Daily Chat Thread



  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Dawn, I use a step for the doorframe bar lol On my squat rack, I put a bar down to a spot I can reach :wink:
    My reason is pretty much the same as Jo. Also, pull-ups/chin-ups just make me feel awesome.
    That, and I love bodyweight/calisthenics exercises - pushing my body a little further each time. Pull-ups help me do that :smile:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Can I interrupt with a quick question? I am finishing Hypertrophy 1 tomorrow. Then I'm on a cruise for a week, so I was going to do a bit of lifting and cardio there just to keep in the habit. The week I'm back I was going to start Hypertrophy 2, but now I have a session booked with a trainer to fine tune form on a few moves. Between that and the fact that my first week back will be busy getting the kids settled back in, catching up on laundry, etc. I am thinking of just doing the trainer session that week and maybe one more "whatever I feel like doing" lifting day.

    So, that means two weeks not exactly off of lifting, but off the Supercharged program. Think that's okay? I am hoping it won't be detrimental to starting Hypertrophy 2....
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey ladies! I am so excited to go to Maui. We went in may of 2013 for our 15th wedding anniversary-did a vow renewal on the beach even. Loved it so much! We can't wait to go back! Planning is part of the fun. Our BFFs are trying to arrange it to come with us! It'll be so much fun!! Here is a shot of me snorkeling last time-loved seeing all the turtles and fish!! such a beautiful place and wonderful experience! Definitely worth a visitf3uhimvd3ef8.jpg

    Dawn-you're killing it! Keep it up girl!
    Sam-glad you got some rest!
    BP-horrific, but needs to be remembered.
    Beeps-enjoy your date night!
    Dou-sorry you were sick! Hope you're feeling much better now!
    Jo-I'd like to say I can too!
    DNA-happy back to school!
    Pudding-I don't know anything about the hypertrophy plans, but I don't think 2 weeks of lighter lifting would set you back much. Rest weeks are good too!

    I'll lift tomorrow. Good and sore from yesterday, liking the different exercises-stuff like pull throughs and half kneeling cable anti-rotation presses...bret contreras has some good ideas :). Hoping my legs look a lot leaner by our trip...whenever that will be (may or June hopefully!). Always the last part to respond :(.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm still here. My new job is keeping me busy, I'm all my feet all day which is better than being on my *kitten* :). I'm not getting in as many workouts but I'm doing SL 3 x's a week with a bit extra here & there so that good at least. I'm worried about so the muscle and gaining inches I lost.

    Happy Aussie day a bit late (sorry)

    Julie I'm totally jealous of Maui

    Beeps, I'm totally jealous of your work gym.

    Dna, I am not jealous of your wine issue, that truly sucks, but I do love vodka and rum :D So at least its not a complete loss.

    Pudding I have no idea the answer to your question but I hope you enjoy your cruise.

    I know I've missed a bunch of you girls, hope you are all doing good and trying to keep your spirits high. Just remember you are awesome !!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks. I was just curious since doing one doesn't really mean anything for me. Probably doesn't help last time I remember even trying was in Elementary school, so I was even shorter then. PE teacher had to lower the bar we had to use for the physical fitness tests, then get a chair. I'd stand on the chair, hang off it and wait for him to remove chair, then was supposed to try and do a pull-up. Yeah no. I got 0 every time.

    No lifting tomorrow either unless you count freight at work. Fun times.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    TOM, I need a nap. Good news is, pain killers are working and I still got my workout done this morning :smiley:

    Serious brain fog today which isn't good because I have to pay bills and do bookwork (blergh).

    Dawn, we didn't have the fitness tests at school, but we did kinda do gymnastics every now and then in high school. The teacher would lift me up to the bar lol But the way I'm built, I have a good strength to size ratio and could out-chin-up the boys no worries, and I couldn't cheat because my feet were a good metre off the ground :wink:

    My daughter is built the same as me - small package, lots of muscle. We will never have skinny legs LOL

    Pudding, just go with the flow, 2 weeks off program shouldn't really hurt. It's not like you'll be doing nothing in that time. You can also just extend H2 for a bit if you feel you need extra time to 'catch up'. Enjoy your cruise! :smiley:

    In other news, I have decided which university I want to study at next year (has to be next year as the husband needs to finish his degrees first), now to plan for how I'm going to pay for it.... :astonished:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    >>>Coming off mi Zumba high...aaahhhh.... Tomorrow, I lift :D
    Lift on ladies!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    DNA what will you study?
    Dawn with those big numbers is definitely an add for 5x5.
    Dragging *kitten* today from not enough sleep last night. Hubby has been asleep since he got home at 7.
    Killer zumba class last night. The one instructor was like "YOu do so well!" Yeah aspiring instructor here. Now if I can just take the damn class.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Sam, I'm hoping to doing a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition :smile:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Go DNA! Hope you find the fit program and grants or scholarships!
    Sam-go Zumba girl!
    BP-you too with your Zumba high!
    I miss Zumba...the schedule just doesn't work for me to make my class anymore :(. Hopefully my new gym will work out. Gotta squeeze in some cardio today, and go check on my mom.

    I've never done a pulls up in my life! I'm doing assisted chin ups now, maybe one day I'll do a real one?! :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Okay, question: What is the appeal of the pull-up?

    I know some programs focus on trying to do them and many people have it as their goals. I just never cared about doing them. Well, so far all they really do is remind me that I'm short. lol I look up at the pull up spot on the power cage on occasion when I'm bored during a rest set and just think "nope." Most of the spots for pull-ups I can't reach without a chair or tall step.

    It's really the big daddy of upper body strength moves, especially for women. Pulling your body weight from a dead hang = serious arm, shoulder, back strength. Not that many women can do them and it's a good goal for most of us to work toward if your overall goal is to be crazy strong. Which mine is :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Having trouble keeping up with everyone this week, but good job on all the lifting!
    Pudding, I wouldn't worry about some lighter weeks here and there. Sometimes it's good to do different things.
    Sam, you totally need to be an instructor.
    Julie, I'm so jealous of your trip!
    dna, with all your knowledge of nutrition, you've probably got a head start on the degree!
    Ali, you will find your new routine soon! Hope you're loving the new job!
    Dawn, impressive numbers!

    Our modified version of 5/3/1 is going well. This is the second week and I'm seeing an increase already. I Think I will be able to do a chin-up by the time we are finished. I can do one if I start on a step, but not from hanging.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Friday!

    I am officially a graduate of NROLFW. It only took me eight months but the fact that I finished is what matters. I've never been this dedicated to a program ever (outside of Zumba). Phew. I'll do SL5x5 for a little while until I get my Supercharged book. Can't wait!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Woot! Awesome Love!!! It took me a while to get through too - slow and steady, always get there in the end :smile:

    I'm watching my boy swim with his older sister this morning. He's not quite at squad level yet, but I asked if he could do his makeup lesson this morning instead of me having to drag them back after school twice in the one week. 20 minutes into it and he's going okay so far :wink: He wasn't so bright and perky being the one woken up this morning though lol

    DH was putting new clips on my barbells last night (he bought them for me, aaawww) and he went to lift the one I'm using for my Romanian deadlifts.... I couldn't watch, his form was terrible and all I could think of was that he was going to bust his back (he has scoliosis and a carbon fibre rod). He thought I only had the 5kg plates on it, so was a little shocked that it was heavier. I was like, yeah, those are 10kg each and that's my lighter weight for 10 reps :stuck_out_tongue:

    With the uni degree, we have a fee help program that delays payment, so I just have to work that all out. Unless of course I can somehow pull $45k out of thin air lol The degree I've chosen has both online and face-to-face components and the uni is easy enough to get to on the train, so hopefully I should be able to fit it in around work and family commitments.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I think there is GREAT allure to the pull-up! Actual, functional ALLURE!

    The # of muscles used is impressive! I still cannot perform even one pull-up....and I am tall....but, this is regrettable given how long I have been weight-lifting, now. Still, I really like that core is engaged, muscles are working, blah, blah, blah.

    I classify pull-ups as a BIG LIFT.

    I classify push-ups as a BIG LIFT.

    Squats (for me - WHT) and deadlifts for sure are BIG LIFTS.

    And then there is bench....

    All 5 of these moves, to me, are necessary to perform. Perform well (i.e. excellent form). And perform often (i.e. at least one time per week, preferrably 2)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    ....anyway, NO gym for me yesterday. BOO.

    NO gym for me today. BOO x 2.

    NO gym for me tomorrow. BOO x 3.

    And, I SHOULD be at the gym on Sunday, while all the dudes are watching the superbowl....but, I likely will be on my period by then and might crash the GIGANTIC FOOD PARTY that is going to be going on in my home living room.

    As such, with 4- or 5- days AWAY from the gym, MONDAY IN GYM will be KEY.

    Meanwhile, to ALL YOU LADY-LIFTERS: BOOM!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I classify pull-ups as a BIG LIFT.

    I classify push-ups as a BIG LIFT.

    Squats (for me - WHT) and deadlifts for sure are BIG LIFTS.

    And then there is bench....

    All 5 of these moves, to me, are necessary to perform. Perform well (i.e. excellent form). And perform often (i.e. at least one time per week, preferrably 2)

    Yup, I agree Beeps. While the pull up is not a part of my routine right now, the others all are. I love leg work but am keen to improve upper body. My upper body lifts focus on the SL lifts of OHP, bench and rows. I do push ups all the time. I'm not doing pull ups as I am generally sore from OHP - and my combat classes don't help my shoulders recover too well (but I love 'em).

    I have my first PT session next week and I have to go with some goals....most of which are a bit insane and prob unachievable. They are thus far:

    To have more visible muscle on my upper body (so I look as strong as I feel! LOL)
    DL 2 x bodyweight (PR is 1.5 x)
    Squat HEAVY with good form
    Bench 30kg
    OHP 30kg
    Visible abs ( I know this is unlikely to ever happen)
    and now I'll add increase pull ups to the mix too.....

    Don't want much do I? :#
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Jo, your goals are like mine. I really want visible abs and to be able to do pull ups. Although I'm not convinced that I will ever get there. I think being tall is a disadvantage for doing pull ups and chin ups because I am heavier than shorter people and so have more weight to pull. At least that is my excuse and I am sticking to it! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Pudding, I definitely wouldn't worry about taking it easy while you are on holidays. as long as you are doing something you will be fine. The first workout when you get back will be hard but then you will be straight back to where you were before. It is only two weeks.

    Love, congratulations on finishing the programme. I had the same feeling of accomplishment after sticking to it the whole way through, normally I get bored and give up on things really quickly.

    dna, that is great news about going back to Uni. And the course sounds really interesting. I don't envy you going back to studying though, after just finishing that I never ever want to do it again.

    Beeps, i feel your pain on the lack of gym time. I made it once this week and once last week. Today the owner of the gym came up to me to welcome me back because he hadn't seen me in so long! I need to get out of this rut. I am finding it really hard to fit working out in with my new job and long commute. When I go to the gym I don't get home till so late and then have no time to do anything with my evening which I hate. Next week I will be better though. I am starting BT3 so at least I have that to motivate me.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Everyone is doing great. I went to the gym tonight and it went pretty well except some cramping that midol didn't help much with but oh well. Got my lifting done for tonight.

    Workout A

    Squat - 5x5 @ 145 - Kept to the weight but doesn't feel too bad. Will do 150 next time.

    Bench - 5x5 @ 80 - de-load, so was easy enough.

    Row - 5x5 @ 105 - I was going to do 100 but couldn't find another 2.5 so instead of going all the way to other side of gym for one, I used 5's. It actually went pretty well.

    3x8 @ 27.5 DB bench and 3x8 22.5 DB row then 35 minutes treadmill with 5 minutes of that where I tried jogging.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys are doing great!!

    Bbc-thanks! In hoping this trip comes together, my BFFs are in limbo which leaves us in limbo. I want a plan!youre doing great! I like a 5/3/1 plan and toyed with wendler's. it's good to hear you're liking it!
    Beeps-sorry you're missing the gym, but that rest will give you a killer workout Monday!
    Dou-lol at the owner welcoming you back! You'll figure out a new routine soon, :).
    Love-CONGRATS!!!! Way to finish strong!! Good for you!! I look forward to hearing how you like supercharged :).
    DNA-cut about dh! That's an ambitious plan ahead! Good for you! Keeping it all balanced is tough, but you've got this!
    Jo-nice goals. Hope the PT works out well. Did you go to the dr?
    Dawn-great job! Your bench deload is still WAY heavier than my bench pr!

    I'm doing well. Got in some good workouts this week despite being sick and caring for my mom who's out of the hospital but still ill. Adding back more cardio, mostly HIIT, will take some adjusting. I'm also trying for chin ups, and thankfully they're part of the strong curves plan I'm following. Thankful for the assist machine on those!
    I also ordered a new bar pad as the bruising on my hips is bad. Sigh.
    And I did box squats this week for the first time. Wish that had been how NR started me out. I definitely need to get lower and will need to deload while I build up better form. Really eye opening and I nearly fell a few times! Here I thought I was getting low enough, but I guess I've been cheating it all this time :(.

    Happy weekend. We've been invited to a friends house for Super Bowl on Sunday. I hate the Super Bowl, and am not overly thrilled by the guest list (sorry, that doesn't sound very nice, just a few families going who don't mix well with my fam). I live in AZ where the Super Bowl is this year too. I just don't care who wins, and don't want to spend my day awkwardly making "nice" with a few families I don't enjoy. So, I think I'll hit the gym instead, should be empty! :)