Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Samntha - Thanks. Helps that I just finished 12 weeks of stronglifts before starting this program. I got up to 200 for deadlift in the short rep range before getting sick then switching programs. The higher reps are quite a different challenge.

    Lifting after work, though had easy, shorter cashier shift so wasn't too bad. I do like the 12 reps more than the 15. Looking forward to 8 already. Has been kind of odd doing more reps per set on my main lifts than what I usually do for accessories. Had a minor oops in squat so ended up with an extra set to correct it but other than that, not a bad night.

    Day 5, A3

    Squat 1x12 @ 100 (lopsided as forgot a plate on right side), then 2x12 @ 105 for the actual set.

    Push-up 1x12 using walkway rail
    Seated Row2x12 @ 60 - went up and it was tough on the last reps

    Step-up 2x12 @ 15 - kept weight but might increase next time
    PJ 2x12 - getting better, though 2 guys were in the little area when I started but they left during my first set of them.

    For fun:
    bench press 3x8@ 70, db bench press 3x8 @ 25, and bicep curl 3x8 @ 30. Curl felt heavier this time but still used the fixed, straight bar. Not sure on how to hold the ez curl ones still.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Got my workout in this morning....after a seriously good night of sleep. What a DIFFERENCE some decent sleep can make! BOOM!

    Am working everyday this week...and I have an after-work function tonight. My back hurts, so I must be slouching AWFUL at my desk today. Blech.

    Hope you all went and lifted HEAVY THINGS today! BOOM!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    edited February 2015
    Dawn, I agree the higher reps bring their own challenges :smile: I'm doing Hypertrophy in Supercharged at the moment and it rotates rep ranges from one workout to the next, forcing you to shake it up a bit. Monday was 4x6 reps, this morning was 3x12.

    Beeps, I had a nice sleep last night too, so this morning's workout wasn't so zombie-like, which was nice :wink:

    You know how I said I wasn't all that sore after Monday's first Hypertrophy workout? Yeah, well workout B was this morning and I take it all back LOL

    12 rep T-push ups with weights... yeah I'm slightly crazy, but I got it done. My legs and butt ache from the lunges and squats, but I worked damn hard.

    Insanely happy that my weights have gone up and I appear to be getting stronger. I may be standing at my workbench today though :wink:

    Oh and I ordered the 16kg kettle bell and it's on it's way. 50% off and free shipping, very pleased! Looking forward to playing with a new toy :smiley:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    DNA, I max out at 10 T-push-ups without extra weight, I'm in awe. In fact tonight I went in tired as all get out and on my third set settled for 8 regular push ups :'(

    Beeps, I desperately need more sleep. I went to be early and was shaken up at 2 am with an Amber alert blowing up my phone, thank goodness they found the little girl in under 24 hours, so yay it works.

    I LOVE KHOLS!! I pretty much buy everything there.

    Tonight's workout, Squat 3x8@105. feels like my form is actually better when the bar is heavier. It forces me on my heels. two-point row 3x8@30dbs, elevated rear-foot lunge 25lb plates, Tpush-up 2x8, push up 1x8 Kneeling wood chops and one foot planks for core. The legs were TIGHT! I actually came home and rolled. I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Good work all!

    I need to get back to pull ups and push ups. I set them aside so that I can get to the gym early, and "hog" the squat rack before the crowd gets in....

    I had to de-load - alot in SL after missing a fortnight of lifting....that and am still working on proper form...but that is tomorrow...for today - I am coming down my Zumba high...aaahhhh!!

    Lift on ladies!!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm so behind on everything I just skimmed the last 3pages to try to catch up. I'm still doing SL but not getting as many workouts as I used to in and I miss it. At the moment I hate this new job, but I hope it will pass. At least I'm doing good at maintaining but I am doing a bit of stress eating. :'(

    You ladies look like you're doing good for the most part.
    Jo sorry about your bum.
    Julie, don't get so down on yourself, you are amazing and have accomplished amazing things. The right outfit and you'll see how hot you are.
    Dna, if you find a place that sells clothes for us shorties please let me know !!
    Welcome all you new ladies.

    Keep of the great work and lifting heavy, I should do that too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I am supposed to lift today. I am resisting.

    I MUST be waaaayyyy bored with my routines. I mean, I even got some BRAND NEW work-out clothes (I haven't bought work-out clothes in YEARS!! and I am not excited about putting them on.

    I better go to bodybuilding.com and take a look at Erin Stern's routine...something has to SHAKE ME UP outta my FUNK!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Ali, that sucks about your job! That's always the hardest thing when you start a new job. The employer always sell it as something it isn't. Thankfully, my current FT job has been awesome (going on 5 years). I hope things get better!

    Beeps, I hope you find something that'll keep you engaged!

    Did my 4th SL workout today (2nd B workout)

    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 5x5 @ 80 - I started SL with 65 pounds for my squat knowing that they want you to increase each workout. We'll see how that goes!
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50. I was really breathing through the last few reps in the last two sets. I don't think I'm going up to 55 and will stick to 50 until I can throw that bar up with ease.
    DL: 1x5 @ 105 - same as the squat. Started at 95, knowing I would increase each time I did them.

    I also did some hanging knee lifts and 15-minute HIIT on the treadmill. My scale is finally moving in the right direction. FINALLY. I've been stuck at the same number for quite some time. I need to pull out the tape and take some measurements tonight.

    Keep kicking butt, everybody!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Love-woohoo for the scale rewarding your effort! Kutgw!
    Ali-good to see you! Sorry the job is a bummer :(. Hope it gets better!
    Beeps-it's hard to find a good plan! Good luck!
    DNA-wow! Great job strong lady!
    Sam-you did great! Building back up! Go girl!
    Dawn-you're killing it too! WTG!

    So inspired with you ladies! I hit the gym today, forgot my papers with the next stage of GG. S I made up my own workout. I did stuff I felt like doing. It was fun! Squats, YTWLs, standing hip abduciton, bent over rows, seated cable rows, leg press, and incline sit ups with weight. It was nice having the freedom to work on what I felt like working on. I may do it again on Friday and then start the new stage on Monday. :)
    I was surprised I'd lost some strength on some of those moves :(. Still working on squat depth too. Sigh.

    I'm getting there. Slow and steady!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, time to mix it up and do something fun.
    Good work Love, keep it up.
    You too Julie, it comes back pretty quick.
    I had a very upsetting and frustrating day at work. I'm heading to Zumba to get some angst. (even though once again I feel falling on my face tired, ugh, enough already)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Bored. Here's an updated pic I took about, oh, I don't know 10-15 minutes ago?


    Really bored....

    Ignoring work.

    Sam, hope Zumba does the trick :heart:

    Oh, and just a note. After doing a long swim, it would probably be pertinent to at least do some warm down laps. Or even stretches.

    I can definitely feel my shoulders today.
    16.jpg 71.6K
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    dna - you looks great! Warm down laps are really important in swimming, if I forgot to do those my shoulders killed for days. I also do a post swim hot tub dip at our gym's pool. It's the best reward for swimming!

    Beeps - hope you find something to help shake up your routine!

    Love - glad the scale is finally moving! I finally got mine to drop this week as well, which was a huge relief!

    Today I was finally able to squat the same weight that I did pre-surgery on my leg (last October). It was so exciting! I'm impressed that I was able to make such quick gains on this program. Granted I wasn't squatting all that much pre-surgery due to the pain in my leg, but I'm still happy at least to be back where I was before basically being put out of commission and gaining 20 lbs (still have that to lose). Now I've just got to keep up the good work!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Sounds like a fun workout. Nice to mix it up at times. And know what you mean on losing strength a little. I hadn't done rows since before getting a cold and now, 95 felt so heavy and the move awkward.

    Smallc - That is great you made it back to the squat weight. Nice work.

    All the zumba talk makes me wish I could catch a class and that the one at my gym wasn't so crowded. Back when I did zumba in wyoming it was maybe 10 people at most. Here the room is packed and always looks like not enough room to move.

