Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Alright you chatty crew, you....

    It is "FEEL GOOD FRIDAY"!! What is YOUR "go to" method for "feeling good"?!?!? When YOU need a "pick-me-up", what is YOUR sure-fire way to get there?!?!?!?

    ....and, don't answer "orgasm" because that is way too simple (and universal!)....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have the blahs. TOM anytime. I am sluggish, sleepy, exhausted, and still in my pjs.

    I definitely need a pick me up.

    ETA: TOM arrived. :ohwell:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    lol @ manic....and nobody is in here to "chat" with!

    Okay, for me, it is getting up in the morning, without a RUSH, brewing that coffee, and taking the morning paper out onto the deck for some good ol' reading. PS - this only happens a verrrrryyyyy few days in the summer! My winter routine is likely to aim for a luxurious jacuzzi!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    *yawn* morning. Starting Saturdays at 5am is just wrong. Although I shouldn't be complaining because all I had to do was sit and crochet with a coffee - my girl was the one swimming laps at squad (she's slowly knocking time off her sprints, totally proud mumma :heart: )

    hmmm... a sure-fire way to feel good... meeting with a friend for a coffee after dropping the kids off at school = bliss. I've got a permanent coffee date on Wednesdays LOL
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Food has always been my comfort and the "feel goods". (hence the never ending battle with the 20 pounds that I can never get off)

    I managed to do a few things around the house . I did a quick wipe down of my bathroom and living room, mopped kitchen floor, and raked a 4x6 bare area in the yard and spread grass seed. That's it today. NO workout. No nothing. It seems like the older I get the worse the symptoms get. I am definitely leaning toward the hysterectomy the doctor mentioned last year.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I have a lot of reading to do LOL

    I finally got back to the gym today after over a week off, a very busy week.
    6B WO2:
    One arm reverse lunge 25db
    DB Push press 20 dbs
    Two point row 30db
    reverse incline crush LEvel 3
    Back extension 45lb plate (How do I make this harder?)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    So I got up at five am today and I did my last nrolw workout
    My dls were at 6x 135, back squats 8x 125 bench press still at 8x55. I think I am pectoral ly challenged.I took some photos but I can't seem to download them from my phone never mind actually posting them. I gained 1 lb over the past year but I am pretty pleased with my back. I will eventually post my numbers but I am tired and tomorrow is a five am morning also....

    Hope everyone has a good weekend

    Sam I used a machine at the gym for back extensions
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I ended up doing 4pm - 5am with my pregnant lady...... who eventually birthed two hours after I had to go home :-(

    So I've had 4 hours sleep. And I am also suffering from heavy TOM. Bleurgghhh does not come close to how I feel. Hope everyone else has a better start to the weekend lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Dnamouse - a wednesday coffee date sounds like an awesome (and regular!) pick-me-up.

    Manic - hysterectomies aren't all bad - my friends that had them have loved the changes!

    Samntha - you make back extensions harder by doing them single leg style. Takes longer, but very effective.

    Pmagnanlift - congratulations on finishing NROL4W! That's awesome! Your #'s are impressive and you are smart enough to figure out how to post pics....so, please do so!

    Jo_marnes - ugh @ no sleep....

    No work-out for me! I am visiting with my mom + dad and watching son's volleyball tournie all day/night!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm late posting for "Feel Good Friday", but go to is a pedicure and retail therapy if possible. Otherwise, a great workout always puts in a good mood!

    Lifted yesterday morning and I will lift today later. My schedule got messed up this week due to kids dr appointments.

    Manic, sorry about the hormonal issues. What a drag!

    Pmag, way to go- impressive numbers indeed!

    Jo, how disappointing to be there all night and not get to attend the actual birth. I feel for the lady too. All of my labors were at least 12 hours (from 4cm- birth). So exhausting.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ok I think I'm caught up. It's been a very busy two weeks culminating in complete exhaustion, and I can't even say why. My BF got back from a week long cruise last night ans it just felt so good to talk to her an share about my blistering week. That really made me "feel good". What doesn't feel good is that it seems all the medical BS that brought me here in the first place are starting to raise their ugly head again. 35 is around the corner. Am I just getting older and making it that much harder to stay "healthy?"
    I don't want to go on a b*itch fest, so I'll focus on he positive. My son is in honors orchestra yay! I lost almost three pound of the 5 pound of winter weight I gained, YAY! And I got back into my size six's, YAY. As far as a jeans challenge, well mission accomplished what else you got because of my hip bones I physically CANNOT go any lower.

    I'm with cowgirl, there is no "good" vs. "Bad" food, there is just food. (well maybe over processed foods that are really all chemicals are bad lol") However, because of variances in metabolism and medical history, some people have to avoid more of somethings. Some may think complex carbs are bad. They are my life line. I can't do simple sugar. High doses of fruit would be bad for me. People who are diabetic have to avoid almost all carbs and sugar. Someone with ciliac it's wheat based products. Extreme athletes like my husband NEED massive doses of carbs. As Beeps said, it's finding the balance that works for you.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Someone was asking about the calories in the book. Yes they are high. They are high pretty much on purpose. To build muscle you HAVE to eat at a surplus. If you are eating at maintenance or below you are burning the fat covering the muscle you already have, which is why I plateaued. If I truly want to build more muscle, and lift far heavier, I will need to eat at a surplus. Most women can't handle the scale going in the other direction. I eat at maintenance. I only complain about the five pounds I gained over winter because it was fat. I wasn't working out like I should. Now had it been five pounds of muscle and all my clothes still fit, I would be bragging and not complaining. "SHowing definition" or muscle is all about body fat percentage. I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office this week. My weight had not changed from one year ago at all, but I'm a size 6 instead of a size 10. Now comes the argument of "but I"m stronger" yes the fibers you have are indeed stronger, but that does not mean you developed additional fiber. YOu the break and rebuild the fibers every workout making them stronger, but you aren't adding new fibers to the mix. I've maxed out on weight I can lift at about body weight. TO go heavier I need more muscle. However, eating a surplus is tricky because it has to be the right food as to avoid rebuilding body fat. That's the tricky part sigh, not sure I can pull that off without becoming a complete carnivore though I have a vegan friend how is now lifiting competitively. time to pick his brain I think.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam and everyone-I am curious to pick y'all's brains about bulking. I am not sure I can stand watching the scale go up. But I am curious about bulking and performance or just if it makes me lift heavier. I am about to add more cardio -- but I am curious about a bulk. Clearly it doesn't mean I get to drink wine everynight (the easiest way I know to gain fat)

    Anyone done a bulk?? Or just know something about it?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Jo are you doing a bulk or just eating more cals to improve performance.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Eating more to lift heavier.... slow gaining not bulking. I don't think I could cope with the scales on a bulk - especially knowing I'd have to cut it all again at some point!! xx
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Looks like I missed Feel Good Friday. I worked all day. Ran a few miles while DS was at baseball practice. Went to bed early.

    I need to eat more but I'm scared :frown:
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Every time I eat more, I gain more and I can't say it's muscle. I'm at the end of stage 4 and bored. I feel like it was a good start getting me into the gym and familiar with equipment. My gym (LA Fitness) is having a 90 day challenge that I started today. I think I will like it a lot more. You hit the gym 5-6 days a week and cardio daily. I haven't lost a single pound while doing NROL4W but have lost inches. I know this is good but I really want to see the scale move. I just feel the need to up my game and hoping this will do it!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pmag, I've read more than I care to admit on the topic of bulking. I'm convinced bulking is the easiest way to build muscle and strength. Every woman I read about who bulks says they wish they would've done it earlier. Eating at maintenance will result in some strength gains and maybe very, very slow muscle gain, but eating at surplus is the only sure way to build appreciable muscle(in women especially). The best aesthetic results I've seen have been women who bulk. Also women have to work much harder to even maintain muscle mass as we age, much less build it. The unfortunate part is that there's a body of research that indicates women who start a bulk at more than 22% BF are much more likely to gain fat instead of muscles (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/initial-body-fat-and-body-composition-changes.html). So many women have to cut to a point that they feel really "skinny"(because most of us don't have the best muscle base to start with), before they can even start bulking. So you get skinny, then start eating more and gaining weight....most women want to stop because they feel bloated and fat and they hate seeing the scale go up.....then you start eating at a deficit again to reveal your gains....it's a huge mental roller coaster. There's also the nutrition component- getting plenty of protein and using the carbs as the main variable in your cut vs bulking diet.
    I was hoping to get to a low enough BF% that I could bulk this Fall. I'm not sure I will get there by then, but eventually I will bulk. To achieve body and the strength goals I want, it will require me to bulk at some point. Recomping is just too slow.

    Sam, I hope your week is better.

    Jo, so your goal isn't to gain weight, but strength?

    rildev, I hope you aren't giving up on lifting heavy. Losing inches is great! Daily cardio sounds like torture.....
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    I guess I should clarify-it's weight lifting with cardio 5-6 times a week. Not the 2-3 like NROL4W.