Daily Chat Thread



  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    For everyone that has done a static lunge with rear foot elevated (or split squat with rear foot elevated) I'm curious where in your legs you feel that move the most?

    I was playing around with it yesterday, did all 10 reps and it was really hard, but I noticed that the part of my leg that got tired first was right above and around the knee (not the actual knee, I wasn't having knee pain) but I didn't feel it in the rest of my leg. I was wondering if that is normal or if my form was off and I needed to concentrate on using a different muscle when I do those.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Ooh I'd been doing the same thing for complexes! Will you look at that. I wonder if that's a common misreading?

    Ah well lol It still kills whichever way you do it :wink: Will do it the proper way next session :smile:

    Small, I had to do one to see (feeling DOMS today, so may be off lol). I feel it where you mentioned, but also my butt and thigh - too early for proper terminology, sorry guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: That could also be my soreness talking. Yesterday was front squats and Bulgarian split squats, ie everything about my legs hurt lol
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Thanks dna! I was just worried that I might be doing it wrong since it seemed like a strange place to be getting sore. I've never done them before and they take a bit of getting use to. I'll try and see if I feel it elsewhere next time as well. I hope your legs feel better tomorrow, at least it's a good hurt, right? ;)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey ladies! you're all doing great!
    Pudding-good to hear from you! Those complexes sound to me like super sets. You do all the reps then right away go to the other exercise and do those reps. Are the complexes supposed to be different? You guys will figure it out :)

    Dou-good to hear from you! I'm up to about there weight wise too, and I have been watching and lifting consistently :(. You'll do great though! You know what to do :)

    Beeps-doing great!

    DNa-great weeken and then holiday!! Good season! Lifting and planning and soon vaca!!

    Love-you're killing it! strong lady!

    Dawn-you too! You're doing great!

    Bbc-good to see you. High reps exhaust me, dripping with sweat by the end. But good to mix it up!

    Sam-sorry your little one is sick again :(. But good job getting your workouts in around life. :)

    Small-Youll like stage 2. I hated the split squats initially, but they did good things for my legs!

    Jo-sorry you're struggling with limitations. :( but hopefully the physio advice will pay off and you'll overcome these areas? Kind of cool about lunch/tea!

    My new gym is open and empty!! I know it won't last, but I'm so happy! Love all the new equipment!!
    I did real squats, in a cage, with a barbell today!! Haven't been able to do that in too long, and it showed :(. My form was bad, not deep enough and my right knee (injured back in December) wasn't too cooperative. I didn't trust it, felt like it would buckle on me. I deloaded all the way down to 75lbs and still felt wobbly. I wanted to quit, but need to put in the time to rebuild that lost mobility and strength. Sigh.
    I added the incline leg press again and really like this lift. I used to be so afraid of the upside down position, what if that weight platform came down? But now I like it and want to increase weight on there, compensate for my knee too :)
    Isohold hip thrust-60 seconds at s time. Ouch!!

    Anyway, hope fr a busy weekend away at volleyball tournaments in a beautiful mountain town 2.5 hours away. Great time, but no sleep. Looking forward to more sleep this week!

    Take care all and keep lifting!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Smallc - Will let you know when I start stage 2 (around the 4th). Hard to say during this last week when I was trying them as my legs didn't get any time off between work, lifting and C25K.

    Julie - Yay for new gym!

    Tonight I just messed around at the gym and tested squats to see if I could get close to body weight. During stronglifts I made it to 150 but had to cut back after that as right side of back acted up, then transitioned to NROLFW. I was tired after work but the lifting went pretty well. I'm going to have 3 whole days off from work, lifting and calorie counting now. Looking forward to this break but it's already 1 am and I have to meet grandparents at airport before 9 am, dealing with rush hour traffic to get there, so it's going to be one long first day. Oh well, still can't wait. Definitely need a little break.

    Random Workout

    Squat: Warmup for a few sets then 1x5 @ 95, 1x5 @ 115, 1x3 @ 135, 1x3 @ 145, 1x3 @ 155 and 1x3 at 165. I made it but oh was it hard to get up each rep on the last two sets. Won't be doing many reps at those weights but that's okay.

    seated row 3x8 @ 70 - weight from end of stage 1 still feels heavy
    pendlay row 3x5 @ 95 - pondering if I'm setting them up too low, hmmm
    deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 1x5 @ 185 - tried the heavier set just for fun but was hard to get all 5 reps
    leg press 3x8 @‌ 110 - added a little more this time
    good morning 3x10 @ 45 - not sure about adding weights yet so did extra reps

    Now to finish getting everything ready and try to get some sleep. I won't be online as much though will have my little tablet to use while I'm away. Just 3 days but well needed mini vacation. Happy lifting everyone!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Man, I could have sworn I posted in here yesterday but my response is nowhere to be found! smh

    Julie, slow and steady wins the race! Try not to psych yourself out regarding your knee. It'll feel better before you know it!

