Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Get it done Jo!!
    Dawn, if an assailant every tried to run me down I will die.Hate, hate, hate running, so I envy you. Good for you. Loose shorts are usually best.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Awesome Sam! I am starting Hypertrophy 3 next week. I cannot do overhead squats at all; my body hates them. I am going to try the single arm DB BPs this time. I made some great gains with the double arm DB BP this round.

    Copying and pasting from the 12 week challenge thread:

    Consistently getting minimum 100g of protein almost every day. Haven't really fallen behind on lifting despite going on a cruise for a week last month and this week I will finish Hypertrophy 2. Made some great gains there: step ups up to 70lb barbell for the lower reps, and up to 45lb one my low rep three point rows. 90lb on the low rep lat pull downs. Push ups and squats are still kind of sucky but sloooowly improving.

    My bingeing has been okay. Not great, not horrible. February was better than January and so far, March is better than February. Not perfect, but improving.

    I am down five pounds in the last four weeks so that's good, but haven't noticed much change in my clothes yet.

    It is March Break and, coincidentally, the new liquor store down the road is opening this week. Praise the Lord!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, I dunno if it's envy worthy. I'm not really a runner either, just trying to reach goal of finishing a 5k. I remember back in jr high feeling like I was going to die after running 1 mile (and getting last place). I only did it because my friend was and she didn't want to be the only one from our team. Course, right after I had to run the 4x4 and they had to stall so I could catch my breath first. Ah memories. I later switched to things like speech&debate team and drama club.

    Today's workout was a little later than usual because didn't get out of work till well after 10;30. Only 2 more left of stage 1.

    Day 14, B7

    deadlift 3x8 @ 150 - Considered keeping 145 but went up a tad and wasn't too bad.

    db shoulder press 3x8 @ 20 - easy enough
    lat pulldown 3x8 @ 70 - increased and last reps were challenging

    lunge 3x8 @ 22.5 - knees were okay but not a fan and my calluses bothered me a tad when holding the dumbbells
    sb crunch 3x15 - meh, back ached a little

    For Fun:
    bench 3x8 @ 75 - tried 80 but it was too heavy for accessory rep range
    db bench 3x10 @ 22.5 - decreased from last time and felt easy
    bicep curl 2x8 @ 30 - I may change to something else, I tried to do one set with the ez curl bar and no way of holding it made sense and it all felt awkward and heavy with just a 10 on each side.
    wrist curl 3x10 @ 15 - not bad

    Late night as I still have updates to do and a newsletter to write about action&adventure. Good thing tomorrow I work an easy close shift and no fitness stuffs. And for a bonus, I almost got 100 grams of protein. Eggs, pinto beans, jerky, protein shake and a quest bar but it all added up.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    hey everyone. I have been lurking here a bit but not posting because my workouts have been pretty much non-existent. At least reading these threads keeps me motivated to keep going! I started Basic Training 4 last week so I am excited about moving on to the next levels of supercharged and having lower reps. Currently my favourite exercise is the inverted row. I have the bar down to just over hip height and I feel awesome doing them!

    I will probably have a poor enough week this week with food and exercise because today is my birthday and tomorrow is St Patricks day so there will be lots of celebrating. Add that to the weekend away I just had in Romania and I am dreading my next weigh in. Ah well, sometimes you just have to enjoy life!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member

    I'm curious about what you all think about all the fitness mags- I've noticed that they no longer show women with shirts on. They only do pics with sport bra and usually booty shorts. What is up with that? Can a woman not be considered "fit" if she's not flaunting her abs and half of her butt cheek? I appreciate the models' hard work and their amazing bodies, but sometimes I would like to see a regular fit woman in regular workout clothes. So many of the mags also claim to feature "real" women and not fake, photoshopped women, but 95% of the readers of the magazine will never walk around shirtless in the gym.

    It. Does. Get. Annoying.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    I need to find a protein powder that has more cause the plant based one I have now is just 16 grams of protein a serving .

    Yeah, that's pretty sucky. I think mine has 35g protein per serving.

    ....kinda reminds me I should return to shakes and bars if I REALLY want that scale to move.

    I am in a foggy head-space where eating less is really not much fun right now - so I am not doing it, lol.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Not as strong as I would like to be. Had a VERY hard time helping my husband carry a 500lb fish tank just now :(

    Well, 500 lbs is a BIG NUMBER!!

    I am TOTALLY as strong as I want to be!! As I was carrying in flats of pop to a funeral celebration, one of my husband's cousins (about age 29 and looking as feeble as a churchmouse....) commented, "wow, you are buff!" as she felt my biceps and I said back, "yeah, I AM BUFF!"

    I EARNED that compliment and I FELT good about it!!

    I am 46 years old, have had 3 children, a full-professional career, and I STILL manage to work-out and lift heavy stuff.

    That 29-year-old-mouse has NUTHIN' on ME!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    edited March 2015
    Today's workout:

    Squats: 1x5 @ 45; 1x5 @ 65; 1x5 @ 95; 5x5 @ 120 - easy, although my hips and lower back were tight. I have to find a way to work yoga in on Sundays so I'm a bit more open when I lift on Monday mornings.
    OHP: 4x5 @ 60; 1x4 @ 60 - another failure at 60. Boo.
    DL: 5x5 @ 145 - love having the big plates on!!

    Did knee raises - 3x8; and back extensions - 3x8 with a 25-pound plate.

    @DouMc, happy birthday!!!! Enjoy it. :smile:

    @BarbellCowgirl, I really cannot stand those images. Same with fitspo pics. You don't have to be half-naked to motivate me, thanks!

