Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I wait 1.5 - 2 hours post eating - couldn't do it right after!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I find that if I eat two hours before, I'm fine, but less than an hour, it repeats. Very unpleasant. I HAVE to eat at some time though or my workout sucks.

    Did I mention that a really big dude working next to me asked for a spot yesterday. Totally serious, not a come on at all. Then a friend said, . "Wow, you look great." Well, . That felt great.

    nicely done Love and Dawn! Beeps, At least you got it in. You know for next time.
    DNA, be gentle with yourself. That rest sounds like a good idea. As women we always seem to take on too much. Today I postponed a class, or I should say changed the start day to tomorrow. I just needed a breather. These nine hour days are killing me.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Depends on how long it is after I've eaten. I did have a poptart today before jogging but it was over 30 minutes or so beforehand since I got up earlier than my alarm for no reason at all. Usually I lift at night so I've eaten but since I go after work it has been hours or all I've had during the short shifts is a protein shake. I can do both but right after eating is going to be more nausea inducing, so I prefer at least a little time between.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Great compliment, Sam!

    I usually work out once I've dropped my oldest off at school, so roughly 2 hours after eating. I always feel fine but am ravenous by the time I'm done, especially if I've done weights.

    I startes Hypertrophy 3 today and workout A went well:

    Swiss ball roll outs, 2x10. Went fine.

    Barbell reverse lunges, 4x5. Started with just the bar and ended at 60lbs. Will go higher next time.

    Single arm DB BP, 4x5. Started with 25lb and ended with 30lb. Strangely, my non dominant arm was stronger than my dominant. Hmm. Will try 35lb next time.

    Rack DL, 4x5. Started with 135lb and ended at 165lb.

    Standing lat pull downs, 4x5. I used the triangular neutral grip bar for a change. Started with 70lb and ended at 80lb. I had to use a split stance so I wouldn't topple over.

    I finished with a barbell complex doing DL and OHP. This is what I was doing throughout H1 and 2 as well. Not sure what to call the move that I am using in between the DL and the OHP, in order to hike the bar up there. I should probably figure that out! But back in H1 I was doing just the bar and today did 5x6 with 60lb. I will try 65lb next time.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Heeeyyyyy everybody! I've been lurking on the thread for a few weeks but since I hadn't lifted or really worked out since January (yikes!) i didn't have much to add. I've moved twice in the last two months and thankfully won't have to do it again for at least a year. I hadn't been lifting because I literally didn't have the room. Now I have TONS and my new apartment complex has a surprisingly well equipped fitness center. The only thing it's missing is a barbell for me to get back into super charged. I gained five pounds in my two months off but considering that I took TWO MONTHS OFF I'm actually kind of impressed with myself.
    Starting this week I'll be up at 5 am Monday through Thursday and Sunday around 8 or so to workout. 3 lifting days and two cardio days. Friday and Saturday I'll take off but I'll probably end up running those days once the weather gets nice and I get new shoes. My current pair are being held together with duct tape. I'm also probably going to throw in some of the body rock work outs in the evening. They're 15 minutes long and always tighten up my body really quickly which is important cause bikini season is coming. Way to lift ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    wb, redlipstick!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I used to eat 1- to 2- hours before working out....then years ago, in my bikram hot yoga days, i had to be pretty-empty-tummied. Now, i usually workout at least 12- hours fasted (most times 16- hours fasted)..may never be able to go back, I guess!

    My maxstrength class today was horrible....instructor did TOO much cardio!! In a "strength" class. Lame.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stage 1 is done. I wasn't sure how tonight would go because work was a little hectic for only a 6 hour shift. Got most of what I needed done except skimped on the checking of snack inventory, I'll work on it better next time. Anyways, gym was pretty good though I had to go out of order because the deadlift area was in use by a couple so they had to change the weights between each set. Glad to be done with the first stage. It has been an interesting 5.5 weeks. Honestly, I felt a little stronger with the stronglifts due to lower rep range and focus on increasing weights, but this program is getting me to try different lifts, which was why I decided to do it anyways. Some I like (lat pulldown and such) and some I don't (crunch and lunge) but either way it's interesting and I'm making progress. We'll see how the short stage 2 goes starting in April.


    squat 5x5 @ 95 - since deadlift spot was taken I did squats to warmup

    lat pulldown 1x30 @ 50 - once got above 20 it became more challenging

    db shoulder press 1x25 @ 12.5 - light weight but the motion so many times made it tough

    deadlift 1x15 @ 135 - No improvement but I should have gone lighter in the beginning for a rep increase in this one

    For fun:
    leg press 3x8 @ 90 with focus on heels
    good morning 3x8 @ 45 - kinda liking these
    front squat/push press 3x8 @ 45 - since I had the squat rack, I decided to give these a try. I can't do the elbow angle right so instead I held the bar how I do for overhead press. My hand/wrist ached some but not as much as when I try to hold the bar the way they want in order to do front squat. May not be the exact form but it should work since I physically cannot do the recommended method for the lift.
    glute bridge 3x10 just bodyweight, want to try weighted hip thrusts some day

    Not bad. Some increases and others not so much. Sleep time, yay!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Congrats on finishing stage one Dawn! That first stage just dragged and dragged for me. I'm pretty sure I didn't finish it cause I got bored. I think you'll like stage

    Thanks beeps! It feels great to be back! I'm with you. I never eat before a workout. I always feel super nauseous. If I do eat it has to be 3 hours before.