    Jo, I'm sorry that you're limited right now. I know how frustrating that can be! Are you using the foam roller too? I've gotten back into using my roller and, man, does it make a difference!

    Yesterday's workout:
    Squat: 140 - and I didn't even have to take 3 minute rests! Woo!
    OHP: 5,5,4,5,4 at 65 pounds. I actually sulked during my 5-minute rest after failing in the 3rd set. LOL I knew that I wasn't going to get all the reps out at this weight, especially since 60 has been so hard. But to only miss 2 reps was enough reason to feel good about this.
    Deadlift: 4x5 @ 175 pounds. My hands said NOT TODAY! I did the first two reps with a mixed grip, third regular and fourth mixed. I tried to do the last rep with a mixed first and a regular after and I just couldn't get the bar up. I was afraid that I would drop the bar if I did get it up. :disappointed: So, I'm not sure what to do outside of working on my grip strength. My legs are good for this weight but not my hands.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    lovetowrite - did you watch BroScience's new video (on youtube) on deadlifts?!?!? Came out yesterday. HILARIOUS!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey ladies! you're all doing great!
    Pudding-good to hear from you! Those complexes sound to me like super sets. You do all the reps then right away go to the other exercise and do those reps. Are the complexes supposed to be different? You guys will figure it out :)

    Dou-good to hear from you! I'm up to about there weight wise too, and I have been watching and lifting consistently :(. You'll do great though! You know what to do :)

    Beeps-doing great!

    DNa-great weeken and then holiday!! Good season! Lifting and planning and soon vaca!!

    Love-you're killing it! strong lady!

    Dawn-you too! You're doing great!

    Bbc-good to see you. High reps exhaust me, dripping with sweat by the end. But good to mix it up!

    Sam-sorry your little one is sick again :(. But good job getting your workouts in around life. :)

    Small-Youll like stage 2. I hated the split squats initially, but they did good things for my legs!

    Jo-sorry you're struggling with limitations. :( but hopefully the physio advice will pay off and you'll overcome these areas? Kind of cool about lunch/tea!

    My new gym is open and empty!! I know it won't last, but I'm so happy! Love all the new equipment!!
    I did real squats, in a cage, with a barbell today!! Haven't been able to do that in too long, and it showed :(. My form was bad, not deep enough and my right knee (injured back in December) wasn't too cooperative. I didn't trust it, felt like it would buckle on me. I deloaded all the way down to 75lbs and still felt wobbly. I wanted to quit, but need to put in the time to rebuild that lost mobility and strength. Sigh.
    I added the incline leg press again and really like this lift. I used to be so afraid of the upside down position, what if that weight platform came down? But now I like it and want to increase weight on there, compensate for my knee too :)
    Isohold hip thrust-60 seconds at s time. Ouch!!

    Anyway, hope fr a busy weekend away at volleyball tournaments in a beautiful mountain town 2.5 hours away. Great time, but no sleep. Looking forward to more sleep this week!

    Take care all and keep lifting!!

    Thank Jullie. Been there with losing the strength, it does come back. Tonight I ahd to work through some pain, and it turned out to be a very bad idea.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I had a thoroughly lazy weekend. My brain is already on vacation. I paid for it today. I'm starting to think that my assisted chin-ups should be in the beginning of my workout. I had it all the way up to 135 and could only do 8. I had to bail on the last set. I was winded, sore, shaky, dizzy, the seven dwarfs of pain. (ok 4 dwarfs)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    beeps, I saw it on my Facebook feed but haven't watched it yet. I'm going to watch it in a few.

    Today's workout: NONE. I needed some sleep so I opted to get that instead. Back at it on Friday. I'm off from my 2nd job on Thursday so I'll be well rested.

    Dawn, have a great vacation! I forgot to say that yesterday.

    Haha @ the dwarfs of pain, Sam!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Just watched the video and it was hilarious! The mixed grip is the only one that matters! lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    The mixed grip *is* the only one that matters, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    Also, I really had to decide, today, whether to do my deadlifts or just do a bunch more arm curls, ha ha ha ha ha.

    Okay, I did my lifting. BOOM!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Love and sam-I'm trying to decide btw pushing my knee further and babying it a bit so as not to reinjure it. I waver between the 2 ideas...leaning toward babying it. Pain and wobbly feel... Makes me fear it'll buckle again :(
    I tried to do lunges on 2 bosu balls..and my knee said nope! I just did them on the ground instead, more safe. Sigh. I guess I heal more slowly at 45? Annoying!

    Beeps-I've been trying to teach my cat to high 5 all week. Love that video of theirs. I'll look at this one too!

    Love- you're strong my friend! And a rest day is good too!

    Sam-I noticed that too lately...my assisted pull ups are good one day, and junk the next week. Wonder if it has to do with the order?

    Dawn-congrats on your squat numbers! Woohoo! Enjoy your minivaca !!

    I'm doing well. Added back cardio this week, even did the rowing machine last night! :smiley: feels so good to lift in my own gym again! Did I mention it's been mostly empty every time I've gone? Love it so!! Know it won't last, but enjoying it for now! ;)

    Weight is coming back down. I think it was the added fiber...psyllium husks evidently don't agree with me :(. I feel good now and hope to make some forward progress this week! I'm up 5 lbs from when I started mfp in June/July 2014. I'm smaller, but heavier. I haven't made any visible progress in months. Hope to get that improving too!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Oops, wrong bro group there beeps! I was taking about this video http://www.techtimes.com/articles/40901/20150319/bro-cats-coolest-chill.htm. Heehee.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Funny stuff. I've been trying to do better lately. I got to the gym Tuesday to lift, Wednesday Zumba, Thursday Lift. I also readjusted my goals. I went back to a slight deficit, but I'm back to giving myself the 300 credit for lifting.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Julie, you don't look like you're in your 40s at all!!!

    I went for a walk/jog today, which I haven't done since the fall. But even over the winter, on the treadmill, my knees for quite sore whenever I'd try running. I think the single leg RDL and step ups have helped though, cause today my knees were totally fine. So nice to get out into the sunshine and fresh air; I may do it again on Saturday

    Third lifting session of the week tomorrow and then I can enjoy a slice of my homemade lemon meringue cake at my family's Easter dinner :)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    edited April 2015

    Julie, definitely go by what your body says. I hope it feels better soon. And I'm sure your progress will get back to what you want it to soon enough!

    Sometimes we all need a reset, Sam. It sounds like readjusting your goals is exactly what you need. Continue to kick azz!

    Pudding, lemon meringue cake sounds divine! Yum! Enjoy it and Happy Easter (to all who observe) and Happy Passover (to those who observe).

    No workout again for me today. I really needed the sleep. I was off from my second job yesterday but then my almost-22-year-old daughter had me running around and I felt like I had worked anyway! lol So, another sleep day. I also need to invest in a good multivitamin. I'm fairly certain that I'm not getting what I need via food. That is still a work-in-progress.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio today: C25k Week 4 day 3 (of 5)

    Not bad since I didn't do anything on my three day vacation except a little light walking. Still tough on that second 5 minute jog but after it seemed easy. It was a bit chilly today at park and rained at the very end of the walk.

    Tomorrow after work I start Stage 2.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all, I just finished my night shifts for this month so off to bed shortly. Not managed to lift since start of the week but have gotten 2 x cardio workouts in. Hoping I feel energetic enough to lift after I sleep as otherwise it'll throw out my plan for next week. Gotta make sure I do something to address the magnum icecream and chocolate I consumed to get me through last night.... :#
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Considering I had a rough shift at work that included a monster of a headache, the gym turned out not too bad. I'm officially on Stage 2. Workout A is pretty easy and I don't mind any of it but there are no crunches, so that helps. Not too much moving around either as the grouped lifts were easy enough to do near each other based on gym layout. We'll see how Workout B goes on Tuesday.

    Stage 2 - A1

    front squat/push press 2x10 @ 55 - My left shoulder wasn't a fan and the last reps were tough but made it through. The hold is a little awkward since I'm using overhead press stance and squatting but making it work.

    step-up 2x10 @ 20 with short step - went back down to 20 since had a break from them after stage 1 and it was easier to pick a mid-way weight to use the dumbbells for both exercises.
    db one point row 2x10 @ 20 - balance is fun on that one, left side struggled and I'm glad I was hiding in the stretch area though still think a guy wondered what I was doing.

    static lunge 2x10 @ 30 - used 2 risers for the step and just did the small bar that weighs almost nothing and 30 lbs from the class area.
    push-up 2x10 from the step with 2 risers, or well, 4x5 as I had to take breaks after each set of 5 for just a little bit but the step is lower than even my bench attempts in stage one, so getting closer to on the ground ones.

    cable wood chop 2x10 @ 12.5 - still not sure on these 100 percent and did them first instead of plank but it's close to the stretch type area so they go okay together.
    plank 1 @ 50 seconds and 2 sets of 30 seconds - forgot timer in locker so had to watch the time on my iPod during songs, so it's not exact.

    shrug 3x10 @ 25 - not bad
    assisted chin-up 3x8 @ 13 - barely could make it through them but slight progress.

    Now to make frosting for carrot cake and get some sleep. mmmm