    Day 6, B3

    deadlift 2x12@ 135 - I almost increased but during warm up 135 felt heavy tonight so I kept it the same. Maybe next time I will try 145 again.

    db shoulder press 2x12 @ 15 - felt easy so will increase next time.
    lat pulldown 2x12 @ 60 - increased, which made it nice and heavy.

    lunge 2x12 @ 20 - the 22.5 were in use and these still felt rather heavy.
    sb crunch 2x10 - doing the correct reps now, lol.

    For fun:
    leg press 3x8 @ 160 - did first actually cause someone was where I needed to deadlift.
    penally row - 5x5 @‌ 95 - was part of strong lifts but hadn't done it in weeks.

    Now to rest as tomorrow is freight day at work. I ended up working today instead of having the day off because I took a coworker's shift who needed it off. Looking forward to Friday as I don't work and get to lift.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    dna, you are HAWT!!!

    smallc, congrats on hitting your pre-surgery squat weight!!! Good job on getting the scale to behave too. :smiley:

    Dawn, you're killing this program! I don't know how I would have felt about doing 24 DLs at 135 pounds. lol

    Sam, I hope Zumba helped!!

    Julie, I'm glad you were able to do your own thing and sounds like you enjoyed it. Good for you!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I agree, dna looks great.

    And thanks lovetowrite. It helps that I did strong lifts first as I'd gotten to 200 lbs for deadlift before taking a week off due to the cold. It's very different doing more than 1 set of 5 though but it's a lift I enjoy so I don't mind going a bit lighter just to lift more reps.

    Today will be just work but it's freight day and I'm not cashier so I should get 14,000 to 16,000 steps at work. Fun times. Maybe I can get the willpower to write after work this time instead of just browsing the forums... maybe.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    dna is DyNAmite!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good afternoon! Happy Friday!

    I did my 3rd A workout today. Here how it went:

    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 55, 1x5 @ 65, 5x5 @‌ 85
    BP: 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 55 - I have to admit that I had to do a silent pep talk to myself while doing this. I don't know what it is about the BP that scares me!
    Rows: 5x5 @‌ 55

    I also did the following:
    Upright rows: 1x5 @ 85, 2x5 @‌ 80
    Horizontal woodchop: 2x10 @‌ 25
    Back extension: 2x10 holding a 25-pound plate

    I thought I was going to add more but then I was like never mind. I'm working on about 5 hours of sleep and my body was like chill! Have a great weekend!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Nice DNA!. My class has 60-80 people at 9 pm on a Wednesday. Pretty popular in this area. The little studio I just started using has 10-20 but it's tiny. Yes, Zumba did the trick, but it's Friday, I'm tired, putting pjs and curling up in the couch with a book. If I have the wherewithal, I may go tomorrow, but tomorrow is BUSY!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Morning exercise went well. Tried out my new running shoes on this 3 mile section I used to walk. I even jogged twice for different lengths of time. Rained a bit but wasn't too cold. The jogging is getting easier as I lose weight. 30 lbs ago when I first attempted to jog a little on the same route, it felt so much more awkward and difficult. Yay for improvement.

    Then... well, I got called in to work on my day off. Last time I had a day off was last friday because I took someone else's shift on Wednesday. My next day off is set for Wednesday, so hopefully I'll get it. While it's a lot of working in a row, I may get lucky then because we are switching when my day off is set up. The work week is Thursday-Wednesday, so I am scheduled to have Wednesday (as was the old schedule) then Thursday and Friday off (which will be the new schedule).

    Gym after work wasn't so great this time. Squat racks were busy, so that was the last lift and during which my back decided to act up. I'm icing it now, it's just a bit achy.

    Day 7, A4

    Push-up 2x12 at the walkway rail
    Seated row 2x12 @ 60 - solid but not too heavy

    Step-up 2x12 @ 20 - increased and felt fine
    PJ 2x10 - correct reps this time, hehe

    Squat 2x12 @ 105 - okay but back cranky

    No accessories tonight.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here - busy working and working out. Not much time to do anything else. Check back in soon xxx