Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    No cardio or lifting today. Just my usual work schedule, which will be some decent steps though not as crazy as the last two days.

    Also, was scanning stage two and forgot that when I front squat right now, I don't do the grip with my hands. I have to do the crossed arm technique even though I don't care much for holding it that way because my shoulders and wrists don't have that level of mobility. Even the back squat with light grip annoys my wrist. The squat/push press should be interesting when I get there. Maybe I will catch the form workshop the gym is hosting in a few days and get some form checks done.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    My kettle bell arrived today while I was out :smiley:
    Husband was home and said the parcel post guy had to work hard to carry it LOL

    It's now sitting pride of place in my gym :mrgreen:

    Dawn, with the FSPP, remember that you are using a weight suitable for the press part of the lift, so it should be a fair bit lighter than what you would squat. That should be a little easier on your wrists :smile:

    Hi Jo! :cookie:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    DNA-you look wonderful! Slim, fit and happy!

    Great job lifting ladies! Busy volleyball weekend for me. 11 hours yesterday and another 9 today! Didn't lift on Friday as dh was off and we took down 2 huge trees in the backyard. Hauling and stacking a ll the branches was a good enough workout I decided. 3+ hours!

    I'll bbl for personals. Kutgw!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited March 2015
    DNA - *nods* Yeah, I got that aspect. Right now I do a set of front squats then a set of OHP using the same weight. I just can't hold the bar that way for squats because of mobility issues. And I have sore spots a few days after from where the bar rests during squats even when it's just the bar or only a tad heavier, so I've kept them pretty light.

    Went after work and it wasn't as bad today. Though, I did forget my notebook and had to try to remember what to do and at what weight. My back ached a little bit at random points but was pretty good overall. I signed up for a free form check workshop, so I'll be going to that Tuesday morning instead of sleeping in since I work during the evening one. Will be interesting and I may ask about front squats.

    Day 8, B4

    deadlift 2x12 @ 135 - think I will try 145 next time when it's 10 reps

    db shoulder press 2x12 @ 17.5 - slight increase, nice to have incremental dumbbells
    lat pulldown 2x13 @ 60 - still tough at the very end but not bad

    lunge 2x12 @ 20 - knees ache on occasion but okay so far
    sb crunch 2x10 - eh, i still don't like the ball or crunches

    For fun:
    bench press 3x8 @ 75 - tad heavy but made it through
    db bench press 3x8 @ 22.5
    bicep curl 3x8 @ 30 - almost tried the ez curl bar but didn't this time

    Now to do stuff I should have done before going to work and maybe get sleep at some point.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Here are my goals for MARCH:

    1. eat less - I am still not ready to go back to "counting calories", but I am ready to make sure that night-time snacking is just a "NO GO". I am just going to move myself in ways that keep me AWAY from the pantry.

    2. drink more water - I have brought my MIO to work!! That should help me re-institute what had been a FIVE-YEAR habit of drinking tons-and-tons of water. I have FALLEN OFF that habit and I simply need to reinstate.

    3. weight-training 3 x per week and cardio 1 x per week.

    4. MORE sleep. Because I have been irregular with my workouts, so my sleep has been irregular. There is a DIRECT CORRELATION (for me) about working out and sleeping well....I just need to be VERY diligent about getting in my workouts. I was TOO LAX through February. Well, no more!!

    That's it!! Seems all very doable and all very dedicated to my pursuit of holistic well-being.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps, that sounds good!
    I actually try to stop eating by 7.30pm most of the time (obviously special occasions or accidental late nights happen, and I don't stress if they do). I know meal timing doesn't matter, but it's easier for me as the kid's bedtime is 7.30 and I'm in bed not too long after that :wink: I like having that longer 'fast' overnight whether or not it's purely psychological, I feel better within myself iykwim.

    Late nights (ie 9pm lol) make for a rough wake up call for squad training the next day. *yawn*
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good afternoon!

    We had snow and then ice last night so I was a little slow going out this morning to the gym. Because of that, I did nothing extra since I had to get back home and ready for work. Anywho, this is how today's workout went:

    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 55, 1x5 @ 75 and 5x5 @‌ 90
    OHP: 5x5 @ 55 - I thought I was going to struggle through these but incredibly, these were pretty easy to get up there. We'll see if I'm singing the same tune on Friday. LOL
    Deadlift: 1x5 @‌ 115

    I thought about doing a really quick 10-minute HIIT on the treadmill but decided against it. I didn't want to rush back home with the roads the way they were. I'll get it in on Wednesday.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys all sound like you're doing well!

    Beeps-good goals. I'm not a snacker, but a 3-4 meal kinda girl myself. Good luck!

    Dawn-great workout!

    DNA-I'm an early to bed kinda gal too, what's squad?

    Love-you're doing well with SL. I struggle with OHP so much, bench too :(. I'm working on it though :) stay safe on those roads!

    I missed my lifting on Friday for yardwork. I'm waiting for my new gym to open, it's been delayed :(. I've got a 2 week pass that'll take me to 10 days before it opens. So I got a workout in today at the interim gym. I left my workout sheets at home so I winged it again. Just as well the squat racks were busy and the gym in general was pretty crowded for mid afternoon, so I kind of chose less busy options. Did leg presses and step ups and my knee did great! happy with that! Felt good to pick my lifts and feel content. I may just stick with my own thing for a while...;)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Julie, it's the kid's swimming squad :smile: Girl child goes at 5.30am Tues/Thur/Sat and boy child goes on Thur (he's only 7yo lol I'm taking it slow with him although I know the school owner, a Commonwealth Games medalist, would like him to go more and personally moved him up to squad).

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to gym super early (for me), which meant fighting through traffic to get there, for a free form workshop. Turned out that I was the only one to sign up for the morning session, so it was basically a free one on one session with a trainer. We went of deadlift, front squat, back squat and overhead press.

    Overall, my form isn't too bad, which was good to hear. I have things to work on for everything but it's all little things. However, my wrist and shoulder does make it not work well for the front squat/push press combination. Just the bar in that position, not even making it to 90 degrees cause I can't get that far, is too painful on my wrist due to past injury. Going to work on wrist, forearm and shoulder stuff but I may just do a set of front squats using the cross over hold, set down, then right away moved to the overhead press position and do that right after without rest, once I'm in stage 2.

    Also need a tiny bit more depth on squats and work on not letting my shoulder round a bit on many of the lifts. Posture needs a little work in general so will be thinking on that.

    List of things to target with my accessories, mobility work, etc: wrists, forearms, rhomboids, shoulders in general, hamstrings and glutes.

    It was interesting and good to get a form check after lifting for a few months. Glad I went even though I'm very tired and traffic was a nuisance.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hello all! I haven't posted in a while; my BED was throwing me for a loop and I had a rough week or two there. Been back on track for the last few days so I hope to keep that up. February was still better than January, so I hope March is even better.

    DNA, you look awesome! I'm reading crazy inspiring numbers and stories on here: you have all remotivated me.

    I am in on a 10%, 6 month Dietbet to keep myself on track and so far I have lost four pounds. Not that I want to focus too much on the scale but I do have about twenty pounds to lose. I care more about the inches and the increase in strength but I do have some fat that needs to disappear for good! I turn 35 this summer and want to finally be able to wear a bikini and feel comfortable and happy.

    Lifting is going well and I kept up with workouts even while dealing with the bingeing. I'm in the middle of Hypertrophy 2 and I love it. Especially noticing some good upper body gains. I will see how today's workout goes as the last one got cut a wee bit short due to my three year old having an accident at the gym daycare :P

    He starts school in the fall and that means me alone for six hours a day. We've decided I won't go back to work yet (been home for almost seven years, since my eldest son was born); between the youngest starting school and my husband moving into some shift work, it will be busy enough. I should be done Supercharged by then and am debating either doing some work with a trainer or...not sure. I guess I will wait and see how the next six months or so go.

    Good to be back here. Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I worked out Monday and Tuesday. So, today will be a THREE-PEAT!!!

    I am actually going to head to the (workplace) gym in short order and just DO IT.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    ...and BACK from the gym!

    so, that is 3 days in a row....great START to March!

    And, today I am going to start on the 'diet' portion of my personal-scale-loss-fix....I have a PLAN in place to address night-time snacking and now I just have to EXECUTE.

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    Today was an A workout day for me.

    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 75 and 5x5 @ 95.
    Bench: 5x5 @ 60 - Is it recommended that I do warm-ups for bench?
    Row: 5x5 @‌ 60.

    Lat pulldown: 3x6 @ 85.
    HIIT (1 minute high, 2 minutes recovery) for 15 minutes.

    I'm glad I was able to get to the gym this morning as we've been dealing with ice. The forecast is calling for 6+ inches of snow tonight into tomorrow and then record lows (near zero) on Friday, so I'm not sure if I'll get to the gym. :disappointed:

    Welcome back, pudding! I'm glad to see you're back on track. Great job!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Bench: 5x5 @ 60 - Is it recommended that I do warm-ups for bench?

    I do - it definitely improves my big lift. I only do small volume reps once near to the weight for that workout though or I fatigue. Maybe it is just a mental thing? I dunno!

    I'm sick - I have a cold. Feeling miserable. Got my workouts in this week - have broken my OHP and bench plateaus - hurrah! My accessory work is helping. Saw the physio - time to start re-loading my glute and add some hamstring/tendon work as also have issues there. It's ok - time consuming but do-able. Still not allowed to squat parallel or below, no fast running, no plyometrics, reduced single leg work - which is ok as not doing that anyway. Bloody rehab. At least I'm seeing gains in upper body!

    Lift on ladies
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member

    Tween-agers, sick munchkins, hard-to-find items and a crap tonne of work to do.

    Someone explain to me why I thought running my own business would be fun??

    (ok, so it is fun, just not today :wink: )
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, after a calm morning and such, ended up going to work on my day off. In fact, of the three in a row scheduled, I will not work on just one of them as we have a part time person out sick. Short shifts but still gets me some overtime. Went to the gym after work.

    Day 9, A5

    squat 3x10 @ 105 - Kept the weight just cause back has been iffy. Might increase next time.

    push-up 1x10 bench and 2x10 rail
    seated row 3x10 @ 60 - Probably will keep weight same next time, the 10 lb jumps are tougher.

    step up 3x10 @ 20 - Couldn't find the 22.5 ones to use.
    pj 3x12

    Then, for fun: Wrist curls with 10 lb dumbbell, 3x10 bent over row with 50 lb bar and 160 lb leg press focused on using heels for 3x8.

    Now to relax and look forward to sleeping in tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    step up 3x10 @ 20 - Couldn't find the 22.5 ones to use.
    pj 3x12

    I find these numbers to be HUGE. Huge. I don't usually do step-ups (because my glutes don't fire....just my quads), but I gave them a go this week.

    I could NOT do 3 x 8 with NO DB's. Seriously. I did about 3 x 6.

    It was kind of embarrassing....

    It did make me realize that all the glute work I am doing is great - and I will keep doing it. BUT, I have been COMPLETELY neglecting my quads and that probably isn't a good balance, either.

    I don't ever plan on doing step-ups or one-legged-get-ups with weight because quad-strength isn't my concern. But, I should still do them, more often, even with NO weight, because they are a functional move. Good to have as I age.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    At least I'm seeing gains in upper body!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yeah, I only do the step ups because they are part of stage 1. It will probably be helpful if I ever encounter stairs, though. My knees have been okay at least but they dislike the lunges a little more than the steps.

    I need to work on my hamstrings and glutes more, even with squat I've been a little quad dominant it seems. Part of the form check results included needing to work on those in particular. I need to rearrange my accessories and figure out what to add for that.