    I started a second job (mostly out of necessity, which just pisses me the *kitten* off) but I've been keeping up my 3x a week workouts - even when I work my full-time job in the morning and my part-time job in the evening, getting home around 11:30. I'm still up at 4:30 because this is the only thing that I've been doing for myself and don't want anything to throw me off. But I have to say that I'm exhausted a lot so not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep this schedule up. :disappointed:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Damn Love, get some rest. You are a better woman than I.
    REst day today. Debating a shake at Sonic tomorrow. I can have half of one is I don't eat all day lol.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    Week 2, Day 3 of C25K

    Need to make a playlist for week 3 tomorrow.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Love. And I agree with Sam, you also need time to rest! Don't overdo it.

    I also agree with Barbell about those images in magazines. I am a big feminist and I get so angry at the way women are portrayed in the media. It is totally unnecessary to show off that much skin. I'd be far more impressed by a photo of a woman deadlifting huge weights or some other amazing feat of physical ability than one just showing her abs.

    No lifting yet this week. Today for Paddy's day we celebrated by doing a 25km walk for charity. I am quite tired now! Hoping I won't be too sore to lift tomorrow.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    25k is NO joke! Great job Dou.
    I had the shake, and was only over by 200. Not to shabby. I made it to the gym. Seriously, sets of fifteen KILL me. First round, 15 push ups, 15 chin ups with 135 assist. Round two, only 11 of each.

    I'm starting to get all weird in the head about my belly.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Work yesterday made me think of this forum because the magazines were recently changed to some newer ones. On the cover of Women's Health, this time, the woman is wearing a white tank top instead of just a sports bra. However, Men's health is a shirtless Bieber and that strikes off any points gained for the health magazines.

    Was going to workout at coworker's gym this morning but she had to cancel, so I'm going to do my last A workout for Stage 1 tonight after work.

    mmm shake. I'm having a glorious dairy day. Trying to limit dairy to just a couple days a week max. Since coworker is coming over to take pictures for me, I am making a frozen pizza that had a bit too many calories for me to eat alone. So, yay for pizza, yogurt, quest bar and whatever else I manage. Maybe a chocolate too. mmmm Then tomorrow it will be no dairy. My goal for April will be to schedule everything better, including meals.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I hate mainstream fitness magazines. I look at the men's ones and they seem to be more geared towards stuff that I'm interested but are pushing all the supplements you can think of. The women's ones show scantily clad models with barbie weights and push diets, weight loss and bikini bodies.

    Just popping in to day hi. Too much crap going on in my head and not sleeping great. But I'm plugging along one step at a time trying to dig through. I'll get there! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    dnamouse wrote: »
    Too much crap going on in my head and not sleeping great.

    Gawd, me too!!

    It is AWFUL!

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here.... just crazy busy. Got all my reps on OHP this week - up weights next time. Couldn't workout yesterday - no time. Lifting and doing combat today to make up for it. Gotta up bench today - not sure how that'll go. Fingers crossed I can get some reasonable reps in.

    Hubby got made redundant yesterday :'( Kinda stressful here right now.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey girls! I'm reading along, but been busy with family in town visitng, fitting in makeshift workouts at home with 20lb DBs and s few smaller plates and a ball...not too shabby. Keeping my strength going hopefully until the new gym opens.

    The all doing great! Strong! Kutgw!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lot going on it seems. I finished workout A for stage 1, at my own gym since the thing with coworker didn't work out this morning. Tomorrow will be rough though cause I lifted until midnight, then I have to get up earlier than usual for couch to 5k, then be at work for a mid shift on freight day. Will probably be having an energy drink at work, or so I predict.

    Day 15, A8

    squat 3x8 @ 120 - not bad, I wasn't sure at first on the increase but felt fine.

    push up 3x8 @ bench - first improvement on pushups at all. I decided to do at least one set using the seated cable spot and ended up getting all three done there though last ones were tough.
    seated row 3x8 @ 70 - still a little challenge but not bad.

    step up 3x8 @ 22.5 - kept to same weight on this one.
    PJ 3x15 - couldn't find the right ball so had to use a bigger one, which I didn't care for doing.

    For Fun:
    leg press 3x10 @90 with focus on pushing with heels
    good morning @ 45 just the bar
    row @ 50 with fixed weight bar, not pendlay style
    glute bridges 3x10 bw

    Enjoying a nice greek yogurt as I am doing days where I eat dairy and the rest of the week no dairy. mmm yogurt. Then it's off to bed cause so tired.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    I started biking again yesterday! I'm going to start doing that on days that I don't lift to try and improve my cardio endurance. So happy that it is starting to show signs of spring outside again.

    Today was A7 Phase and I was really happy to get down to 8 reps! Yay! That's my happy place I think. I've also decided for the rest of my B workouts I'm going to throw in some chest presses at the end of the workout because I really miss those actually. 3 more workouts for stage 1!

    Have a good workout day everyone!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Fun. Some day I'll maybe get a bike. I don't like the exercise ones at the gym as I struggle to get things the right height for me, but biking outside seems like fun and I haven't done it in years.

    I remembered what I hadn't done yet last night as I went to bed at 1am. I didn't have a playlist made for C25K week 3. So, I just did Week 2 an extra day. Probably for the better since I've been on my feet so much and went to the gym last night. I had planned my fitness schedule on the idea of having Thursday's off along with Friday but that wasn't the end result. I'll need to re-evaluate my schedule when I start stage 2.