Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So the physio says I have torn one of my glute muscles. :'( Bad times. Lots of rest and stretching. And definitely no squatting 3 x per week. He says my issues are that my hip flexors and my glutes are too tight for me to be squatting correctly at the moment. Hence the injury. This all makes sense.

    So.....new plan required. Lots of rehab, swapping out squats for leg presses for a while (once pain free), stretches every darn day..... meh. Glad my personal trainer has designed an upper body workout for me - going to go through that this morning. So my lifting goals have once again been sidelined - but I am determined to still achieve them.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It's Valentine's day and hubby is late with my chocolate. then again I ate som much yesterday, that I still haven't eaten today.
    And.... I HAVE A DATE!! with my husband of course.
    Happy lifting ladies.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Finally made it to the gym. Ended up taking a whole week off due to getting a cold, so decided now was a s good of time as any to switch over to NROLFW. Dropped the weights down a bit from before due to change, time off cause of cold, and different rep range. Went pretty well, even with using the exercise ball, swiss or whatever it is called. I've always avoided it whenever possible, so doing this routine will mean I have to get past my issues with that piece of equipment. I'm going to do a couple extra lifts afterwards though, just for fun.

    Stage 1, A1
    Squat - 2x15 @ 95 - fine but definitely different doing 15 instead of 5 reps per set.

    Push up - 1x10 using seated row bench, 1x15 using rail near walkway. - I tried to use the bench cause it was convenient but no go, just a bit too low for me at this point.
    Seated Row - 2x15 @ 50 - not bad though like the pendlay and other standing row I don't feel it much and almost seems stomach/chest get in the way.

    Step up - 2x15 @ 15 db - shaky, but glad they have a short enough step thing for me to use. The weight was light but maintaining balance and making sure the correct leg did the work took most of the effort.
    Prone Jacknife - 2x15 - I took a slight break during first set after 10, then on second set felt fine but foot slipped off after rep 7, so had to get reset.

    3x8 @ 45 front squat
    3x8 @ 45 overhead press

    Treadmill to cool down and end the night with a nice walk.

    And... tada! lol Day 1 is done.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh no, Jo! I'm sorry. Take it slow and let that booty heal! Gotta be so frustrating.
    Beeps, yikes. That's quite a circuit.
    Sam, the only word I saw was chocolate....mmmmm....
    Dawn, sounds like a great start! Steps-ups are evil, but very effective.

    Gah, I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow for a workout. Time to do some reading....
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group, started NROLFW last week. The first day really hurt (well, technically, the 2nd and 3rd days really hurt, to walk, to sit, to use the toilet :D ) but workout B not so bad. I could only do bodyweight squats and lunges, I have a LONG way to go.

    My plan right now is
    Monday - lift
    Tuesday - 60 minute walk
    Wednesday - Zumba
    Thursday - lift
    Friday - walk
    Saturday - lift

    I wouldn't mind adding in more cardio but I don't want to prevent progress.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey blankie, welcome. Your plan looks ok - you could change your walk to a run if you wanted more cardio (and were physically up to it). Bodyweight moves are ok to start with and get the feeling of the movement. I think we've all been there with the quad pain - that lowering myself on to the toilet using my arms down the wall has been seen many times in this house ;) It does get better - the key is to keep doing it!

    Hey barbell - yup, it sucks. Am doing orientation this week at work.... spent all day yesterday on my butt, I tell ya, I can't sit still that long. I developed a twitch and everything! Yuk. How anyone does an office job is beyond me!

    Happy lifting ladies
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Jo-((hugs)) on the tear! That's awful! My left cheek was sore after today's workout and I thought of you. I'm taking your lesson and gonna work on stretching more! I think my hams are too tot which is my problems but should research hip stretches too! Hang in there and take it slowly! Your upper body can be a focus for now, :).

    Bbc-ooh.., are you gonna do wendler's by any chance? I'm liking gorgeous glutes (bret contreras ) and can already see and feel a bit improvement in my posterior chain! :open_mouth: I definitely need a lower body routine that works me hard!

    Sam-chocolate and love! Great combo!

    Welcome blankie! Ah yes, the dreaded sore legs! Stairs, toilet seat, etc. sigh. Necessary part of it. But you're doing great!

    Dawn-yay! Glad you started and glad you're feeling better! Good workout!

    I'm doing well. We've had a nice weekend, 3 day long. Went bowling with the family last night. It was so much fun! I'm much stronger these days and actually won 2 games! My knee is still a bit off though so I had to be mindful of it.
    Lifted today and added weight or reps to each workout. That always makes me feel like I'm progressing. I'm still a lightweight compared to most of you guys, but I'm working on my form (box squats are the bomb for that!!) I did something to my right glute. It's sore now :(. Not anything major I'm sure, but I'll look into stretching it and various surrounding muscles to see of that'll help. Im really liking gorgeous glutes as a program. :).
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning lovelies!

