Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Score it on a scale of 0-3.

    I'll take a "2". I really did very well until the weekend....oh well, now there's ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT!

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have a LOOOONG way to go

    0/3 this week! :grumble:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    What's RAMP?

    RAMP is a set of warm up exercises from supercharged
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Score it on a scale of 0-3.

    ssshhh.... I'm still waking up :tongue: :laugh:

    Lemme think... Still going with PLP (tick), Last week did 2 weight sessions (would have preferred 3, but oh well), food is going ok.

    So about a 2/3. Room for improvement!

    This week? Yeah well, it's school holidays :wink: Yesterday (Monday) I managed PLP & 20min yoga. Today I'm hoping to get something else done, but haven't decided what yet, probably a Nerd Fitness bodyweight routine - over fairly quickly but sufficiently hard enough on top of PLP lol
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I had strep last week but I did everything I could once I was better. I'd give myself a 3.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Okay, so if you want a quick workout that makes you feel like you actually worked out, Nerd Fitness' Level 3 Hotel Room Workout will leave your arms like jelly - just saying :wink:
    23 minutes all up including warm up and cool down (okay, so I did handstand practice in there as well), and the decline pushups are a killer. All you need is a table and a chair.

    PLP can wait until this afternoon lol I'm done for the morning :laugh: Might actually have to go do work now - shall feed children lunch, put on a DVD and hide in the office for an hour or two.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Weekly Report: I have cut out all "visible" carbs, and upped my protein intake. I still have not met my protein macros yet, but am getting there.

    Score: 1
    Score it on a scale of 0-3.
  • Bump... coming back 2 read this after work :) finally getting mentally prepared for my lifting journey!!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Wow you ladies had busy weekends! I hit 2 of my 3 goals. My protein and macros were right but I took an impromptu trip to Philly Saturday so I didn't get to do my walk/run. I'll be a 3/3 this week!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello I'm checking in with a 2/3- not meeting protein. While I missed the protein goal every day on three days I was 17 g behind. Weird.

    Bb cowgirl and others thanks for the ramp advice. I wish I felt more confident about dropping and starting a different exercise

    Runzalot I have alot of respect for you working out after illness

    Dnamouse I'm sure I will check out that hotel workout.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Finally made it to the gym yesterday and it. felt. AWESOME! Granted, it was not my best workout due to taking so much time off, but I was glad to be in there, music in my ears, sweat on my brow, and generally feeling like I was kicking *kitten* again. Also, I can barely walk today :sad: haha. I think some stretching, perhaps some yoga, and a hot bath may be in the plan today. My body is screaming at me.

    Redlipstickly, great work on your goals!

    Dnamouse, that sounds like a good workout for a busy day. Thanks!

    Runz, I'm impressed with your dedication, especially after having been so sick!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    My biggest objection to Old Navy pant is exactly that, Sam - I don't wear low-rise, I look awful in them and I feel as if my *kitten* is hanging out all the time! Gloria Vanderbilt fit me best, sit just below my waist and are as comfy as can be.

    Got my lifting in this morning - bench, DB shoulder press, bent over rows, tricep extensions and 7s. I had food poisoning over the weekend, so it was not a stellar performance but it's done!

    I missed everything this week, sadly. I think though this week will be better since my schedule will be more normal.

    Besides 13 year olds who does look good in low raise jeans? Gawd I wish that trend would finally die the death it deserves. :grumble:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Score it on a scale of 0-3.

    Sorry I'm late, every time I sit to down to catch up someone needs attention. Anyway I'd say I'm a 2.5 for the week. Got works out in like flynn. On my way now to jog/walk three miles and lift. I am just the right amount of sore the last two work outs and in the right places. I am finishing up my second go around with phase one of the life edition, think to day is my last workout then starting phase two the end of this week. I don't take a week off as I naturally get breaks due to life in general so I don't plan those.

