Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Well, I failed miserably yesterday so I have no where to go but upward!! And I started today out right - I lifted, OHP, lateral raises assisted pull downs, dips, pec deck and reverse, and skull crushers. I can see that I need to get my butt in gear. I have lost some strength on OHP, which is my very toughest press. I was pressing 55, and could barely manage the empty bar today! I've also put on a couple of pounds - I'm eating too much food and not lifting enough and that's NOT what I want to do! Cowgirl, this challenge is really what I need to get my butt back to doing better for myself!!

    Beeps, I'm so glad you're feeling better and congrats on losing the weight even if it was the hard way!!

    Sam congrats to you and your son!

    Mary, we'll help each other get back on track!

    Hi and welcome to all the new ladies. I love this thread!!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Barbell, thanks, you've got me right :) You're awesome for keeping us all organized.

    Runz, I'm glad you're feeling better. Strep is no joke.

    Beeps, congrats! That is awesome :)

    Dnamouse, that's an excellent NSV. Pics?

    Sue, you and I will get back on track together! I'll be watching out for ya :)

    Didn't make it to the gym yesterday, but I managed to bake some pretty excellent potato bread. I was planning on lifting today and was pretty stoked. Then. My cat died. I mean, he had to be put down, unexpectedly. He wasn't old, just about 3. He wasn't sick for very long, just noticed he didn't feel quite himself last night. So...I'm really struggling to find the motivation to stick to the gym plan today. In my head, I know I should stick to my goals. In my heart, I'm hurting. I just want to curl up with my 2nd box of tissues and eat my weight in chocolate, pound for pound. He was "just" a cat, but he was part of our family and I feel like we've been robbed of years with him. On top of that, my husband feels guilty for making the decision and being that Diego was officially his cat, I don't even know where to begin to help him heal.

    Blah, depressing word vomit. Sorry guys.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Sorry about your kitty, WillLift.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks, BBCowgirl for the challenge - you got my deets right!

    147.2 lbs TODAY! - so I am ECSTATIC! I will aim to drop 2.2 lbs through April (totally do-able) and then I think I'll stick around 145 lbs for awhile. I have a strong feeling my attempts to get below 140 are just "pie-in-the-sky"....but, if I could make 140 my "floor" and 145 my "ceiling" for maintenance, I think I am good with that!

    Got my lifting in-and-done. I did do all 3 sets, but I also went down in all weights, for today, except my tricep stuff and my lateral raises (which i don't go that heavy on, even on a "heavy" day, anyway!). BOOM!
    Way to go Beeps.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    feeling utterly over-whelmed and stressed out. I don;t if I should be pissed or grateful that my husband is riding late and I won't make the gym. In fact if doesn't step up more at home, we's gonna have problems. Am I supposed to feel bad about taking an hour or two a day for myself? I really just read, whether it's articles on the internet or a book. Yeah, my life is THAT exciting. Working moms' curse. Hopefully I'll get to the gym tomorrow.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sam, aw, hang in there. Things cannot stay the same forever...and on a brighter note, when you at last make it o the gym, you will be pumped!!!:flowerforyou:

    Just coming off Core plus TRX Suspension Training plus Zumba classes...aaahhhh....

    A bit disappointed with my performance today. My heart rate today only went as high as 175. I was so sore from yester's lifting, especially in the arms....oh well, will aim for better on Thursday!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Dnamouse, that's an excellent NSV. Pics?

    When I can wrangle someone to take pics I will post lol It's hit and miss giving the 10yo the camera :wink:

    Sorry about your kitty WillLift :( I lost my cat at the beginning of December, she was 14 and it really knocked the wind out of my sails for a bit. It's really weird not having her around, normally she'd be squished up against me when I worked and trying to get under me or lick my face when I did pushups lol

    Apparently the 6yo is making dinner tonight - ie, he's decided what we're eating and I will help him put it together lol Should be good though, he's chosen a zucchini pie/fritatta = lots of eggs and lots of vegies with leftover sausages & ham for protein all served with some yummy salad on the side.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    samntha - I read, all the time, about how the "division of labour", in the home, is nowhere NEAR equal or egalitarian. That struggle, for women, continues....

    bepeejaye - great work-out!

    dnamouse - your 6-year-old has good taste!

    No lifting for me today or tomorrow - slammed with appts for the kids. I am NOT going to sweat it! 1 missed work-out isn't the end of the world and I will focus on tightening calories, instead.

  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks guys. Needless to say, the gym didn't happen. However, I also didn't go with the chocolate plan either, so not all bad.

    Sam, I'm sorry. It sucks to be on the majority side of home responsibilities on top of holding a job. Hope you catch a break soon.

    Bepeejaye, sounds like a decent workout nonetheless :)

    Thanks dnamouse, it was a long, tear-filled day but we got through it. It's weird not to have him around. We had a morning routine where he'd greet me in the bathroom and paw at my hand for lovin' as I did my makeup. He always had the most love for me in the mornings. I think he didn't want to show his soft-side to my husband who gets up later than me lol.

    Beeps, sounds like a good plan!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi I am pretty new to this daily chat... I finished stage 1 a week ago and started stage 2 on Monday. Workout A is FUN!
    Anyhoo, I was really freaked out by weight gain, which made me go off-plan eating wise (comfort food anyone?) and hurt my weight even more, but I'm over it now. Yay.

    I just really wanted to share with someone my recent NSV!

    This woman I work with, whom I don't see all the time and haven't seen in a while ran into me in the hall and went "WOW, you look so good! What have you been doing??"

    That felt great! It was unsolicited and totally genuine. So I guess something good is happening to my figure even with the weight gain.

    Congrats to everyone on your hard work and dedication to the program!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm feeling a bit like Sam at the moment.... full time Mum, full time house keeper, full time student AND pulling all nighters with my women having babies.... urgh. I have 4 assignments due in the next 5 weeks, 2 weeks of which I am on full time placement and one week of which is school hols. I am farked. I am getting to the gym but not as often as I'd like. I'm now between stages so I might wait until the next few weeks are over before starting the next one..... I'll see how it goes.

    Lift on ladies.... can you do my workout while you're at it? Or come clean my house? LOL
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Strep put a dent in my lifestyle. Four days of sleeping and three days on a Gatorade diet. Last night, I ate my first meal since Saturday. I've been eating small meals of solid food all day and it feels so good! I'm not ready to run right back into lifting heavy but I wanted to do something. So, I did a "phantom" training session. I did my next workout with lighter weights but didn't log any numbers. I just went through as fast as I could. Tomorrow, I will be back to logging my food and protein and will give it my best.

    I'm so glad the battery in my scale is dead as a doornail. I won't be replacing it soon.

    Noaecker, it's so nice to be noticed! Way to go!

    Beeps, Sam, and Jo- Lawd have mercy do I hear you on "division of chores." Yeah freakin' right. The three chores my husband does do, he can't do by himself. Case in point: He's in charge of DS's laundry. He's so proud of himself. He washes it, dries it, and throws it on the floor for DS and I to fold. I have more where that came from. We both work full time.

    dna- that's an impressive appetite for a 6 year old!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I fell asleep typing my post last night and I must have deleted the whole thing.

    Beepejaye what's your target heart rate because t hat seems plenty fast to me.

    Will lift -sorry about your cat- pets are an important part of life- I'm sorry for your loss.

    Sam hang in there- sometimes it helps me to remember the things my DH does and how much housework he did when I was sick. But mostly I get angry when he's playing guitar and I am doing the sixth load of laundry.

    Major NSV today I rode my bike to work for the first time in over two years!
    It was a warm spring day and the ride was terrific- sun and the river and the birds- all beautiful and appreciated.

    Cowgirl hope you find an office with a view and some barbells in the basement.
    Welcome noaecker
    Hang in there Jo
    Manic I think you are pretty stoic for working out- feel better soon.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    WillLift, so sorry about your cat :(

    Runzalot, feel better soon!

    Woke up to three miserable surprises this morning: my period, a cold and up .6 on the scale from last week. I just can't seem to crack into the 160s :P
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks Beeps and Will.

    Pmag....my target heart rate is 185-188....

    Noa, great job!!

    Looking forward to Hip Hop Abs class today followed by Zumba!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    runzalot - glad you are feeling better.

    pmagnan - yay on the bike ride!! I am looking forward to getting my bike out....I don't do any long rides, anymore, but even a short ride would feel like heaven!

    bepeejaye - how did you figure out what your heart rate is?? It is a very specific number.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am blessed to have a husband who has an office in the home. He might be in and out throughout the day, I still can find an hour to workout (95% of the time). BUT all the housework falls on me . It's my fault . I spoiled him early on in the marriage. He will walk right past unfolded towels. Lately this is what I have done, I place his laundry on his side of the bed. It's folded for him, but he has to put it away before he goes to bed. :devil: He goes to bed before me so he has no choice but to put it away. A few times he did set it on the dresser. He got a verbal attack on that.

    I woke up starving. I NEVER wake up that hungry. My workout yesterday must have been awesome.

    Headed to the gym in a few. I work shoulders and back today. My son is going with me. Hopefully, he can show me some new lifts.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    This may sound stupid but...

    Still looking for a solution to squats without a squat rack...can a flat bench press work? Can the bar be used from the head end and step forward for squat? Load from the back?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Nice2BFit - have you googled?? maybe that's the best way to find a solution and an image. Sounds "dangerous" to me, what you are proposing.

    I think women volunteer WAY too much and then, when they are treated in a poor way (re: chores), don't like it....yet, you TAUGHT that dude to treat YOU that way!

    Men are lazy. They will create vacuums all over the place. Woman steps in to fill the vacuum and voila! Problem solved. Dude didn't have to do the work and now woman does it and resents dude.

    Do NOT 'step-up' when a man is lazy....let him figure out his own solutions....and, by ALL means, re-negotiate the "homecleaning" rules to be EQUAL (or better yet, get a maid....)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I agree. Like I said, I spoiled him. I do have a lady coming 2 twice a month to help me. She does all the regular stuff so it frees me up a couple times a month.

    AFter my workout,, I do not have the energy to do much else.

    I've got to cut my carbs! If my neighbor doesn't stop bringing donuts...... well, I hope she keeps bringing them LOL