Daily Chat Thread



  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I agree with you jo. But I only do warm up because usually I don't have the time to cool down. Based on my schedule, I work out late evening/night and I'm always rushing at the end to finish. But I ALWAYS warm up, it makes it easier to tackle the big lifts (especially squats).

    And great PR jo!

    cowgirl, great numbers on the DL and squat!

    sam, I wish I could get to the gym 4 days. I feel like 3 days is not doing enough for me, but my schedule just doesn't allow for anything more. And I know exactly what you mean about body image issues. I wear big T-shirts to hide my big belly.

    For a few days now I've been watching the guys who work out at my gym working together, pushing each other. It made me realize that I've been doing well motivating myself to get to the gym, but when it comes to increasing the weights, I suck. Any time I start lifting really heavy, I find some excuse (sometimes legit, like my wedding planning) to back off. And when I restart, I always start back from the bar. I feel like I'd be lifting so much heavier if I would just "man" up and quit being a scaredy cat.

    Now don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about quickly moving up and risking injury. I just mean not letting the thought of using the big plates scare me, which is what has been happening. For example, every time I squat 130 lbs and I'm to move up to 135 lbs (the 45 lb plates), I get scared and quit. And then start over from the bar :(

    On Thursday, a male friend of mine (who plays volleyball professionally) was in the gym and decided he would work out with me. To prevent having to constantly change the weights, he decided to use the same weights I was using but do higher reps. Let me just say, it went GREAT. It felt really good having someone there pushing me, offering encouragement, and jeers too. I felt stronger, more energised. Best workout I've had in a while. Now I really wish I had a lifting partner.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Rest day.

    Jo - forgot to mention in the last post, awesome job on the PR. I know the feeling and have to wait till I get to work today to brag on the lifts. Sounds like you're doing great even if you didn't do the SL. :wink:

    I mostly have big t-shirts too and workout capris as the pants are too long for me and I don't know how to hem things yet. I do have a nice workout shirt from lane bryant that fits better now that I've lost some weight (it's almost like a little black dress in style), but now I'm self conscious for things I have to bend over because it ends up showing more cleavage than looks plausible when standing. It's cute and at least long enough. I worry far more on bench cause don't want stomach to show, even with baggy shirts.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    edited February 2015
    Dawn, HIIT can be ANYTHING. It doesn't have to be running. It can be barbell complexes, KB swings, box jumps, battle ropes, farmer's carry, whatever. Just don't feel like you have to sprint to get the benefits of HIIT. Congrats on making it through 12 weeks SL!

    If you read the science on it, foam rolling with a few mins of cardio and maybe some dynamic stretching is the best warm up you can do. It helps prime the muscle fibers (Golgi tendon organ) and it works out any knots that might cause muscle tightness, imbalance and injury. Stretching after is good too. I personally spend more time on warm up.

    JL, dont talk yourself out of big weights! But I understand your dilemma- especially if there is no one there to check form. i agree that guys are better about pushing each other.

    Double workout yesterday. I love leg days.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jamaica, I so wish I could hit like on your post. LEt me tell you though, the first time you put the "big girl" plates on your bar, is freaking AWESOME. I will get there again, oh yes I will!
    Sawn good luck with C25K. I don't run as a rule. One of the things that I liked about supercharged is no running HIIT! I really like the barbell complexes.

    Rest day today again, kind of unintentional. My wrist was really bothering me while I was cleaning the kitchen today, so I think I will just try to follow the schedule from last, two lifts, two zumba.

    Also, If you get chance, check out my son's GoFundMe for his People to People trip to Canada.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok, so the wrist is fine, but I have this absolutely horrible pain in my armpit. I assume is just DOMS, but talk about weird.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    lol, samntha.!

    I did warmups all thru the various NROL programs I did...but fell out of doing them once i hit Venus. I dunno.....boredom?

    Although my "after" stretch routine is pretty boring and yet I do them. I do know research pretty much suggests no benefit to the warm-up but yes benefit to the cool-down. Mind you, I almost always start a workout with WHT and they warm me up pretty fast.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Not much going on for me. Taking a few days off slightly earlier than planned because I came down with a cold. So, mostly I'm just sleeping and working. But after I get better and get a plan going, will start NROLFW.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning lovelies!!

    Sitting by the pool watching my girl child be all energetic. She's powered by peanut butter this morning lol I swear there was more pb than toast ;)

    Upped the weights yesterday by a teensy bit for my 10 reps in BT4. Killed it, and it didn't kill me, so that's all good. Thinking I could up them a tiny bit more for the rom dl without too much hassle, so I might do that.

    Schedule is changing a little again with the girl having basketball training at 7.30am on Friday's this term. Yes, my insanely short child is in the basketball team... I really wasn't expecting her to be picked... B) oh well, it's all fun and games lol

    Today is my complete exercise rest day. But I've been working hard at being active throughout the days and I think it's starting to form a habit, which is brilliant. Making time to get up off my backside and walk around helps clear my head for work as well so that's a double bonus :)

    Will hopefully be back later for a proper read <3
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Dawn, feel better!
    dna, I've been forcing myself to be more active on rest days too. It definitely has benefits besides burning a few extra cals and working DOMS out.
    Sam, you must've pulled a muscle or worked it differently.

    I benched 100lbs today! Only 2 reps, but it's a PR. This has been a mini goal of mine.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey ladies! you've been busy! :sunglasses:

    Jo-I agree both are important, and I'm doing just cardio for warm up though. Stretching afterwards has made a HUGE impact on my soreness and rom!
    Beeps-dang! You're killing it! How are you not sore? Yes, heavier weights for 5 reps but even t 5 sets I was done by the end! How do you do it?! Crazy!
    DNA-cute about your daughter. Good for you being more active! I need to do that!
    Dawn-sorry about your back but amazing progress in 12 weeks! WTG girl!! I've done C25K in the past and did get to the point where I could "run" a 5k, but I still didn't like running! Lol! I also gained weight :(. HIIT is good stuff, and helps with cardio stamina. :)
    Sam-lol at the armpit pain! Glad your wrist is ok!
    JL-cool about the lifting buddy! I'd like one, but wonder if it'll slow me down? I tend to second guess myself a lot with heavier weights too! Try the big plates! I'd love to get there! Easier assembly if nothing else! ;)
    Bbc-did I read that right? You love leg day? Crazy talk!! Go girl!
    BP-good advice on the stretching! Hope it helps you!

    Got in a good workout today! Felt stronger and upped most of my weights :). Yay! Gorgeous glutes is working for me! :) had a great weekend and am enjoying the week so far. Hope you're all doing well!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It was the two-point row, haven't done those in a while. Today was braving the ice with a delayed opening at work.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Got in my weight-workout today. Just did a fullbody routine of 3 x 8's. Tomorrow is my group maxstrength class. I will return to 4-day splits on wednesday. BOOM!
  • JoanMSittler
    JoanMSittler Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning I m just returning to this group is hopes of getting back on track with an exercise program. I was trying shin ohtakes max program but its a it intense for me. I do believe that I did not do this program long last time I did it. Today I will pull out the book and start reading over it and then set a start date. Probably tomorrow. Wish me luck and hope the group here will kick mu butt to keep me on track. Strong and effective workouts to you all today.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    WHOA, Barbell. That is an impressive bench!

    As an AFAA-certified group fitness instructor, I will say that both the warm-up and cool-down is important! I won't get into the science of it all, but if you're not cooling down, I hope you're at least moving slower and not just stopping and going to sit in your car! Warm-ups are important. I'm sure none of you jump right in without slowly increasing your heart rate and warming up your muscles, though. Okay, I'm done! :smile:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Bbc-go girl! 100lb bench? Woohoo!

    Sam-rows are bittersweet, I like how I feel doing them, but when they're heavy I hate how I feel! Lol!

    Beeps-great job!

    Welcome Joan! Good luck!

    WHOA, Barbell. That is an impressive bench!

    As an AFAA-certified group fitness instructor, I will say that both the warm-up and cool-down is important! I won't get into the science of it all, but if you're not cooling down, I hope you're at least moving slower and not just stopping and going to sit in your car! Warm-ups are important. I'm sure none of you jump right in without slowly increasing your heart rate and warming up your muscles, though. Okay, I'm done! :smile:
    Ooh, certified ;). Nice! Good advice too ;)

    Good lifting yesterday, sore today but not dying, feels good-aware of my muscles :). Now, to stick to my guns and get some cardio in! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Got to my maxstrength group class, today. Upped most of my weights. Wish there were 9 lbs db's....8's are too light for some moves, but 10's are too heavy. (This class focuses on each muscle group movements for an entire pop-song....so, high, high volume!)

    For lower-body, I can jump up by 5 lbs increments, no problem. But, for upper body, even 2 lb increments seem impossible!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Upped the weight for my 3pt row today to 11kg (24lb). That's 1/4 bw for 10 reps :smile:
    I think I can do heavier... might go see if I can get a 15kg kettlebell.

    Yes, I up weights slowwwwwly lol :wink:

    I'm going to sit down and have a proper read at lunch :kissing_heart:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Got to my maxstrength group class, today. Upped most of my weights. Wish there were 9 lbs db's....8's are too light for some moves, but 10's are too heavy. (This class focuses on each muscle group movements for an entire pop-song....so, high, high volume!)

    For lower-body, I can jump up by 5 lbs increments, no problem. But, for upper body, even 2 lb increments seem impossible!

    Your class sounds exactly like the one I did tonight. I like it, but it's definitely more "cardioish" to me. It's a change of pace.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Wow that took me forever to read and catch up. You guys are killing it! Those are some big lifts going on.

    I did SL today after taking Monday off. My sister's little dog bit my hand ( stupid me got in the middle of the little ankle biters fighting over food) Sat night so after getting a tetanus Sunday morning my left and and right arm were too sore to bother and I'm finally getting over last week's cold.
    I treated myself to the fibit hr yesterday and I love it! I'll check in again soon, if I let too many days go by it's too much to catch up on.

    :) (*)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all, a lot to catch up with...

    A 100lb bench? Holy moly. Can't imagine ever getting that. My current max is 70lbs x 1 rep. Pathetic. Still, it is on the list of improvements this year.

    Hi Joan! Welcome.

    Nice work beeps and Julie

    Ali - that's awful! Hope you are all better asap.

    I'm in-between things at the moment. Working through my lifts with my PT and setting some goals. Changing diet, planning to add 20% to my lifts by June. Working on squat form - I'm not as bad as I thought :D But have some knee and hip flexibility issues to work through. Have a new stretching plan to hopefully improve things. My new program will be based around Stronglifts 5 x 5, but skipping 1 workout per week for an upper body focus. This means I will squat less which is good as my body doesn't like squatting 3 times a week.

    Matched my DL PR today. Happy :D