Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    What's up with labeling things "good" and "bad", lol? That definition completely changes according to who you speak to. I consider it "bad" when my macros are out of whack, but not any particular food bad:)

    Manic, sorry to hear about your daughter. I can't imagine your stress right now. I do think increasing healthy fats, sticking to oats, veggies, sweet potatoes, etc is always a good idea for satiety reasons. Add butter to those veggies and use olive or coconut oil to your foods.

    DNA, welcome! If you can do pull-ups, I'm already impressed!

    I did a Zumba session tonight. It was fun, but I just can't do it in the evenings. It triggers ravenous hunger about 2 hours post-workout regardless of me eating immediately after. Of course, I didn't plan for it tonight and found myself eating DOUGHNUTS that were left over from the kids treat day(yesterday). Seriously, what is wrong with me? This has got to stop or I will be maintaining at 146lbs for the rest of my life!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    So let's do a "pick your own" challenge. Shall we wait until April 1st or start this Monday? Should we actually score it(I can keep a running tally) or just report weekly?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am going to need a challenge.
    I have been working out a lot and not getting enough sleep. I have only workout of stage 7, and I will be done
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I've been lurking on this thread for a while I hope you don't mind if I jump in. I'm starting stage 1 on Monday and while excited about eating more I'm also terrified that I won't lose anything and never have the body I want. It's silly because this will actually be the second weight training program I do and I was seeing results with the first one I just got bored doing the same two work outs 4 days a week for two and a half months. But this guy wants me to eat a LOT of food. I want to follow the program as closely as possible so that if it doesn't work I know it won't be anything I did. Have you guys followed the calorie portions of the program and been satisfied with your results?
    I'd love to be able to join in on the challenge as it's going to be hard for me to eat that much food and meet my protein requirements and I want to walk on the weekends but since I hate any type of cardio.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    dnamouse - what's the PLP?? Tell me more....sounds interesting to me, too!

    BBCowgirl - I don't label food "good" or "bad" for anybody else....and, I am all about "everything in moderation". BUT, when I am seriously trying to create an ongoing and consistent calorie-deficit, it is easier, FOR ME, if I AVOID some foods. I also realize that, FOR ME, it isn;t "avoiding them forever", it is simply a way to avoid binge-triggers I have, or bloat-triggers I have. I do really enjoy carbs....however, when I am trying to shed bodyfat, sticking to protein and veggies is a MUCH better recipe for success, FOR ME, alone.

    I can do an "April challenge". You run it, and I'm in!

    redlipstickly - I did follow the calorie portions of NROL4W when I was doing NROL4W the first time....and, nope, I was NOT satisfied with the results. For me, it was TOO MANY calories and I gained 5 lbs on NROL4W.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    ...we could do a "jeans challenge"....i did this on another thread a couple years back.

    Pick out a pair of jeans from your closet that doesn't fit and aim to fit into it - or buy a pair of jeans that you want to fit into!

    When I did it last time, though, it was an 8-weeks challenge (not 4).
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Bepeejay, I love the belly dancing belts, I wear mine in zumba classes too! Since I'm shaking it might as well go all the waaay!

    I going to lift now, still in phase 1 of the life edition. I am taking a food diary break for awhile and planning my meals by portions and food groups with a macro goal in mind. Just been logging pretty consistently for a while and I just want a break.
    My DD had stomach issues the last few days so that threw off my week with doctor appts etc. yesterday ate alright but we split a Costco swirl after her doctor appt and I finished the day with an Irish whiskey. Hey I gotta live a little.

    Beeps I like the jean challenge as my closet is storing a few pairs I should be able to get back into with a little more reduction. I don't like mine too tight but snugish and an 8 is fitting pretty decently right now. But I have some smaller fitting eights I could work toward. If I could get a into asix that be great, but I am booty gifted so don't know if that will ever happen.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    yes, im doing nrol4w, i swear my butt & thighs feel bigger but the tape says they arent. i just feel sloshy for lack of a better word.

    Sherri although my measurements have improved my butt is for sure more pronounced/higher too. But I've lost at least inch or so. I'd rather have that than a sagging caboose but I know what you are talking about.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Morning all (6.30am here, I'm having a nice cup of tea lol)

    Beeps, it's T-Nation's PLP 60 day challenge. I read about it on Nerd Fitness - http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/plp_the_60day_challenge

    Basically, you add one rep of each exercise (pushup, lunges, pullup) every day for 60 days. Those that can do 10 pullups start at 10 reps, and those that can't do that start at 1 rep for each and work their way up to doing 60 reps on the last day. I worked out I will be doing 1830 pullups, lunges & pushups over the next 60 days starting at the 1 rep. At least I hope I will, I also remembered we are going on a road trip after Easter, so I'll have to wing it lol

    I actually went through the food bit of NROL4W again yesterday because I'm not happy with the numbers I'm getting from TDEE calculators lol They came out at more than the calculators, so that only caused more confusion. I figure I'll work it out eventually. I don't actually log calories any more, but I can now look at something and mentally think... that has a good amount of protein, that would be x amount of calories approx etc. I run a few things through mfp to double check occasionally, but as long as I'm hitting my protein minimum, I'm happy.

    I can cheer along a jeans challenge LOL I just had to go out and buy a new pair smaller than I've ever bought. From the children's section *sigh* But at least I don't have to roll up the bottoms on these ones :wink: :laugh: I'm 4'9 btw :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    rocky - logging breaks are AWESOME! I think they clear up mental-headspace for other pursuits...

    dnamouse - Hmmmmmmmmmm, I will have to consider the T-Nation PLP challenge, but make it my own "PP" challenge (forget the f*cking lunges, for ME1). Mind you, I cannot even do 1 pull-up....so, I guess I would use the "assist" machine until I could??

    Part of the PROBLEM with push-ups, though, is that going from 1 push-up, to 2 push-ups is SERIOUSLY way harder than going from 50- to 51-, ya know?!?!?!? So, usually, I can do 8 floor full-plank push-ups, but getting to 9- is HARD work and 10- seems impossible! (With my pinky injury, even getting to 8- is tough these days....who the H*LL knew that pinkys MATTER in a PUSH-UP??~? Well, THEY DO!)

    Anyway, I LIKE that challenge. Will have to think when the optimum "60 days" would be, though....maybe May 20 - July 19 would work for me because I am NOT out of town there....
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Dnamouse
    I'm with Beeps as I'd have to do the assisted pull ups. Push ups could be modified with elevation maybe to get to sixty....(currently I can get 3 set of 12 regular PU completed).

    BTW I started buying boys XL track pants, as they fit great and are the perfect length for my short legs. Women's track pants are alway too long.

    I ended up not working out this afternoon, combination of events....including a little nap (up with DD the last few days with her tummy issue). So Now I am off the next 10 days (spring break) and plan to hit it pretty good after chalking today up as a rest day.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I had grand plans to lift today but I'm so tired :yawn:

    Manic, it seems I've missed a lot. Can I get the Cliff Notes?

    I'm up for a challenge.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I should point out re the pullups - I'm really, really tiny now. Perfect size for my 4'9 body at about 40kg (19-20BMI and bodyfat % somewhere between 18-20%). So I don't have so much to lift iykwim :bigsmile: I also used to do gymnastics at school. It may have been 20-odd years ago, but chin ups and pushups (handstand pushups in particular) were a standard, and being so, um, height-challenged, meant I couldn't cheat - ever. So my coach used to put me up against the boys. They were always miffed when a girl could out-pullup them :laugh:

    Okay, I'm meant to be working. I have a client order to fill, and I'm procrastinating on MFP instead :ohwell:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello I had a day off from the gym today, due to early physical therapy instead. So I will do my last nrolw workout tomorrow. Really this time I mean it. I feel like I've been in stage 7 forever... Because I have been. It's my favorite and I am not sure what to do next. But it is getting boring.
    I need a challenge- but I don't think I am up for the jeans challenge. I am at a healthy weight and I can't seem to lose any fat on my midsection.
    I could do the push-ups/ lunges but I don't have a chin-up bar at home and I can't go to the gym every day.
    If I chose my own challenge it would be to ride my bike to work once a week during April.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Cowgirl, there is nothing wrong with you. You are just...human :)

    When I indulge, I do so, but in moderation, but I do not deny myself the foods I love...like Kit Kat, Kahlua, zero-calorie flavored water, sesame sticks, or sugar free cookies etc...

    Rocky....Zumba is fun, isn't it? I love the high!!

    I am enjoying my new workout that I formulated! Even though am starting out with a set of each, I am trying to lift heavier....I am beginning to see just a miniscule of definition on my quads.....my arms are more pronounced...but I will keep at it.

    Yesterday was Hip Hop Abs followed by Zumba class! Wohoo!

    Lift on, ladies!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I got in a quick workout today. Nothing special. Now it's almost midnight and I'm 8 hours in with a labouring woman with no sign of a baby any time soon..... me thinks tomorrow shall be a rest day! Yawn....... and I need my dinner! So hungry. Am raiding fridge for GF snacks.... so far all I've come up with is cheese and a custard pot :-/
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member