Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I readjusted my calories and I am having a VERY hard time staying under 1700.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, scale loss is good motivator!
    Sam, I am with you on that! I need to be under 1700 on weekdays and under 2000 Sat & Sun to lose, but it's really hard when you're faithfully logging every bite!
    I had a great workout today. Upper body- push press(explosive) 3X5, then 3X12 of bench on stability ball, inverted rows, chest flyes on stability ball, front raises, and triceps push-ups with 30 sec rests. I ended it with 3 rounds of 20 sec HIIT. A total of 40 mins of pure burn.
    Protein was 33% today(130 grams). If only I could keep this momentum!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had a bit of an off day today. Went a little earlier than usual because I didn't work today, however, ended up at the gym for about 2 hours. Went a tad longer than expected. Got my hair cut earlier today so it's not really long anymore, didn't even use a band or anything. Not bad but think I need a couple clips for the longer parts. Nice not having lots of hair on the back of my neck though. Also tried out the top I thought would be good for running but wasn't. It's a bit snug and my fluff is obvious but it's also sleeveless and was nice not having as much material around my shoulders or near my neck. Still a bit self conscious in it but might wear it again for lifting in the future. The workout is a little out of order so I will post the order performed.

    Stage 2 - A2
    Warm up was with 10 minutes on elliptical, some trx work, rail pushups and body squats. Also for fun just did some hangs from the assisted chin-up machine.

    front squat/push press 2x10 @ 55 - not bad but a tad rough still.

    step-up 2x10 @ 20 - easy enough.
    db 1 pt row 2x10 @ 20 - laughable, had to pause and get re-situated a few times.

    static lunge 2x10 @ 40 - did a little more weight on the bar so it was tougher.
    push-ups were fails. 1x5 then 1x maybe 3 with 2 risers, added another riser for step, 1x5 then 1x4 barely. I just struggled tonight with them.

    plank 3 x 40 seconds. The cable machines for the wood chop were both being used by a group of guys so I ended p just doing the planks.

    leg press 3x10 @ 110 - okay. Had a nice boy help me take off plates as someone had left on 6 45s.

    good morning 3x10 @ 50 - tried adding a little weight to bar but just the 2.5 ones.

    cable wood chop 2x 10 @ 12.5 - finally was able to get the place to do these.

    hip thrusts 3x10 @ 10 - used step and risers in classroom so tried out the super light bar which someone had left and it just had two little 5 plates on it.

    Now I need to finish writing a blog and maybe go to bed. Good thing I don't work tomorrow either.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Dawn and Love, your lifting numbers are great.

    dna, sounds like you are having a great time! I'm jealous, I need a holiday but can't afford one :disappointed: maybe later in the year I'll manage something.

    Sam, I hear you on staying within your calories. I am trying to keep under 1600 plus half my exercise calories and it just isn't happening. I think I have been over every day this week. Yesterday was a bad day for me. I was planning on lifting after work but I felt really light-headed on the drive to the gym so I skipped it and ate lots of food instead. So no exercise and 550 calories over for the day. Today I have had to rearrange my plans to fit in a gym session to make up for it.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    I readjusted my calories and I am having a VERY hard time staying under 1700.

    I had a look at your diary for the past few days - you could fairly easily make some lower calorie choices. Happy to help if you want but I expect you already know this :)

    Feel free to browse my diary... but no low cal goals here

    Lifted today - fixed my bench issue. Squats good again. Happy.

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Today's workout:

    Squat: 5x5 @ 150 pounds. I told myself I wasn't going up but I did and it was TOUGH. But not so tough that I needed the 3-minute rests. I still will probably just repeat this weight on Monday.

    Bench: 5/5/5/5/4 @ 85 pounds. Scary moment - I knew I wasn't going to get that 5th rep up on the last set so I went to set the bar back and missed the top peg on the right side. Luckily, the bottom peg caught the bar or that would have been my face! I will ask for a spot on Wednesday when I do this workout again. Something was definitely off about my right arm today. Felt like it was in my rotator cuff and that scared me. I'm hoping that rest will fix whatever is going on.

