Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I haven't weighed in recently but I wore some suit slacks yesterday and could tell for sure I am tighter/smaller still although weight is probably the same. So It was a good feeling. This weekend I am going an dinner auction and will get dressed up and may take a picture. I need shoes and earrings so a little shopping required.

    Regarding back squats, in the life edition he writes that he stopped doing them himself due upper back issue. There are tons of variations so I wouldn't worry so much about not being able to do them.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Willlift, sorry for the attitude. I hope you feel better soon.

    I got on the scales this am after 2 cups coffee and a waffle . I haven't been trying to lose weight BUT I LOST a pound! :glasses: Nice ! It must be coming off slowly with the exercise alone because if I want cake, I eat cake. I've been watching portions and trying not to eat after supper. Must be helping.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Well, the PMS is over and I feel like I have some energy for Spring break, but mentally, I'm a mess. My Gram is very sick. She had a heart attack, pneumonia, Then C-Diff (intestinal infection, and then while back in the hospital, she had a stroke...and hasn't woken up since. I've been mentally preparing for some time now, since the dementia started getting bad, so I'm surprised I'm so distraught. ANyway, I had a real crap workout in ZUmba Wednesday. The "slightly older ladies" were playfully ribbing e for not being able to keep up. I'm home tonight. Hobby is doing a long MTB ride on this absolutely beautiful spring day, and I'm spending my first night of Spring Break vegging out. THis is my birthday weekend, and for once I'packed it with fun:
    Moies with my mom last night (she dragged my to see Noah), tomorrow is Girls' Night out, and SUnday is CAptain America with all my men, and dinner with just my boys monday. I'm reactivating my child care tomorrow, so maybe I can get to the gym for my final stage 6 lift and then off to B&N to get Supercharged.

    I love reading all of your posts! MAry and SUe, so glad to see your names again, though it seems I "talk" to you every day. Beeps, great article and way to rock those weights. So many ladies getting sick ot getting over being sick. Get well, and feel good. You're not doing yourself ANY favors rushing back to the gym. YOu can cause yourself to relapse and who wants that. Much Love!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    PSA: We as women tend to manic about our mammograms these days. Do yourselves a favor and make sure your doing your annual blood work and EKG's and what-not too. I nearly lost two women I love dearly to strokes in as many months. HEart disease is still the number one killer of women. :flowerforyou:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, ((hugs))! That is a LOT on your mind. I am sorry. I wish we could have coffee or tea together (and a donut ) You see me every day on FB so you pretty much keep up with me.:tongue:

    My PMS is kicking in. I am tired today. No appetite today so that is odd for me. I am sure in a few days the carb cravings will hit.

    Didn't get to work out. I could go now but I abhor working out this late. This is my down time.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Aw, Sam, I'm so sorry:( I hope you can enjoy some down time this week. Even when we are prepared for things like that, it can still be very hard. Hugs to you and your family. I think you need to schedule a massage while you're off.

    Manic, so glad the scale is moving in the right direction. Sometimes I think not stressing over cals can be one of the best things for our bodies.

    Rocky, what a great NSV!

    I finished Supercharged today. I actually have been so focused on getting the workouts done that I didn't realize how close I was to finishing. I'll try to post some results. I'm going to redo the Basic Training phases- I got great results the first time, maybe going back through will help me shed some more fat. After reading the articles posted in the last several days, I'm going to re-focus on the HIIT and forget about the Zumba for now. I think it is key for my body to look hard and keep losing fat.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam I wish I could make it easier- try and give yourself time and whatever else you need.

    Cowgirl congrats!!!!

    I had a long hard day after a long hard week when I also worked the weekend. I was so frustrated by the end of work..
    I swam this morning-- but I didn't bike this week. Hopefully next week will be easier. I am ready for the weekend! Hope everyone has a good one.
  • RawTasha
    RawTasha Posts: 23
    Thank you for the welcome :o)
    I'm in New Zealand so it's the weekend here. Am doing phase 1 of the plan at the moment on M/W/F. Walking an hour on T/T/S with Sunday as a rest day. I have a lot of weight to lose so wanted to add in the walking. Darn those pregnancy pounds.
    I've never lifted weights before or ever been to a gym so it's all very foreign to me. A real newb!
    I purchased a set of barbells and a Swiss ball and have been doing the workouts at home. Now that my husband can see my progress and dedication to 6am wake ups to workout, he's given me the go ahead to buy more equipment. We jumped online this morning and ordered a barbell set, squat rack and weight bench. I then skipped over to the weight lifting gloves and asked he wanted to add a pair of male gloves to the order and he did! So I'm secretly very excited that I may have him on board with lifting too :o)
    I'm also Vegan so can't follow the food plans in the book but try to make the best food choices as I can.
    I don't have many friends on here so if you want to add me that's be great! I need the support and will be offering it back :o)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome, Tasha!

    Pmag, I'm thinking I need a bike for Mother's Day. I'd love to be able to ride around with my DH and DS.

    Sam, I'm so sorry :flowerforyou: Thanks for the reminder about heart disease. It's so important to keep up and monitor any changes in our bodies!

    Manic, the only time I ever worked out after 8 pm was when I was on steroids for asthma :noway: :laugh: Gotta draw the line somewhere!

    My run was good and strong yesterday but I think it triggered acid reflux? I had to go online to figure out what the heck was going on. It killed my appetite, too :sick: I'll make up for it today :drinker:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It's 10 am and it looks like no gym for me because child care closes before I can get there. I"m not too worked up about it.

    Have a great weekend ladies :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Runzalot riding is fun. It makes me feel like a kid.

    I am not likely to lift today- lots of kids activities. At least the weather is nice.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pmag, swimming is so relaxing....

    runz, for your reading pleasure: http://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/features/6-tips-ease-exercise-heartburn
    I've had heartburn after cardio too. Weird.

    Welcome, Tasha!

    I'm going to try to lift this evening/afternoon. I've only been able to lift twice this week(hubby was off this week= chaotic schedule). I figure if I get more than 24 hours between sessions, I should be ok for a one time thing. Plus, I'm really anxious to re-start Basic Training. My shoulders and arms are adequately sore from yesterday's assisted chin-ups, so I may have to go easy on the upper body stuff. I think for my "hinge" exercise, I'm going to substitute Barbell Hip Thrusts instead of the hinge movements in Supercharged.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Thanks, Barbell! I saw that article last night when I Googled my symptoms. I didn't have heartburn, just the reflux. I guess it might be the bit of dark chocolate in my protein bar? I can certainly go back to pb and j before a run. PB&J kicks butt and takes names.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Maybe so. I usually get it if I try to run after eating too many cookies- I probably should burn the cals and THEN reward myself with the cookies, LOL. Of course, my "running" is more like walk/jogging, so probably not the same as yours!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Welcome Tasha :smile: Aussie here, so I'm on the same time-frame-ish LOL
    I hear ya! I have a 3 year age gap between my eldest (10) and my middle one (7). Then only 17 mths between him and the youngest. The little ones get on much better together than with their older brother. Although it does always seem to be the eldest being annoying rather than the other way round! Go figure.

    Fancy clothes? Heels? Not even sure I own such things any more....... LOL. Enjoy!

    I own one dress that fits and one pair of heels I can walk in LOL
    Just to be shocking, I may even get my haircut again this week :laugh:
    Hey Danamouse can I send my DD to the farm too? Was just saying to DH that spending little time on a farm would be good for her on so many levels. I have an only but totally can relate to what you are saying. DH and I are never really alone.... I think mucking out some stalls and what not on a farm is great for kids.

    My parents have moved into town now that they're semi-retired, but my younger brother is on the family farm and my older brother owns a farm on the other side of town. Dad also kept a block that was given to him by an Uncle, so there are plenty of things for the kids to do :) They will be baking, walking, hiking, checking cattle, fencing, feeding and whatever needs to be done. It gives them so much more of an 'everyday' education than what they can get here in the city. Truth be told, the Husband and I are only here because of work. He can't do the physical labour on the farm (severe scoliosis of the spine and other issues), so it made more sense for him to leave and come to uni, which is where we met lol

    But sending them 3.5hours away for a week is good for both them and us. Gives them bonding time with their grandparents and teaches them a little independence from Mum & Dad :smile: They don't miss us at all - ever lol

    And as for me...... well, I'm sick. Fever hit about 10pm Friday night with 39-40'C temps (102-104'F I think), and a cracker of a headache and nausea, so I didn't sleep a wink. Of course, being me, I took some paracetamol, got the fever down a tad and then took the girl to her swim training at 5am (mistake #1). Then I got home, put bags in the car, and we headed off to drop the kids to Mum & Dad (mistake #2). The only good thing I did was let hubby drive :ohwell: Which is just as well because I made him stop a couple of times on the way home for me to throw up :sad:

    Best thing I did was come home, go to bed and slept for 5-6 hours straight. I managed a small piece of dinner and went back to bed.

    Not the best way to drop an entire kilogram in one day lemme tell you (I definitely didn't need to drop any weight!). So today is road to recovery. I've just managed a small breakfast with a cup of tea, and I'm going back to bed. This silly fever is still floating around (although not as bad) and my stomach is better, but still a little dodgy.

    No PLP and no weights until I feel better :sad:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    AWE, DNA!!! I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    I've had an awesome week. Cookies and wine for dinner tonight.
  • RawTasha
    RawTasha Posts: 23
    DNA that sounds awful hun. I hope you're on the mend now x
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    feel better DNA. and absence does make the heart grow fonder.

    Last night I ate my weight in food including a brownie hot fudge sundae. MMMMMM Hopefully I will not eat the proceeds from our chocolate molding for Easter today. I think I had my fill of chocolate.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Samntha, sorry about that. Big hugs!

    Dnamouse, feel better soon. I've been sick but it's just a cold, luckily. I really haven't been sick with anything more in over a year.

    So I finished my first week of the NROLFW and I really like it. Back to it tomorrow. I was sore but not crazy sore, and worked in two cardio sessions of HIIT as well.

    And, I finally cracked the 160s! Yay!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Sick people! Sad people! Strong people! It takes all kinds around here!

    I lifted, yesterday instead of scheduled cardio. Good choice.

    Today was just chauffeuring kidlets around and watching their sports.

    Tomorrow, I lift again.

    My scale weight is at the top of my "maintenance" spread. No bueno. So, will be more consistent with my logging and more consistent with teeth-brushing, too.