Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Lol, I eat dinner at 9pm every night - 10pm if I've been at work. I also eat something at 5pm with my kids tho'... lift more, move more = eat more :D

    Beeps.... starvation and missing meals? You know better than that. I don't wanna lecture but I will if it carries on ;)

    dna - hope your household are all better asap.

    There seems to be a lot of chat about sleep.... man, I need some! Had so much to do and a lot on my mind lately.

    Did combat today. Accessory day yesterday inc incline push ups to failure. Today I have boob ache, lol. Supposed to bench tomoz - could be interesting!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    And I got 189g protein today!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Holy buckets, that's a lot of protein. I'm happy that I made it above 80 and even that is often a struggle.

    Wish I had slept much. Got to bed just before 2 am, ended up having a headache then slept maybe 3 hours or just a tad above that before waking up still with head unhappy. Couldn't go back to sleep. So, here I am online with coffee and waiting before I do C25K week 2 day 1. Going to be a long day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,094 Member
    Great lifting, Dawn!

    No lifting for me, today....off to funeral-province. See ya Monday!


  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    DNA-ooh,the beach! Wish I were vacationing sooner! You're doing great keeping up with life! Good for you! Only w little while longer and you'll be on vacation!!

    Beeps-I am similar in not minding pushing off that first meal if I workout in the morning.i also hate eating late. I try to be done by 7.

    Dawn-you're doing great! My lifts are no where near as heavy as yours usually, but I guess I'm doing ok with the lat pull down. We're similar in that and the shoulder press which is oddly encouraging to me :). I did good mornings this week for the first time too. Felt weird with others behind me in the gym, but I felt it the next day! And I'm enjoying the leg press too! Kutgw!

    Good lifting yesterday, missing a cardio session this week though. I'll live ;). Eating is good, strength is good, all is well. Scale not down, yet, but everything fits well. Keeping bigger picture mentality in place :sunglasses: .
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    Finally I seem to be over the sickness hurdle. I've had a few bumps in the road already that have derailed my lifting 3x a week, but it's getting back on track and I've been seeing the scale steadily drop so I'm pretty psyched about that!

    So today I did Phase 1 Workout B5
    Deadlifts 3x10@ 65 lbs
    Shoulder Press 3x10 @‌ 15 lbs for each arm
    Lat Pulldown 3x10 @ 50 lbs
    Lunges 3x10 @ 20 lbs
    Swiss ball crunch 3x10 @20 lbs

    So not too shabby! The weights aren't super high but I'm pretty happy with them for the time being.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Thanks. :-) Hope things are going well for you this week.

    Julie - It has been interesting doing this after 12 weeks of stronglifts as I could lift heavier but the rep ranges were nice and low. I've always liked leg press after first doing it in college when I avoided squats (crazy, I know). I'm liking the lat pulldown though, which I hadn't tried much till doing NROLFW. I like your big picture mentality. :smile:

    Week 2, Day 1 of C25K

    This was a little tough but partly from lifting till midnight last night with some accessory focus on hamstrings and glutes, followed by getting less than 4 hours of sleep. Plus my route means the last 2 jogs involve slight inclines. My thighs were tired by the end, but I made it through without feeling like dying or having lots of pain, so it's good. Last jogs were slow and I definitely need to make my own playlists for these weeks but still getting through it all.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, that's awesome!
    Beeps, I skip breakfast too. Gives me more wiggle room for the afternoons. But my schedule also usually allows me to stop eating at 7.
    Small, great job getting back to lifting.
    Dawn, if I eat less than 100 grams of protein, I feel like I'm starving.
    Julie, you're spot on- the bigger picture is what it is all about. We can focus on every little minute number, but the main thing is finding a good balance that allows us to enjoy life while also working towards our fitness and aesthetic goals.

