Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    They aren't terrible hours overall. They close at 8, which noone really wants their small ones out later then 9 anyway. They are just closed on Sunday and the gym has reduced hours, they close at 8 on Sat and Sun and hubby doesn't get home until 7. Also kids club closes at 12 on Sat which is when the one zumba class I would love to take on Sat starts grrr.
    I think I can do body works Mon, Lift TUes, Zumba Wed, Lift thurs, zumba Fri, and lift Sat morning. Not every week, just those are the times I CAN go.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Day 2: Assess great forms on this page
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Thanks for the links, Sam.

    Got my run done today.

    This morning, I put corned beef in the crock pot, made cinnamon rolls from scratch... oh, and lemon blueberry muffins from scratch. Yummo.

    Now, I'm going to put together a ham and cheese stuffed with avocado and tomato.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, if you can make it to the gym 4-5 times a week, you're a better woman than I am! I really want to get in two Zumba session a week, but I'm so active outside during the Spring/Summer, I'm not sure that I really need it. I just enjoy it. Plus, you know how ineffective cardio is for some of us....I'll have to check out the links- sounds very interesting.

    Runz, you're making me hungry. The benefit of your running is that your body will use all those carbs!

    I'm being lazy today, but my eating isn't so out of control(especially for a weekend). I managed to pack a bunch of protein and fat into my breakfast and that always makes my day better. I'm mentally preparing myself to have a good week eating-wise.

    Random rant: My friend who had started lifting with me several weeks ago has decided to quit lifting until she's in "better shape" and "needs to tone". She's decided to start running instead. It really just makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I explained to her several times that it's about maintaining muscle while you lose fat so that your shape and overall body composition is better. I'm not against running or cardio at all, but I think she'll be much happier with her body if she is lifting along with the cardio. I know we all have to find our own balance in life, but it gets frustrating watching others sometimes.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Cowgirl - so frustrating when you have friends on 'diets' or have fitness 'ideas' which are so far removed from helping them achieve their goal. I am exhausted by this and have now given up trying to help - they don't listen. Which is pretty stupid because I'm the only one who had managed to lose weight, achieve my goals and maintain and improve my fitness. For 6 YEARS not months. But of course, what would I know?

    Upper back sore from combat yesterday.... lifting today though.... looking forward to it
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello all
    Rocky you look great.
    Sam that sounds rough

    I had a funny lifting session sat night. There is no one at the gym on Sat night. Then I couldn't deadlift. I hadn't for about a month done any heavy DLs because I had pulled a muscle in my back. I got the all clear from pt and it wasn't hurting I just couldn't lift more than 3-4 times. So frustrating---so I finished the rest of the workout. Today I realized I didn't use a mixed grip so now I am pretty happy about my dls.
    Jo and bb in general my friends don't workout - except for my workout buddies. There is not crossover, unfortunately. I get very enthusiastic about whatever exercise I am doing. But for some reason it's hard to convince people to exercise or to try a different exercise.
    I am trying to fit in 4 lifting days this week.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I think am all recovered now (just a few sniffles remain...nothing I cannot handle...), and cannot wait to lift this evening! It seems I have been away from the gym for forever a.k.a, a week :drinker:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea!! My first workout since I caught whatever it was... Bench today and accessory lifts. Nothing spectacular and no PRs, it just felt great to move those weights again!

    Cowgirl, one of the women in my office is a gym bunny - she does LOADS of cardio, and some lightweight lifting. I encourage her to lift heavy but as you said, it falls on deaf ears. To each his own!

    I have some reading to do! Glad to be back and glad to be feeling human again!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    Anyone else up for a challenge? I really want to hit 50lbs lost by June (2 years of lifting). To do that I need to focus on the cals and macros!

    OMG YES! I need to be more accountable. I've been basking in comfort food - lots of noodles and other carbs that are soft going down and easy on the tummy. I am ready to get back to better eating for me! My protein has been way down and carbs way up!! That just doesn't work well for me, though I am glad that I didn't put on any weight during the last two weeks!

    What's your challenge plan Cowgirl?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Busy weekend around here....great to see!

    samntha - please keep us all posted on how you think the nutrition coaching worked for you - is there a particular shortfall you are trying to address with the coaching itself??

    BBCowgirl - you look GREAT!