    Day 3 of my four day workout streak. The DOMS are alive and well and waging war on my legs especially. I'm making this am easy fight since I know I don't stretch the way I'm supposed to. I'll still do RAMP before lifting but i hopped on and off the elliptical without a single thought for stretching. Also I'm pretty sure whoever is designing the "fitness center" for my complex has no idea what one is supposed to look like. When I think fitness center I think cardio capital and sneer. They throw a few treadmills and a bike in a room with a cheap TV and walk away happy. Not so at my complex. There are four machines two of which are in the new rules book. There are two bikes two treadmills and two ellipticals. And in a separate room dumb bells going up to 50lbs. Monday they added medicine balls. Today I walked in and they had resistance bands. I'm waiting for the barbells to show up and then I'll officially know that I'm never moving.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    . And in a separate room dumb bells going up to 50lbs. Monday they added medicine balls. Today I walked in and they had resistance bands. I'm waiting for the barbells to show up and then I'll officially know that I'm never moving.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I am at the office today. Will lift a bit later - although won't be bangin' out any PR's or anything....just a nice little lifting workout for the day.

    Tonight is date night with hubby - live theatre! - my favourite!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Fun, beeps! What are you going to see?

    Today's workout:
    Squats: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 95, 1x5 @ 115 and 5x5 @ 135. I repeated 135. I figured I'd stay here until I didn't need to rest the whole 3 minutes.
    OHP: 5x5 @ 60. I stayed at 60 again as well. The same reason - I'll move when the rests don't need to be 3 minutes. Though they were pretty easy to get up today!
    Deadlift: 5x5 @ 165. My grip is slowly failing me. I want to try mixed grip but not sure how awkward this is going to feel.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    "The Book of Mormon".

    lovetowrite - you are posting some BIG numbers on those BIG lifts! Awesome! BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day

    C25K Week 3, Day 3 is done. Not bad though I'm not sure if I'll just do week 3 leading up to my taking 3 days off (31-2) or if I'll try week 4. First need a playlist.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey girls! You all sound good!
    RLS good to have you back!
    Jo-sorry about dh's job. Hope something comes through soon!

    Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Life's been hectic with family in town, and my mom fell Friday and is fine now, but it was an unexpected hijack of my Friday. Saturday we had 16 hours of volleyball. It's been a whirlwind lately!
    But, I'm at an interim gym this week and my new gym finally opens Friday! So, back to regular weight training finally! All good on that front!
    Still trying to lose some...but so far I'm maintaining at least ;).

    Hope you're all doing well!! Kutgw!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Julie-Yaaaayyyyyy for the new gym finally being open! I'm glad your mom's doing okay now.
    Beeps - love live theater! I don't think I've seen book of Mormon. I'll have to see if I can find the script online.

    Day 4 of 4 in the gym and as beeps says BOOM! I did basic training 2b today and can I just say that doing these workouts with the proper equipment is a revelation. I'd been doing the plank and pull with a dumbbell since I didn't have anything else. This morning with a resistance band? Holy obliques on fire! I could actually do box jumps which were surprisingly nerve wracking and I could do the standing cable row. Needless to say my body definitely feels it. I've got tomorrow and Saturday off. I'm definitely sleeping in on Friday. I'm moving the rest of my stuff into my new place Saturday and I'll probably do a body rock after. Have a great day ladies
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So today I went to parliament, listened to MPs putting the case for midwifery-led models of care and then had morning tea with the Minister for Health. Random.

    I also lifted. Crappy bench, better squats. Rows starting to get hard at 105 lbs. Then elevated push ups and tricep dips for fun.

    Welcome back redlipsticklyfe
    Lovetowrite - nice OHP
    Dawn - keep running chick!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    So today I went to parliament, listened to MPs putting the case for midwifery-led models of care and then had morning tea with the Minister for Health. Random.

    I also lifted. Crappy bench, better squats. Rows starting to get hard at 105 lbs. Then elevated push ups and tricep dips for fun.

    Welcome back redlipsticklyfe
    Lovetowrite - nice OHP
    Dawn - keep running chick!

    Wow, Jo, sounds very important!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You all are killing it!
    Julie I am glad your new gym opens next week. It makes working out so much better when you're at an accommodating gym.
    red, keep up the great work- consistency pays off!
    sam, you DO look great!
    Love, those are great numbers!
    Beeps, have fun! I have to eat before lifting or my workouts suffer.
    Dawn, love how consistent you are!
    Everyone else, keep it up!

    It's "high rep" month for me. Bleh. Next month I will rotate back to lower reps. The good news is higher reps require less rest for me so I can actually fly through the workouts circuit style.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    It's "high rep" month for me. Bleh. Next month I will rotate back to lower reps. The good news is higher reps require less rest for me so I can actually fly through the workouts circuit style.

    That's awesome! High reps require MORE rest, for me....I think my asthma kicks in and I really need to rest between/among exercises. Blech.