    I'm curious about what you all think about all the fitness mags- I've noticed that they no longer show women with shirts on. They only do pics with sport bra and usually booty shorts. What is up with that? Can a woman not be considered "fit" if she's not flaunting her abs and half of her butt cheek? I appreciate the models' hard work and their amazing bodies, but sometimes I would like to see a regular fit woman in regular workout clothes. So many of the mags also claim to feature "real" women and not fake, photoshopped women, but 95% of the readers of the magazine will never walk around shirtless in the gym. I guess I think they should all be like Title Nine catalogs, ha! OK, rant over. :p
    Reading about periodization in my PT text book today. Very interesting stuff. And I caught the kids' stomach bug....thankfully my symptoms aren't as severe as theirs were, but I wanted to lift today!!! I'll be lucky if I fit in 3 sessions this week.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hope you feel better quick BB. My little one is puking for the second time in a month, but I can't complain because both times were less than 48 hours.
    One school nurse called me, the other called my husband. When I told my boss I would come in this morning for testing and to please go home early to take care of two sick kids, I thought he would kiss my feet. He was like, "Thank you thank you for coming in for testing, we really need you." I don't think people outside of schools can fully comprehend how stressful state testing is for teachers and students. Kind of like lawyers preparing for a big case I suppose, except they are children. End rant.
    I put in a double workout last night (after a week off with a head cold), thanks to wonderful husband who manned the sick children. I did my first Hypertrophy 3 workout with Sumo squats and assisted chin-ups. I was wrecked by the end, but then a friend walked over and said, "Hey, are staying for zumba? It's at 8:00 and there is a new instructor." I skipped my complexes and did 45 minutes of the class. Seemed worth it at the time, but my body hates me today.

    Beeps, be good to yourself
    Dawn nice numbers and best of luck to c25k
    Glad you are feeling better Small
    DNA hope the kids are better, summer colds are the worst
    Jo, you go girl!

    now you all know I eat every three hours all day every day lol Thank goodness I learned to control portions and calories along the way.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Lifted today - squats made my glute a bit twingey (is that a word?). Got all my reps with bench so gotta go up again - eeek! And barbell rows... upped the weight, got the reps, happy days. Was a good session considering I am v tired. Now to attack the ironing pile.... :\
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited March 2015
    Somehow, between freight day and lifting the night before even though accessory focus was on hamstring, I managed to get DOMS(or something) in my forearm, in particular the left one. Must admit, I didn't know that was all that possible. We'll see how it feels by tonight, I may have to go light on the lifting.

    Protein is just a struggle. I joke that if I ever have a "cheat" day, it will be a day where I don't count how much protein I'm getting. Between the 1400-1600 calorie range, dairy allergy and low budget, I've struggled a tad. Even on days where I eat chicken, eggs, bacon, protein powder, all that, the total is only in the 80's. I need to find a protein powder that has more cause the plant based one I have now is just 16 grams of protein a serving and the non-dairy yogurts or milk alternatives tend to not have much to offer unless it's soy and I try not to use that too often. I buy jerky at times, preferably on sale, and am trying different sources with the goal of finding some meals I like that has 40-50 grams but it's a trial and error at this point. Though I do have some frozen cod in the freezer that I need to try making soon. It was the cheapest frozen fish option at the store. And got paid so I have a tiny bit of money and I can go buy some food as I'm getting low on frozen veggies and chicken.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Even on days where I eat chicken, eggs, bacon, protein powder, all that, the total is only in the 80's.

    That sounds odd to me - I was going to look at your diary but it's closed. Feel free to look at mine and get some ideas? xx
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, it might part be affected by using what the site has listed. And they did help. I got to over 80 because of the boneless/skinless chicken thigh meat, two eggs and couple slices of bacon. The protein powder is only 16 grams of protein. It helps a little but I'm going to find another non-whey option to try that has more per serving. I'm also learning to cook and find uses for dried beans, instead of canned and such, so that is actually helpful when I have some made (need to cook more again as the black beans were pretty good). I wish I could eat dairy more often and am trying to get more organized so I can schedule everything better so I can have a couple days a week where I eat dairy (including regular protein bars).

    I used to get more like 50-60, so it has improved. It's just a work in progress.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Dawn, there's a lot of variables to how much protein you're getting. Being on a tight budget definitely makes it hard. Are you weighing your chicken and meats in grams or ounces(raw) and logging? Really hard to get the correct numbers after its cooked. But you're making small changes and that is what counts!
    Jo, sounds like a great workout!
    Sam, sorry you're having such a busy week. I would take Zumba over complexes any day!

    Finally got back to lifting today. Did a Supercharged Hypertrophy workout because I felt like I needed a full body workout and I love them! I'd forgotten how intense but fun they are.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Indeed, I do not. Everything is generalized at this point. I know roughly how much the bag says is in it raw and that's about it because I don't own a scale and until second job is found, funds go to food and such. So far I've been lucky enough that using generic entries on here has still worked and not affected much, but I'm aware that at some point I'll have to buckle down to get logging more accurate. I basically plan my day/meals around protein in attempt to get enough each day. One step at a time.

    Going to gym later tonight, arm doesn't feel too bad, just a little achy.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Now for an actual lifting post. It was nice having a day where I didn't work. My forearms do ache some, the left in particular, but overall it went pretty well.

    Day 13, A7

    squat 3x8 @ 115 - kept weight but doing decent

    push-up 3x8 at rail, didn't want to push the forearm by trying the bench
    seated row 3x8 @ 70 - increased and the last reps were tough

    step up 3x8 @ 22.5 - okay so far, area was busier than usual so not used to having people around when I do these
    PJ 3x15 and they are still tough in the last reps

    For Fun:
    front squat 3x8 @ 55 - felt okay at the weight
    OHP 3x8 @ 55 - shoulders need some mobility work but not bad
    db shrugs 3x10 @ 25 - not sure how I feel still on these
    assisted chin-up 3x8 @ 14 - ish... it's going to be a long time before I can pull myself and the range of motion isn't quite where it should be because of my height

    Now I can finish up my playlist for tomorrow's C25K workout and maybe write a little before bed.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Not as strong as I would like to be. Had a VERY hard time helping my husband carry a 500lb fish tank just now :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Holy metal batman, that's crazy lifting right there. Must be some awesome fish tank though.

    C25K Week 2, Day 2

    So much easier using a beginner cue program than the one podcast I had tried using Thursday. I looked up on the web site cause 2.5 minutes of jogging did seem like a lot for week 2 but I had made my way through it since I didn't have any other music options. Turned out the beginner site for C25k lists the jogs and 1.5 minutes and the walks as 2 minutes for week 2. Big difference. Had an easier walk/jog this time while it rained.

    Though I'm having a hard time finding clothes that work well. Loose shirts are okay but my stomach is a bit too bouncy. However, tight shirts don't stay down. I tried the tight shirt I got from walmart that I figured would fit well by summer and it was fine except after each jog I'd have to pull it back down. Glad I had a sweatshirt on over it. Had to pull up the leggings a few times so tight doesn't mean it will stay up or down or so it seems. Shorts with drawstrings seem better. I will try my other shorts that aren't good for lifting (at least not squats as the material doesn't stretch enough) when it's not rainy.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Good on ya Dawn, starting running is really tough but honestly, once you've cracked 5k, the rest comes easy.

    Walked yesterday, combat today and day off tomorrow - body needs it. Looking forward to some big lifts Tues :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    IT is a 125g aquarium. Or local pet shop was tossing it because it no longer holds water so we bought it for out 7ft boa. Hubby actually pulled his back. I was able to farmers walk it to the front door the entire way and had to put my end down, he struggled to get it back up and so on. Keep in the mind the guy that helped him put in the car was 6'3'' and about 300lbs. So that fact that I was able to carry it AT ALL should be impressive. Figure hubby's max weight is 300 and mine is 200, tat's crazy heavy.

    Got to the gym this morning. My new Sunday ritual. Did my first Hypertrophy 3B workout with a variety of new exercises for me.
    Turkish get up 5lb(still figuring that one out)
    Cross over step up. 3x10@15-20 dbs w/ 6 risers (Felt like I was dancing lol Hard to keep all the weight on the working leg)
    Sinlge-arm db bp:3x10@25 (total awesomeness, feel like I can go heavier and freakishly works the core. With the other hand available I can use it to get the heavier weight over my head.)
    Inverted row: Chest height bar 3x10
    Over-head squat: 3x10@30 (can definitely go heavier)

    My body is already sore and I spent the rest of the day cleaning. Post period energy rush :)