    Welcome blankie :smile:

    Jo, look after your butt lol

    Dawn, great job!

    Chocolate? Where's the chocolate??

    Struggled big time in my workout yesterday and boy am I sore today. Good thing it's my scheduled total rest day lol
    The same workout I could smash out last week, I had to push really hard at yesterday. I had to think a lot about why. I'm eating enough, so it's not that. I hadn't over done it, although I could have gotten more sleep, but it wasn't too bad.

    Then my walking buddy is all like "Áre you ovulating?" *lightbulb goes on*

    I feel like *kitten* lol Tired, cranky, emotional, did I mention tired? lol

    Seriously, this whole being a woman business is majorly screwed up :wink:

    Meanwhile, I beat my husband in an arm wrestle this morning LOL

    Off to try and get my 3 hours work done without sitting down too much - it hurts too much to get back up rofl
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Well, turns out Valentine's was a bust. I didn't get my chocolate, or a card, my youngest spiked a 102.3 fever and started vomiting, so we missed our concert and had to eat the $70 worth of tickets. Family day Sunday and Laundry all day Monday. Back to the gym tomorrow.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Long day. Between coughing at work, not quite enough calories and upset stomach, today was a struggle. But made it to the gym after work anyways. Must have been deadlift day because there were people doing them in 3 different spots in the gym. The main spot was free when I finished warming up though, so nabbed it. This 15 reps per set is definitely taking me a little time to adjust. The warm up felt fine but I'm used to doing a set of 5 reps and that is it. My hands ached on the little callus spots by middle of the first set and I'll admit I had to pause to adjust and I took a long break in between the two sets. Next time I'll do a little lighter weight.

    Day 2, B1

    Deadlift 2x15 @ 145 - okay but rough with the 15 reps, my hands ache and I had to do the mixed grip part way through, which I didn't have to do in SL until over 150.

    DB Shoulder Press 2x5 @ 12.5 - went light and I need to look up a video to make sure do them right.
    Lat Pulldown 2x15 @ 50 - this one wasn't bad.

    Lunge - 2x15 @ 20 - Not bad but felt heavy at the end.
    Swiss Ball Crunch - Did them but not a fan. I don't like the ball or crunches.

    For fun:
    DB bench 3x8 @ 22.5
    Straight Bar Curl 3x8 @‌ 20
    Bench 3x8 @‌ 65

    I looked at the ez bar or whatever those weird curl bars are called and had no idea how to even hold it. I actually will have to look up how to curl cause I'm curious. Now to get ready for bed and hopefully eat enough food tomorrow.
  • JoanMSittler
    JoanMSittler Posts: 18 Member
    Awesome work out DawnEmbers Welcome aboard blankie. Good plan!! Just making a plan is a good step. Now hope all goes well and at the end of the week all is achieved.

    I had an oh oh this morning. I left my book at the lake. Darn!! I think I have enough info printed out I'll be fine. But may be asking questions over the next couple to three weeks till I get back to lake. Of well. I think my cousin also has a copy of the book if she isn't using it right now. I'll have to call her and see if I can borrow for a bit.

    Good works outs all !!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    So the physio says I have torn one of my glute muscles. :'( Bad times.

    Good grief that sounds HORRIBLE.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    YOU BLEW OUT YOUR BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    edited February 2015
    I did something to my right glute. It's sore now :(.

    What is going on around here?!?!?!?!?

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    dnamouse wrote: »

    Meanwhile, I beat my husband in an arm wrestle this morning LOL

    THIS, I LIKE!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    ....I have a sore throat and feel a cold coming on. I made SURE to go hit the gym for a HARD workout, in case I have to take a few days off to cure-cold.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    YOU BLEW OUT YOUR BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!

    That. That just made my day. And it's only 9.30am. :mrgreen:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh my gosh, not to make light of Jo's situation, but that's funny, Beeps! I hope you don't get sick.
    dna, I agree!!!! Good job on the arm wrestling!
    Welcome, Blankie!
    Julie, I decided to rotate through a hypertrophy phase. I'm using Brett C's lower body exercises for my lower body days. Upper body will include lots of pressing, pull downs, chin-ups, etc. I did my first upper yesterday- if soreness is any indicator, it was very effective.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ouch Jo. Heal up quick.
    Beeps, thats funny right there.
    Looking good Cowgirl.
    I got to the gym tonight and had a terrible workout. I git in my sets and reps, but I was wrecked. You put crap in the fuel tank, you get crap out.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Coming off my Zumba high...aaahhh..... :D