certain lifts to lifting much more feels pretty good.

    Workout B

    Squat - 5x5 @ 135 - Felt okay so went to this instead of 120 or anything like that. Still feels heavy and probably won't get 150 again for a while but that's okay.

    OHP - 5x5 @ 55 - Easy on the arms though the spot on back near side ached during some of the sets. I think one issue is the bar is a little too high in the rack so I have to either tip toe to get it out or set it a little too low. Going to try the low setting next time. De-load from failing at 70.

    Deadlift - warmup 1x5 @ 135, oops 1x5 @ 197.5 and 1x4 @ 200 - Yeah, I forgot to add one of the 2.5 plates when I was setting up so did one set at 197.5 then realized what was off. Rested and tried at 200 but the last attempted rep my legs were like "no". However, I think if I hadn't messed up I could have done 1x5 @ 200, so I'm counting it as yay made it to 200!

    3x8 @ 160 leg press and 30 minute walk on treadmill

    Going to lift with this routine little more and re-ponder my lifting schedule based on work and the eventual addition of 5k training (which means in part the little cardio after lifting will be less because I'll get my cardio at a different time). Going to try and take progress pictures around middle of month if I can get courage to ask coworker to help (it's hard using my one mirror and step stool cause I'm too short), then foresee starting NROLFW not long after that.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I think warm up and cool down are equally important. A good warm up prevents injury during the lifts and a good cool down reduces DOMS and aids flexibility.