    Row: 5x5 @ 95. I find this was easy as well. I think that these rows are easier for me to do because I have to start from rest as opposed to doing them all in a row. I'm not sure why though.

    Man, for you all logging your food, I applaud you. I just find it to be so tedious!

    I got a Jawbone Up! I ordered it through Living Social and it arrived today. So, now I'm playing with that. I hope it gives me better insight on my activity and sleep!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    doumc - Thanks. :smile:

    Cardio day - Couch to 5k Week 5 Day 1

    Not bad but day 1 is the easy one. Just three 5 minute jogs with 3 minute walks in between. Though there was some jog even thing at the park cause there were people in blue shirts cheering and water stations. Was weird getting cheered while jogging by as I wasn't part of their event, just doing my cardio. Not sure what it was for though, something related to a blue ribbon. I should have asked but was busy jogging whenever passed a station.
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    Hi there been browsing this group for a while and this thread seems to be where everyone is!

    On stage 4 atm and loving it! I'm on the books calories (about 2300 seems to keep me levelish) so not losing bouncing up and down a little (I'm okay with that though as maintanance/mini bulk girl here till end of program then a big cut. Yay!)

    Great to find a site people are still doing this program, was startin to think noone was diing it anylonger! your all doing great! Way to go!

    And ohhhh.. wish I could have a holiday too!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,094 Member
    I was trying to lose weight for a June 17 event. As of today, a more crucial event arises May 21!

    So, instead if trying to lose "11 lbs in 11 weeks", i aim to lose "10 lbs in 6 weeks".

    Today I lifted. And briskly walked outside for two hours. And have so far ingested 1,000 calories.

    Crash-diet Beeps has appeared....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So I gave my head a good bang last night and skipped the gym. Got up and went this morning instead since it was my only chance to go this weekend. (hubby is away at an event) Not a bad workout. I just took it slow and focused on form and breathing as to not get dizzy. I moved up my weights for Hypertrophy 3. Used my 5 rep weight for 10 reps ;)
    Ok off to the movies with the kiddos. Getting in our last two days of Spring break fun.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ouch Sam. Hope you're okay. I also moved up some weights in Hypertrophy 3 today. Used my 10 reps weight for 15 reps of single arm DB bench presses.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Sam, take it easy sweetie :heart:

    We have arrived! Kids have tested all four pools at the resort. Having a leisurely breakfast and then going for a walk to the beach.
    It's stinger season, so there won't be much swimming at the beach, but we don't mind :smile: Think we might hit up the zoo as well.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    dnamouse - Have fun. 4 pools sounds like the start of a good time.

    Tonight did workout B and it didn't take quite as long as last time I went to the gym, though that was good cause I didn't get started till after 10:30 pm.

    Stage 2 - B2

    wide grip deadlift from box 2x10 @ 100 - slight increase

    bulgarian split squat 2x10 @ 20 db - used short step
    underhand lat pull down 2x10 @ 70 - tough as increased but made it through

    reverse lunge forward reach 2x10 @ 15 - these are fine
    db prone cuban snatch 2x10 @ 5 - decreased weight, not a fan of these

    sb crunch 2x10 @ 10 - used 10 plate again but bigger ball this time
    reverse crunch 2x10 - feel them but still they are awkward
    glute bridge 2x10 @ 10 - used plate again and did these instead of the lateral flexion

    prone cobra 2x 60 seconds

    shrug 3x10 @ 25 db - not bad but might try with a bar instead one day
    assisted chin up, neg, hang - did sort of chin-ups @ 13 but held at the top and slowly lowered while using the assistance just for 2 sets of 4 reps. Did one in between where I just hung from the handles.

    That is all for today. Sunday is rest day.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, good luck with that! Sounds miserable :#
    Sam & Pudding, good job increasing those weights! Love to hear of that kind of progress!
    dna, that sounds so lovely!
    Soooo sore today. Tabata included so many lunge jumps and jump squats yesterday. My body is letting me know about it!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    Love-excellent job on the lifts!!
    Sam-your poor head! Glad you're feeling better!
    Pudding-nice lifts!
    Dou-hope you got a good workout in!
    DNA-enjoy your holiday!!
    Bbc-ouch!! Jump squats and lunges? You go girl!
    Beeps-you're really motivated! Good luck!
    Small-keep lifting! good job!

