Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Aww Beeps, I'm sorry you caught it! I still have a cough and raspy throat 1 month later! I did the same, had to be the first few days and I got knocked flat on my butt the next 3. I hope you feel better really really fast!

    I'm sore today too Cowgirl, and I can't lift tomorrow. We moving in May and I'm one of the "move team" because I manage our network. So I get to go to weekly status meetings in the new building at 10, which means I can't be late - when I lift in the morning, I don't get in until 9:20 or so. It's ok, I'll lift Friday and Saturday.

    Oh and I LOVE good mornings!

    ...and good nights, because it's bedtime for me! Sweet dreams all
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks guys for the encouragement :)

    Hope you're feeling better today Beeps.

    That's awesome Runz, I love that feeling of conquering the macros!

    Okay, I must have missed the original challenge, what is it and how can I join? I could definitely use a swift kick to the motivation-rear :)

    I finally baked our weekly loaf of bread and caught up on dishwashing. Still have laundry and general tidiness to accomplish but man, work has been it's own monster and after that and nightly chores, I've been so exhausted and just haven't been able to push myself into a workout. Little by little we're getting back to normal though and finally getting back to the gym will be the icing on the cake.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I felt inspired by the one week challenge so I decided to do a one week one for myself starting today. I leave on a trip in a week so I thought it was the perfect time to see f I can go the whole week without pop (I'm addicted - although I've cut back to about 3/4 of a can a night). Day one is complete, but was hard since we went out to the bar to celebrate some news with friends and pop is my usual go to when I don't drink (often).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I still feel like complete crap, but my fever broke around 6:45 this morning and I got a BURST of energy, so I used it to get up and come to work. Now, 4 hours later, the fever is mounting, again, and I am lethargic and dizzy. Dumb me....'cause I don't even want to drive home in this condition!

    I will down some tylenol and see if that helps enough for me to make it back to bed.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    still chugging along. Haven't been to the gym in 2 days. Hopefully I can go this afternoon or evening. Hubs has been gone all day and Mallory doesn't like going to the gym. I feel all rushed when she is with me. I feel bad for her too. But there is a 50 inch tv to watch. She can see me and I see her. She has schoolwork to do. so it's not like she is alone and with nothing to do. LOL

    I've been tutoring a Cambodian (American born) 6 year old boy in spelling and reading. His parents own the local Donut shop. I ate my weight in donuts 2 days ago.She told me last night she would bring me more Friday! :noway:

    My back muscles are sore to touch STILL from a workout 2 days ago. My husband scratched my back, and I jumped sky high! What can I do for it? Have him massage the area lightly?

    I must have missed the challenge.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    The challenge hasn't even started yet, so all can enter!

    It's just a D-I-Y challenge. Pick three things you want to work on (habits?!?!?!) and record your progress over eight weeks, starting monday?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    What do I get when I win? :bigsmile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    What do I get when I win? :bigsmile:

    How about a big smooch :smooched:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    What do I get when I win? :bigsmile:

    How about a big smooch :smooched:

    Our undying awe and admiration? :flowerforyou:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I want to play.

    I will ride my bike to work at least once a week.
    I will lift three times a week.
    I will eat my protein.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Sounds great, I'd love to play :)

    1. Work out at least 3 days/week. If I can't make it to the gym for a lifting sesh, at least an at-home workout.
    2. Eat to or under my goal 6/7 days/week. I think I can cut my over-indulgences down to once a week.
    3. Pamper myself with a bubble bath/pedicure/manicure/something at least once a week. I need to be nicer to myself :)

    Happy Friday ya'll!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok this will be my challenge since I haven't been working out like I should I want to get at least,

    1. 4 workouts a week
    2. Up early so I can do those workouts on busy days
    3. Eat at a deficit

    Once I have established these "habits", I will make my challenges a true challenge :D Although, I should say #2 will be hard. I like to stay up late and sleep in.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beeps..I hope you are much better!!!

    Just glowing after my monthly massage, after lifting today..aaahhhh......