    I made marionberry pie and ate half of it. Now I remember why I don't bake much anymore cause I'm good at it and I can't keep my hands off it. I also made jam as we ran out and I had berries to get rid of in my freezer. It's berrylicious around here now.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Capri are cool. They are very spring.
    I am having a hard weekend work wise - lots of tough situations and stress. It was my birthday but not fun. My kids tried hard - they made lots of colorful paper animals and a zebra striped cake. I ate cake and chocolate chocolate chip muffins this weekend. So I'm not meeting my protein goals this week.

    I lifted last night at ten pm because I couldn't sleep. The gym is fairly empty..
    Not my best workout but another one is in the can.

    Does Ramp take twenty minutes for anyone else? I still have to look at the book. And I add in some of hip flexor strengthening pt moves.
    Tomorrow I am off but working anyway.

    Sorry your bday was not great. That sucks. Especially when us Mum's give so much the rest of the year. Nice that your kids made an effort though :-)

    I don't really do RAMP. I have my warm up run (10 mins) and then have selected a few RAMP exercises which take me a few mins to get through. I don't have time for the whole lot.... so I do what suits me.


    Commenting on RAMP. I do all the RAMP as described in the life edition. Maybe takes 12 to 15 minutes? I'll time it today. Whole workout takes me about an hour or a little more. I then usually do 20mins or sometimes 10 minutes of HIIT.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Hey ladies, thought you'd enjoy this article, from Bret C's newsletter, re: "Strength trumps conditioning" --->>>


    While this was a "good (Bret C.) read", today, here are some data-points that I wish the author had touched on: a) how old she is; b) how tall she is; c) how she tracked calories before "get glutes", during "get glutes", and now; and d) what she chose to "manage stress" now that she wasn't cardio-bunny-ing all the time.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    Runz, I'm impressed with your dedication, especially after having been so sick!
    You know, I really appreciate that, WillLift4Tats. Once I was feeling better, I did my next scheduled workout with lighter weights. I didn't log anything- just went through the motions. A couple of days later, I tried to do the whole thing. It was really hard (hadn't been meeting protein goals due to being sick) and I ended up getting interrupted halfway through and didn't get to finish. I ate more protein, tried again 48 hours later, and plowed through the workout with gains to boot.

    It really is better to *****foot than do nothing at all. The *****foot workout got my mind back in the routine and gave me a little boost of confidence.

    Tonight, I do AMRAPs. Right now, I'm in a bad mood and thinking about wine.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Now I remember why I don't bake much anymore cause I'm good at it and I can't keep my hands off it.

    I totally understand this :blushing: I share at work and with the neighbors. I'm making cookies this weekend and will be sharing at DS's baseball game. :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    what are the ******** masking?!?!?

    can you write out the letters in t-h-i-s f-o-r-m-a-t so that I understand??
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    hehe I want to know what the ***** are too :laugh:

    On to my first coffee after my morning tea and it's not even 8am *sigh* Huge day today cleaning the house = fun, not! lol But I'm looking after a friend's kids tomorrow while she works AND having several ladies and their kids over for a Mother's Day card making session. And the house is slightly trashed lol

    My arms are a little sore today, but a good sore :smile: Might look at something a little more lower body-based next time :wink:

    Quick question though - the Husband took a photo of my back the other day, but I'm topless (can't see anything, I have nothing to see anyway LOL), is that allowed to be posted here on MFP? I *think* I've seen some peeps with topless back photos, but can't remember :wink: I have to keep staring at my back in the picture. The muscles aren't huge, but they are there :smile:

    Slow moving this morning. The girl is still asleep, and she can stay that way. Holidays are the only time she gets to really have a proper sleep in and catch up on her rest days from training. She loves training, but she's pretty excited to have the next 2 weeks off :smile:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Now I remember why I don't bake much anymore cause I'm good at it and I can't keep my hands off it.

    I totally understand this :blushing: I share at work and with the neighbors. I'm making cookies this weekend and will be sharing at DS's baseball game. :drinker:

    I hope you can associate your wine intake with relaxing....If you are gonna drink might as well enjoy it!:drinker: