Daily Chat Thread



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Have fun Dawn!

    NROL Abs is done! I am SO ready for a week off the weights, just doing some running. I'm hoping my copy of Strong will arrive with enough time this week for me to read through it so I can start it one week tomorrow.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Not been posting much - mostly as I have nothing to post about, lol. Have been working out, but nothing special. Today I am going to attempt front squats for the first time since I did NROL, which seems like years! Could be interesting as have totally forgotten how to do it. Also going to switch leg press to single leg, as with the increase in weight (now at 330lbs for 3 x 8-10) , it is starting to hurt my back. From some research, this seems to be a common issue and the single leg seems to be an easy fix, so we'll see! Have a great week ladies
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning all! A dreary overcast day here.
    My business planning weekend didn't turn out - husband was meant to be going away to help with harvest, but it's raining... and then we got hit with a storm (hail, wind, rain etc) on Saturday so yesterday was spent cleaning up. Some water got into the garage, so there were a few soggy boxes. New plastic crates have been purchased, and most of the stuff belongs to the husband, so guess what his ongoing job will be?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ....okay....wasn't it about TODAY that a new book in the NROL series was to come out?!??!!?

    called "strong", if I remember correctly?!??!?!

    Anybody got it? Tried it? Have some comments/review on it?!??!?

    I would LOVE a new "tear-a-sheet-a-day" workout plan to take to the gym with me....
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I'm home from vacation. Long travels with about 12 hours today driving and 10+ yesterday. I had a lot of fast food today but enjoyed the last day. I work until Monday, but I'll get to grocery store after work tomorrow since it's a mid-shift day. Hope to get to gym maybe Thursday or Friday so I can get back to PHUL. So tired now. Once I get pictures all fixed, I'll post my progress pictures with my dresses from older stepsister's wedding just over 4 years ago along with the picture from younger stepsister's wedding that was this week. For now, I'm going to chill online for a bit then get stuff from car. I'd do it sooner but cat must have missed me so she's lying on my lap.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I got my lifting done, today. BOOM!

    And, I stayed right on track with my calories.

    I feel VERY IN CHARGE right now....that "mood" doesn't stick around long....so, while it IS HERE, I am really going to make hay while the sun shines. Keep lifting. Decrease eating. Log. Weigh. Repeat.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I have not got the new book yet - it's on my Christmas list.

    Look forward to seeing the pics Dawn.

    I have lifted twice this week - have changed up my workout a bit. Realised some moves have not progressed all year so have totally removed them or changed them to allow for progress. First up, squats. Now a front squat. And heck are my quads feeling it! Leg press is now single leg. Split squats will now be done with a step, not a bench so as to increase weights and do them in the rack rather than with the preloaded bars.

    I am removing some arm isolation from the upper body workouts to add rear delt exercises. The arm isolations will remain in workout A. That way I am still doing them but not adding the stress on my elbows which sometimes hate me for it. Yesterday, I swapped my OHP from 3 sets of 5 to 5 sets of 3 and got all my reps. Am going to do the same with bench.

    These may be unorthodox changes but heck, my body doesn't always want to comply with 'normal'.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member

    Let's discuss!!! I am really, really excited!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks beeps but it is quad activation I'm after more so than glutes. My issues are all at the front, not the back :#

    Not as sore as I expected after yesterdays lifts, which is good. Although my chest is feeling it a bit, making deep breathing rather challenging. Could be interesting at combat tonight!!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I haven't gotten the new book yet, but it souds good. :)

    I'm getting back to 5 workouts a week, 3 lifting and 2 cardio for now. I've got my inlaws in town and my eating is not good this week. But I've gotten in 2 workouts so far..which is good, :).

    Dawn-I'm looking forward to your pics too!
    Good job getting back on track beeps!
    Jo-Hope you can improve your squat. I sympathize!
    Pudding-enjoy some rest.
    Rocky-enjoy NY
    Dna-Hope it warms up for you :)

    I'm still doing SL, and my bench is weak :(. The other lifts are doing well, and I'm content for now. It's just good to be more excited to workout again. I've been in a slump since my back and neck acted up and I'm at the Chiro 3x/week. Recommitted and looking forward to some sore muscles! Keep lifting ladies!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So tired but I'm back. :smile: After vacation had two days that equaled 19 hours total at work but decided on day 3 of being back, it was time for the gym. So, even after an 8 hour freight shift, I went to the gym. Had been over a week and I missed lifting. Decided to do the lower hypertrophy day since before my max tests I last did the upper hypertrophy. This way also I'll be doing upper on Saturday as I think I have my schedule figured out. Did a slight de-load but not on all of them as with hypertrophy day I'm at lower weights anyways, but I did feel my legs a bit more than usual during, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

    24 lower hypertrophy

    front squat 3x8 @ 75 - fine, slight de-load though not much, but felt it a bit in my quads
    bar lunge 3x8 @ 65 - same as before, slow but manageable
    good morning 3x10 @ 65 - in between lunge sets, nothing unusual here
    leg curl 3x10 @ 60 - minor decrease but felt good, also extension was occupied so slightly out of order
    leg extension 3x8 @ 65 - decrease too and tad challenging but managed
    seated calf 3x10 @ 90 - kept the same and easy enough

    Now to find a little more protein, try to write a couple hundred words, then sleep time.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I don't believe in friday the 13.

    Except a lost an earring today.....from the pair of earrings I bought four days ago. :(

    Now, I Iost it at the gym, likely in the shower, after I lifted. So, at least I got my lifting in.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sorry beeps :(
    Dawn-good job! You are a machine woman!

    Just finished my third lifting session this week! Yay! And I did 2 days of cardio too! Bonus! Eating has been bad, but my in laws flew home today so I'll be back on track. New goal-keep working out faithfully through the holidays and try to keep my eating on point. Not expecting to lose anything, but plan to maintain and maybe even out on a little muscle or give the metabolism a boost!

    Praying for Paris...what is becoming of our world?
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Nsv for me today. As I was drying my hair after the gym today I realised that my dinner lady arms didn't flap about so much! Some way to go but definitely getting the feeling that it is working!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, ladies. Long time no chat. I see LOTS of new people.

    BEEPS! I am here! :p

    The plan : Start lifting by the new year. I am sure I'll have hip surgery to repair a labrum tear in the next coming weeks. I don't think I can lift for 2-3 months after that. :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to gym after work. Thighs are still achy from Thursday's lifting so tomorrow should be fun as time for back squats, but tonight was upper body and I did a little jogging. Looking forward to Monday and Tuesday as those are my days off, the first since I got back from vacation. Need to do laundry and write as I'm very behind in NaNoWriMo.

    25 Upper Power

    bench 3x4 @ 95 - heavy but managed
    db incline bench 3x10 @ 25 - easy enough
    bent row 3x5 @ 90 - used the fixed weight barbell, not bad
    lat pull 3x8 @ 70 - felt tad heavy, didn't de-load much but this has been hard to increase
    ohp 3x3 @ 75 - okay
    bar curl 3x8 @ 40 - eh, curls
    skull crusher 3x8 @ bar + 10 - heavy and a slight struggle

    Then walk warmup/cool down (5 minutes each) and 20 minute jog on treadmill.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    <3 I found you again! Thank you Mary and Beeps, thank you for asking why, for showing me how to get here again! After the interface changed, all my groups disappeared. I feel like a beginner again!

    I have been really struggling. I have put on 8 pounds this year, I have been inconsistent at the gym especially recently, as I am in the middle of prep for a trial scheduled to begin the first week in February. I usually work 12 hour days anyway, but during trial prep I work even longer hours. I have to choose between sleep and gym on those days, hence my inconsistent visits to the gym at the moment.

    I have lost strength in most lifts but, mainly in my upper body which has always been the hardest place for me to make gains. My OHP is 40x8x3, my bench is 50x8x3, my pulldowns are 60x12x3, rows are 55x8x3 and back extensions are 25x12x3

    My legs/glutes are a little better, squats 85x8x3, DLs 100x8x3, hip thrusts 45x12x3

    I have been doing this program found on SimplyShreddedcom but not with enough consistency yet.

    I am glad to find you all again - and I see many new names!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ....it is nice to know you read thread comments, manic and Sue!

    So nice to see you....I maybe will go rouse some other "regulars".


    Rest day for me.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ok, so I've read back a couple of pages. Beeps, what is V-day? Dawn, you have some impressive numbers there, I'm especially impressed with your #80 OHP back a couple of days. Julie, new book? I'm curious.