Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day - C25k Week 5 day 1 (second time)

    It wasn't bad though my legs get tired during the five minute jogs. Think the 8 minute ones on wednesday will be manageable too. Still not sure on friday's but we'll have to wait and find out if I can go all 20 minutes.

    ooo I should paint my nails.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Where's the rest of my post? Grrrr!

    Dou-(hugs) hope you're feeling better with the increased meds! Good job keeping up the habit though!
    Dawn-happy running! Hope Friday goes well!
    Beeps-good job!
    Jo-I'm gonna probably end up at the gym tonight. I don't like it either, crowded and annoying. Glad you got it done.

    Thanks for the feedback. I know, slow and steady is the best way to do it. I just get impatient. I did look back to August when I started lifting more seriously and also got my bf caliper. I've gained 5-6 lbs, lost 2 lbs of fat and built 7 lbs of muscle (according to my calculations). I can live with that. My progress pics are in my profile, and I can see definite improvement. It's not as fast as I had hoped, but I am willing to do the tortoise approach and keep everything humming along. I'll get there, eventually! ;)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Had a busy weekend. Got to the gym Saturday had a great session I think I mentioned already and Sunday we went to Six Flags, only for a few hours. The beauty of living fairly close. Today was back to work after 10 days off and it was actually nice to be back on routine, even if I do hate getting up at 5:45.

    Got to the gym tonight, high rep night, killer. I always seem to skip complexes on high rep night. On the bright side, forward lunges up fro 15 to 20 for 15 reps, 15 military push ups both sets, and sumo squat 2x15@60. Not a bad night.

    This is a sad week for me, but I'm really focussing in not focussing on being sad. Positive thoughts: My pants fit better and I had a student say very sweet things about me to a new student today. Win.

    Dou, feel better.
    Jo, I am feeling you with the crowded gym. Grrr
    Love, sometimes you just need a day off.
    Julie, slow and steady wins the race. If you cut too hard, you are far more likely to gain it back.
    Beeps, I say this with love, you know better. Be well my friend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Julie - tortoise does work!

    Got another lifting day in. Lost another lb since saturday. Weeks two- (now) and three- I tend to dominate, so good for me. Just have to dominate the three weeks after that and all is GReAT. BOOM!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Keep working ladies!

    Coming off my Zumba high...aahhh..... :)

    Tomorrow, I lift!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I lifted today - squats - meh. OHP - progress... not with weight but reps. DL - working on form. Felt hard, think I'm worn out. Enjoy your high beepee - I need one of those!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Ah, the joys of lifting day. Didn't get to the gym till about 11 pm, so it was quite a late night. Shoulder was achy too but acted up even before I got to the gym, which meant I had to be cautious on the push press part. Overall, not bad though I wish the place hadn't been so busy, or at least not the areas I needed when I had to do the pesky 1 pt row cause bunch of guys were around. Did see one db bench with 110 lb dumbbells, wow those are big.

    Stage 2: A3

    front squat/push press 2x10 @ 55 - Kept same weight cause shoulder.

    step-up 2x10 @ 20 with short step
    db 1 pt row 2x10 @ 20 - got off balance middle of both left side sets and first right side set.

    static lunge 2x10 @ 40 with 2 risers and aerobic step.
    push-up 10, 5, 5 with 2 risers and aerobic step. Not sure why last time was so hard as I could do some this time.

    plank 2x45 seconds, not quite up to 60 yet, maybe next time.
    cable wood chop 2x10 @ 12.5 - eh.

    bench 3x8 @ 75 - slightly difficult tonight
    bicep curl 3x8 @ 30 - not bad
    wrist curl 3x10 @ 15 - usual

    Now to get stuff done and go to bed. Sleepy.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-boom is right!
    BP-zumba on!
    Dawn-good job!
    Jo-I've been meh with my squats too! I'm supposed to try zercher squats next...can't imagine that'll feel good on my inner arms?

    Feeling good! Upped weights and/or reps on all my lifts yesterday! Finished the second stage of BC's glutteal goddess (still can't say that name without laughing!) on to the next stage tomorrow. Getting in some cardio today. Scale finally starting a VERY slow decline. Eating my big meal for breakfast seems to be working. The higher carbs seem to be helping both my thyroid/metabolism and my lifting :). Yay! A little inspiration and reminder.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    bepeejaye wrote: »

    Tomorrow, I lift!!


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    I lifted today - squats - meh. OHP - progress... not with weight but reps. DL - working on form. Felt hard, think I'm worn out.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Julie said: "Feeling good! Upped weights and/or reps on all my lifts yesterday! Finished the second stage of BC's glutteal goddess (still can't say that name without laughing!) on to the next stage tomorrow. Getting in some cardio today. Scale finally starting a VERY slow decline. Eating my big meal for breakfast seems to be working."

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    No workout for me, today....have meetings all day. I wore a pretty red dress, today and it is fitting well.

    Even though SHARK week BIT HARD last night!

    Don't matter....I am giving in to NUTHIN' this week....just plowin' through with my May 21 "event" firmly on my mind. The end.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am jealous of all the lifting going on here. I am still feeling weak and lightheaded so no exercise for me. Yesterday I drove to the gym, parked outside, got out of my car and walked towards the door and then veered around and got back in my car and went home. I just didn't have the energy to even start a workout. And I have been over my calories every day this week but I always think I am hungry when I feel light headed so I eat hoping that it will cure it. Someday I will realise that that does not work. :disappointed:

    Julie, would you recommend glutteal goddess? I have the strong curves book so I am thinking of doing that if I ever finish supercharged. Only two workouts left in basic training but I haven't been to the gym in ages so it feels like I will never more on to the next stage.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Hope it gets better, DouMc.

    Despite napping until 1 pm (yeah, I was really lazy this morning) still managed to get the Couch to 5k jog attempt done before needing to eat and get ready for work. Week 5, Day 2 is done and the minute jogs were okay though tiring. I know I can do 10 minutes at one time but still uncertain on the jump to 20 minute jog but that will be Friday's concern. Now I just need to worry about eating food, blogging before work and figuring out how to get enough protein today.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Julie - I'd not heard of zercher squats before, had to google. OMG, it looks weird. Surely it can't be good for your elbows and arms? I understand the point of front loading though, but why choose that over front squats? The plus points about remaining upright in the move and engaging better glute/ hamstring action appeals though - maybe I ought to incorporate a different squat version into my routine...... you've certainly got me thinking.

    So I am sick - just a cold, but annoying on my days off! Had an early night last night and feel a bit better today. Which is good because I have combat this morning. Maybe afterwards I will nap lol
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited April 2015
    Boom goes the thread.
    Dou, I used to do that, eat whenever I felt light headed or tired. It took two years before I was diagnosed as hypoglycemic. In the mean time, I had gained 20 pounds and blamed the kids.
    Yesterday my bithday cake put me over the top, but today is zumba day.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Dr. Dou, I hope you feel better soon.

    I'm doing a fist bump for all who have been lifting! I skipped the gym again yesterday and forgave myself for that. I will be back tomorrow though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Today is a lifting day! BOOM!

    And, even though period is in full swing, I still managed to stick to 1,200 cals yesterday....I am verrrrry proud of myself! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well we are in group dedicated to strength training so... yeah.

    Just 2 days left of Stage 2. It is interesting doing some of the different lifts and I've learned some I may not have considered before, but I do miss regular squats and deadlifts a little.

    Stage 2, B3

    wide grip deadlift from box 2x10 @ 105 - heavy but not bad

    bulgarian split squat 2x10 with short story and 20 lb db
    underhand lat pulldown 2x10@ 70 - step came in handy to change the bar for the pulldown

    reverse lunge on box(step) 2x10 @ 15 - easy enough
    db prone cuban snatch 2x10 @ 5 cause yeah, don't care for them

    sb crunch 2x12 @ 10 just threw in two extra reps cause boring
    reverse crunch 2x10 and hope I'm doing them right
    glute bridge 2x10 @ 10 wish we had a 15 plate

    prone cobra 1x60 and 1x90

    For fun:
    deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 1x3 @ 185 which was really heavy
    good morning 3x10 @ 50 the usual
    I chickened out on doing hip thrusts cause people were in the classroom

    Glad I don't work tomorrow but might regret the extra leg stuff when I try to jog for 20 minutes tomorrow.