    I blew my week's deficit, which was a good one, all in one day (yesterday). I offer no excuses....TOM appeared and my carb-cravings went INSANE. I decided to "let it flow" rather than to fight it and, well, flow it did! So, I expect, at best, I had a maintenance week on my hand. I am getting my period more frequently, which I don't like, and the cravings have gotten MUCH worse over the last 3- or 4- years....now that I am actually logging/tracking, it is INSANE to me how much my cravings flow with my monthly cycle!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo and Pmag, it's nice to know I'm know I'm not the only one who has friends like that. If your friends don't see your example and want to do what you're doing then they're crazy, lol. Both of you are so tiny and fit an have maintained for a good while- I would think any woman would want to do what you do! Sometimes I feel like it's because I still don't look very "fit" and my friends don't see me as someone who knows what I'm talking about.

    Sue, let me think about it. Maybe a macros and cals challenge? Or a pick your own challenge? I'm so glad you're feeling better!

    Beeps, I wish there was a magic wand to make those cravings go away. Or to make them healthy. I crave ALL the wrong things when I'm PMSing.

    I was talking to the owner of my gym on Saturday. He's going to help me with my DLs some more. I love talking to someone IRL who understands why I'm lifting.

    Assisted chin-ups today!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    They aren't terrible hours overall. They close at 8, which noone really wants their small ones out later then 9 anyway. They are just closed on Sunday and the gym has reduced hours, they close at 8 on Sat and Sun and hubby doesn't get home until 7. Also kids club closes at 12 on Sat which is when the one zumba class I would love to take on Sat starts grrr.
    I think I can do body works Mon, Lift TUes, Zumba Wed, Lift thurs, zumba Fri, and lift Sat morning. Not every week, just those are the times I CAN go.

    That sounds a like a really decent schedule...you can do that without worrying about daycare? Or if daycare is covered?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, all! I can't promise I am back for good. It's hard to get back to routine and back in that mind set! For the most part, it is one day at a time for me.

    Things aren't well with my daughter. She is still being the spoiled selfish brat. I've decided to step back and let her contact me if she wants . I can't chase her any more.

    Beeps, since I haven't been eating well, the carb cravings are an all time HIGH for me at the moment. I haven't checked the calendar but I am sure TOM will be here shortly. I would love to have a snicker bar but a cup of decaf should help.

    Today I did 32 minute Elliptical and 16 minutes of arm and leg weights.

    My short term goal this week is to limit carbs and sugar, begin waking up at earlier time , and lose 2 pounds by next Monday. Who wants to join me? :smile:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    lifting done on Sunday, DL at 105#. Assisted chip ups at 70#. More HIIT on the stairclimber.

    None of my friends WO like I do due to various issues. The fittest woman I work with is 72 or older. Attends a gym, works out five days a week, gardens and has her own self run baking company besides working part time for us. She's my hero!

    I need to tighten up my calorie intake a little. I have been thinking about taking a break from logging calories for awhile and tracking food groups and portion sizes instead. Tracking numbers isn't always getting me where I want to go.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    manic, I will join you in limiting bad carbs, for sure! And, getting my sleep....which I have been off-and-on with since the time change.

    I am also thinking about trying to go to the gym EVERY lunch hour during the week (right now I just do M/W/F). I don';t seem enthusiastic, AT ALL, to add in more cardio (Saturday is good enough), but maybe if I just go to the gym and do another lifting work-out, it will help reduce cravings (usually does), regulate sleep (usually does), and kill some time (NOT eating - win/win!)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hello, all! I can't promise I am back for good. It's hard to get back to routine and back in that mind set! For the most part, it is one day at a time for me.

    Things aren't well with my daughter. She is still being the spoiled selfish brat. I've decided to step back and let her contact me if she wants . I can't chase her any more.

    Beeps, since I haven't been eating well, the carb cravings are an all time HIGH for me at the moment. I haven't checked the calendar but I am sure TOM will be here shortly. I would love to have a snicker bar but a cup of decaf should help.

    Today I did 32 minute Elliptical and 16 minutes of arm and leg weights.

    My short term goal this week is to limit carbs and sugar, begin waking up at earlier time , and lose 2 pounds by next Monday. Who wants to join me? :smile:

    I'm in. That's what I need to do, get back to my lower carb self! I'm sorry things aren't better with your daughter. As a prodigal daughter myself, I can tell you that my mum tried to follow me and bring me back and it didn't work for me. Taking care of yourself, physically mentally and emotionally is all you can do Mary. I'll say some prayers for her and you. :heart:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, my SueBoo!

    I think if I can strictly limit the bad carbs the cravings will subside and drop a couple pounds in the process. I have noticed when I limit the carb intake my caloric intake is really low. win win right ?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Did you wear GREEN, today?!??!? I did!! HAPPY ST. PATRICK's DAY!!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    nope. no green unless you count the bruise that is turning green LOL

    beeps you look HOT!