    In it as well. My challenge:

    1. I finally found a place that can do a complete Body Composition Analysis!! It is not like the Bod Pod, but I have been looking forever to have one done in this little town that I moved to! I had one today and I will aim to have one monthly. I already have next month's appointment scheduled!! I am ecstatic!

    2. Cut out "visible" Carbs, even though I eat complex carbs (for now...perhaps a fortnight), save for those I cannot obviously see like those in veggies and etc, with the exception of Lesley Stowe's Cranberry and Hazelnut raincoast crisps/crackers (They are so yummy!!)

    3. Meet my macros - especially the Protein

    Lift on, ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I sure am glad this "challenge" doesn't start until Monday!

    1. Eat between 10,500 - 11,000 calories per week;
    2. Get in 3 x lifting sessions per week; and
    3. Walk at least 1 hour per week.

    Boring. But, boring happens to be the way the tortoise beats the hare, ya know?!?!?!?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Great goals from everyone! I'll start keeping track of them.


  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Pmag, I've read more than I care to admit on the topic of bulking. I'm convinced bulking is the easiest way to build muscle and strength. Every woman I read about who bulks says they wish they would've done it earlier. Eating at maintenance will result in some strength gains and maybe very, very slow muscle gain, but eating at surplus is the only sure way to build appreciable muscle(in women especially). The best aesthetic results I've seen have been women who bulk. Also women have to work much harder to even maintain muscle mass as we age, much less build it. The unfortunate part is that there's a body of research that indicates women who start a bulk at more than 22% BF are much more likely to gain fat instead of muscles (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/initial-body-fat-and-body-composition-changes.html). So many women have to cut to a point that they feel really "skinny"(because most of us don't have the best muscle base to start with), before they can even start bulking. So you get skinny, then start eating more and gaining weight....most women want to stop because they feel bloated and fat and they hate seeing the scale go up.....then you start eating at a deficit again to reveal your gains....it's a huge mental roller coaster. There's also the nutrition component- getting plenty of protein and using the carbs as the main variable in your cut vs bulking diet.
    I was hoping to get to a low enough BF% that I could bulk this Fall. I'm not sure I will get there by then, but eventually I will bulk. To achieve body and the strength goals I want, it will require me to bulk at some point. Recomping is just too slow.

    Sam, I hope your week is better.

    Jo, so your goal isn't to gain weight, but strength?

    rildev, I hope you aren't giving up on lifting heavy. Losing inches is great! Daily cardio sounds like torture.....
    Still busy!
    You are so good with the research ;)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The unfortunate part is that there's a body of research that indicates women who start a bulk at more than 22% BF are much more likely to gain fat instead of muscles (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/initial-body-fat-and-body-composition-changes.html). So many women have to cut to a point that they feel really "skinny"(because most of us don't have the best muscle base to start with), before they can even start bulking. So you get skinny, then start eating more and gaining weight....most women want to stop because they feel bloated and fat and they hate seeing the scale go up.....then you start eating at a deficit again to reveal your gains....it's a huge mental roller coaster.

    Jo, so your goal isn't to gain weight, but strength?

    Hey, yes, any kind of gaining is a huge mental roller coaster! I do believe that I am under 20% body fat and I could do with gaining some. Even then, I don't like the thought of it. However, I do want to be stronger and yes, that is my goal. The folk of ETP are advising me to eat more in order to do so..... and I do better when I have instruction to follow rather than make it up myself. I know that if I gain and I'm not happy, I can lose again. I also know that if I gain yet remain happy with how my body looks, I won't really mind. I feel that I am a bit too skinny right now and need to bulk out - my aim is to do this with lean mass, which isn't easy.

    Beepeejaye - awesome effort, you rock!

