Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    lol @ lawlorka - I bet you KILLED that Stage 6 work-out!! Good for you....

    I'm going to go and get a lifting work-out in at lunch....I have to fit it in because yesterday I simply could not and I do NOT want DOMs....so I have to just push along and keep lifting 3 x per week or else it is B-A-D-.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Going to lift today. I may purchase an olympic barbell, plates and dumb bells for home. Mostly to get my DH set up for working out at home and I'd use it occassionally as I'd still go to the gym.

    Then buying bulbs and doing some gardening. We're having the warmest weather of the year so far and since last October so plan to be out side a lot.

    Any tips on buying equipment are appreicated. I checked CL and Ebay, I am little wary of "vintage" barbells that are rusty and may not be straight. Also I'm thinking of investing in a good set of adjustable dumb bells which may cost more than other options.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky the weather has been amazing here. Hope you enjoy some spring air. I will be doing more cardio with this great weather.
    Lawlorka- enjoy stage 6-
    Beeps good luck--protein bars are a disaster for my digestive system.

    I lifted this am. I am on stage 7, second round second workout. I am only doing 3 sets of 15 because that is all the time I have.
    I think my bench press has not improved in a year. So I have decided not to care ! I was mad at my neighbor ( they hired my temporoary nanny out from under me!) but it didn't help me to lift heavier.

    BB-- I am trying to come up with a new goal. I don't think I will break 400 on combined bp+dl+back squat by the end of the year, so I need a backup goal. Just doing supercharged seems lame. I am going to do a triathalon this summer- even if it is just a made-up one with my swim buddy.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    rocky - I have no advice to give on what to purchase....I just know that LOTS of my lady-friends (online) have managed to snag pretty decent deals off ebay or craigslist or wherever....

    pmagnanifit - THIS IS FOR YOU--->>>

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So yesterday was fun.... boring lifting session (the go-through-the-motions kind) but we officially became Australian Citizens and I discovered that I managed to fall in to the top 5% of students (in all years) for last year's results - woohoo. Now to keep that up this year :-/

    Lifting again today as my week is kinda muddled.... gym, hospital (for babies, not me), study, coffee with a friend, shopping, collect kids, study, drinks..... that's my plan for the day. Now just to hope no labouring women scrap my plans, hahahaha
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    adding pics to my profile, can't figure it out otherwise, this is after one time thru the 3 phases of the Life edition....



    Can't get the actual pics in the post...
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I loved the do you even lift YouTube video. That guy could be related to me.

    Jo nice job on the grades !
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    pmagnanlift - I haven't spent much time on youtube.com watching "bro science" videos, but I might, now....

    rocky - LOOKing GREAT! To post a picture here, (use a right-click on a PC to) copy that link from photobucket (from the library tab) and when you paste it into mfp, delete the whole reference, keep the whole reference, only change the capital I-M-G to lower case i-m-g (without the dashes!).  Okay, today, FOR SURE, I lift!!  Because I had to miss Wed AND Thurs, I am kind of thinking of doing 2 work-outs today, bang-bang in a row, but just with lower weights....do you think that is dumb?!?!?!?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I think two workouts are not as good as one good one. But I have thought about it. Like if I wake up reeeally early and I stay up late is that enough time between workouts?? But usually I try to make the second workout a gentle yoga one.

    My husband is working tonight so I will wait til tomorrow to lift
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well today was a rest/ recover from hangover day. With assignment writing - ugh.

    Tomorrow is combat - yay. Fave workout atm. Last two lifting sessions have been very 'meh'. Hoping the cloud lifts this coming week!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I started Stage 6 today - bit surprised by how SHORT it was, but also my legs and arms are sore already!

    I wasn't able to do the full 2 sets of 10 pushups as I seem to have lost a bit of strength in that area since stage 4, but I did 8 in each set... and I wasn't able to get to use a squat rack because 3 guys were using it the entire way through my lunch break so I had to use a light 15kg fixed bar bell for the split squats.

    I can definitely split squat more but I need the rack to put the bar back on when I'm finished - I can't lift much more than 15kg over my head safely!

    Lat pulldowns were good - really felt and saw the muscles working with that.

    All in all was in and out in 30mins which is a change! Looking forward to seeing some real strength gains in this stage and kicking on to the Final Cut!!!!

    I'm going to do Abs next!
    I'm doing stage 6 now as well. I'm on my second workout of each. It's short but man does it kick your *kitten*. I was wrecked after my last workout. My heart felt like it was going to explode. You say, hey, it's only four exercise two sets each, how hard can it be? Very hard!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    DOMs in my quads....they worked in someexercise more than anticipated....and no DOMs in my glutes. Something didn't work properly in yesterday's workout.

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Hey, y'all. It's been awhile.

    I finished Stage 4 back in October and then kinda quit. I've still been working out, doing more running and restarted New Rules in February. I want to finish. You know, because I paid for the book. If I don't finish by the end of summer, then I'll allow myself to move onto something else.

    Beeps, did you do one workout or two yesterday? I've decided to tag 1 to 2 mile runs at the end of a couple of lift days. Running is my first love and I really want to be doing more of it.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    adding pics to my profile, can't figure it out otherwise, this is after one time thru the 3 phases of the Life edition....



    Can't get the actual pics in the post...
    WHOA! Your gluteus maximus is moving up in the world! hahahaha
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I did my second NROLFW workout yesterday. I'm not super thrilled with the program but I do intend to stick with stage one for eight weeks. The most exciting part is that I have a program!!! I love saying that out loud. I'm good at designing my own workout but I really like the idea of having one plan and sticking with it! I have major DOMS today in glutes and upper thighs. I'm used to dead lifting and squatting only five reps at a time, so yesterday, even though my deadlifts were light, I did only ten reps, then five, then ten then five again. I have had a tight right hip flexor and some IT band trouble on my runs this year, but I think the pike in workout A may address this. I supplement with running and belly dancing.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    adding pics to my profile, can't figure it out otherwise, this is after one time thru the 3 phases of the Life edition....



    Can't get the actual pics in the post...

    Nice job!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Raspberry, I'm sure there may be some who disagree, but many experts feel it's best to rotate through the rep ranges. Training only for strength or only for hypertrophy for several months at a time can sometimes hinder results. Hopefully you'll learn to love it!

    Runz, hope you can manage a balance between running and lifting!

    Beeps, DOMS isn't always an indication of muscle activation. If you've been focusing on those glutes a lot, you may not get DOMS. I'm sure you already know that.

    So I'm remembering why I was so careful about tracking when I took a break from deficit in December. When I don't log, I only eat carbs. When I only eat carbs, it takes me weeks to get over the cravings. Combine that with PMS, and this week has been a HUGE struggle eating-wise. I'm still above 30% on protein for the week, but I feel like I've had very little self-control and I don't like feeling that way.

    Fortunately I got 3 good lifts in and a Zumba session this week. I'm going to try harder this week on my eating and hopefully my body will quit freaking out!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm with you Cowgirl. I stopped tracking and went carb crazy and ended up making myself sick. I love those weeks when I can get tot he gym 4 times. I may need to reactivate my kid care. Hubby is in full cycling season which means he will work Sundays for the next 6 months. Good thing I didn't schedule the boys' birthday party yet, I would have had to change it. The ld job he only worked every other Sunday. 'Mo money, 'mo problems. I need to replan my usual workout plan. Can't go today as he will get home at 7, instead of five like the old job, and there's no kid care on Sunday anyway. back to the drawing board.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Man, Sam, that really stinks. I completely understand the child care situation. I wish more gyms understood that people who need child care the most can't always get there during the scheduled hours.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I downloaded an online nutrition coaching course that I would be happy to share with anyone. It was posted on Alwyn's site for trainers really but lots of good information. If you would like the emails, message me and I'll forward then to you.