    I'd still love to drop 15 lbs of fat (endless pursuit!) and am willing and able to drop calories to do it, but I'm debating the faster weight loss vs. metabolism slowing and possible muscle loss? I did a few rounds of Hcg a few years ago (very low calorie diet) and did lose weight quickly, but lost muscle too, and ended up regaining some fat, then repeating the process. Ended up at a higher BF. :(
    That's when I made the commitment to lift. :) Building muscle takes time, we all know that! but as a newbie I have put on 7lbs of muscle since August!! (When I got a BF caliper). I'm not sure it's 100% accurate, but expect the trend it shows to be accurate. I'm down 2lbs of fat according to my meaurements and calculations too. :)

    So, recomposition is happening. It's not fast, but I'm pleased. I'm willing and tempted to lose faster by creating a bigger calorie deficit, but continually debate the long term impact of it. What do you guys think? I value input, and have a strong willpower (having lost and kept off 120lbs, I'm no stranger to sacrifice), but my thyroid and metabolism are finally healthy and happy. I hesitate to do anything to jeapordize it.

    Like beeps, I have a big event coming up the end of May (maui vacation) and would love to be 10 lbs lighter by then. But, I'm afraid I'll be worse off at the end, as I'll be indulging on vacation. How much damage could 1.5 months of low calories do?
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    Hi there been browsing this group for a while and this thread seems to be where everyone is!

    On stage 4 atm and loving it! I'm on the books calories (about 2300 seems to keep me levelish) so not losing bouncing up and down a little (I'm okay with that though as maintanance/mini bulk girl here till end of program then a big cut. Yay!)

    Great to find a site people are still doing this program, was startin to think noone was diing it anylonger! your all doing great! Way to go!

    And ohhhh.. wish I could have a holiday too!

    Welcome! glad to have you posting with us! Sounds like you're doing well! Kutgw!

    Jo-lol about using those glutes! My whole workout routine is based on glute work! Glad your lifts are better! :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I know Julie, talk about 'duh'!

    Combat yesterday, accessory day done today. Was tired after a busy weekend at work but did ok. Hate going to the gym in the evening tho' - full of dudes who just stand in front of all the dumbbells while doing bicep curls and totally getting in everyone's way. Ugh. Never mind, got in, got it done
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Ugh, I'm sick. In a sort of undefined, just feeling rubbish kind of way. I failed at lifting last week, skipped the gym on Thursday and left early on Friday because I didn't have the energy to get through my workout. Tried to run on Saturday and gave up after about 10 minutes of slow shuffling. I have an autoimmune condition and the doctor told me to increase my dosage of medication for that so hopefully that will help. But reading everyones progress on here will keep me motivated to get back at it as soon as i can.

    Jo, that is hilarious that you were forgetting to use your glutes! I'm glad you have worked it out though! :smiley:
    Julie, I am of the opinion that very low calorie to lose weight quickly is a bad idea. But that just be because I love food and don't want to ever do a very low calorie diet, even for a day or two! How low were you thinking of going? You have worked so hard to create nice muscles so I would be very cautious about doing something that could make you lose them.
    Dna, I have so jealous. Enjoy your holiday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,094 Member
    Crash-diet Beeps was REWARDED!!

    In 7 days, I ate 9,436 calories and did 455 minutes of exercise. 2.8 lbs lost on the scale (likely water/bloat....but I will take it!).

    I am aiming for another big SWOOSH this week, because it will make the rest of my "cut" so much more bearable! And, in recognition of how low I am keeping my calories, I am reducing my lifting to 2 sets, from the ordinary 3 sets (sometimes 4!), just to make sure I can maintain the lower calories for the next while.

    I will lift today. BOOM!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Dou, I hope you feel better soon!
    Julie, I agree with Dou. I think it's a bad idea too but you have to do what's best for you.
    dna, enjoy your vacation! Sounds lovely (outside of the stingers in the water!).

    No gym for me this morning. I got up to go and then didn't. I painted my nails instead. lol I just can't explain it.