    Another day, another baby for me..... another missed workout :-/
    BRava! That may be thread I need to read.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Someone was asking about the calories in the book. Yes they are high. They are high pretty much on purpose. To build muscle you HAVE to eat at a surplus. If you are eating at maintenance or below you are burning the fat covering the muscle you already have, which is why I plateaued. If I truly want to build more muscle, and lift far heavier, I will need to eat at a surplus. Most women can't handle the scale going in the other direction. I eat at maintenance. I only complain about the five pounds I gained over winter because it was fat. I wasn't working out like I should. Now had it been five pounds of muscle and all my clothes still fit, I would be bragging and not complaining. "SHowing definition" or muscle is all about body fat percentage. I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office this week. My weight had not changed from one year ago at all, but I'm a size 6 instead of a size 10. Now comes the argument of "but I"m stronger" yes the fibers you have are indeed stronger, but that does not mean you developed additional fiber. YOu the break and rebuild the fibers every workout making them stronger, but you aren't adding new fibers to the mix. I've maxed out on weight I can lift at about body weight. TO go heavier I need more muscle. However, eating a surplus is tricky because it has to be the right food as to avoid rebuilding body fat. That's the tricky part sigh, not sure I can pull that off without becoming a complete carnivore though I have a vegan friend how is now lifiting competitively. time to pick his brain I think.

    Thank you so much for this! When I was reading the book upping my calories intuitively made sense even before I read his reasons for it (plus I just wanted a good reason to eat more food). At this point I am just trying to burn the fat covering the muscle I have while taking small steps towards building those muscles. I would love to join the challenge Beeps is doing and I have my three goals in mind already. The BIG goal is to be able to wear a bikini this summer without being self conscious or embarassed. I'll get there by lifting and eating correctly so my three smaller goals will be to: 1) meet my macros daily 2) actually do three workouts a week 3)stay positive during this journey. Honestly staying positive will probably be the hardest one. I'll be starting the work outs today and I'm so excited! Stage 1 here I come!
    Excellent Goals!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok, I think I can relax for a moment. Only one day of federal field testing to go, one more eval down, work crazy is slowing down. Now I can focus on the family crazy for a spell. Starting with the fact the my son kicked butt AKA played marvelously at the CJMEA Honors orchestra concert this afternoon. Music education is a powerful thing, please support it in your areas. <step off soap box>
    Event though I haven't been logging the past week or so, I did manage to get to the gym at least three times a week this month. Go Me!!

    I'm having a very hard time picking my three goals. Reading yours was fabulous. I have three things I WANT to do this month, but aren't really weekly goals.
    #1 do an unassisted pull up by the end of the month. I have 20lbs to go.
    #2 finish the nutrition course I started. Luckily it is all online and personal passed.
    #3 Get all of my medical testing done/ hit my macros to control my blood sugar better

    I will be buying "Supercharged" for my birthday. Looking forward to kicking it off. I only have 4 more workouts of stage 6. May skip stage 7 and just jump in to "Supercharged"
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning all (it's 9.30 Sunday here lol)

    I didn't drink enough water at the kid's swim meet yesterday so I have one killer of a headache, but it's raining, so I'm sitting outside with a nice cup of tea listening to the rain :smile:

    My 3 very simple and general goals for the next month are...

    1. Get some workouts, even basic ones, in during the holidays (our Easter break starts on Friday, 2 weeks hols then we're heading off on a road trip for the first week back - 2 Public Holidays + a student-free day = only 2 school days = we're going away lol). Working out while there are children in the house is difficult. The road trip will include kayaking and bush walking/hiking and beach time so that's all good - we're doing a circuit from the city to the farm through to the coast and back again :smile:

    2. Get back to paying attention to the meals I'm cooking. I've been slack with the hectic schedule and there's been a little too much carb-laden food floating around. Which is okay for the kids, but not so good for the husband and I.

    3. Keep up with my PLP 60 day challenge. I've done 13 days so far (today is Day 14) and I'm not dead yet, but it's getting harder :smile:

    Easter will be a very basic event for us this year. It's my little dude's 7th birthday on Easter Sunday, so once church is over (he is going to be looked after insanely well at church that morning lol) the day is all about him. No big party planned, but lots of family and close friends coming for dinner :smile: We don't have Easter eggs as he is lactose intolerant and his sister is allergic to cocoa, but I've found a recipe to make my own carob 'chocolate' so I'm thinking I may have to give that a go and see what I can come up with :happy: