Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I wore my favorite fuzzy green sweater- it was cold.
    Beeps I like your outfit especially the boots.

    Manic sorry your daughter is being hard headed. I wish you serenity and wisdom and all the other traits parents need.

    I am in for limiting the carbs. I tried two carby veggies and a fruit instead of a real carb at dinner. Sometimes I get in my protein but not enough veg.

    Mostly I am trying to get in four lifting sessions before sat. And I am trying hard to get some childcare for next month. So far two of the last two interviewees no showed for the meeting.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    What are 'bad' carbs? I need a definition.

    I'm upping my carbs as advised by the ETP folk.... will let you all know how I get on. My goal is 230g/ day. Sure I go over on sugars, but I eat a lot of fruit.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    jo_marnes - for me, bad carbs = bread, most starches (i.e. potatoes, white rice - of course, I'd never eat brown rice anyway because it tastes like cardboard to me!),most desserts, most junk food like potato chips, pretzels, any candy, etc.

    I hate fruit.

    But, I did buy a new cookbook titled "vegetables", in an attempt to have my nanny cook more veggies that, over time, my family can incorporate! While my hubby and son like raw veggies, daughter and I don't....but, my daughter's overall urge for veggies is very small, while mine is quite high!

    I am going to try a kettlebell work-out, today! I just ripped it out of an old issue of my "OXYGEN" magazine and we'll see how this goes...
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jo, yep what beeps said. I consider bad carbs as:

    rice of any kind. After a week or so, I will incorporate SMALL portions of brown rice.
    junk food or anything processed

    I am a little sore from the workout yesterday. Not sure what I need to do today. We are working in the yard. I want to do my cardio . Should I do my lifts or not considering I will be shoveling mulch?? I need the strength to do that.

    No fruit for me. Long story made short . Radiation to throat caused a lot of internal changes. Lack of saliva and membranes thin. Anything acidic burns me. I can only eat bananas, watermelon, and cantaloupe. But before that I only liked those and apples and strawberries so not a lot changed now that I think about that. LOL
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    manic - what exercise do you WANT to do, today?!?!? Just for TODAY, pick something that you LIKE to do, and do THAT.

    Back to lifting, on your regular schedule, a.s.a.p.

    Sheesh on the throat issue....I cannot blame my dislike of fruit on that, at ALL. I am the "3 seasons of fruit" chicky - spring means I have to wait for some fruit that I like, summer means cherry-season and I eat THOSE, fall means plum-season and I eat THOSE and winter means mandarin oranges, and I eat THOSE.

    Also, even though I do NOT like bananas, I do eat them quite regularly, usually with 1 Tbsp of peanut butter....so, it isn;t the fruit I am after, it is the peanut butter, lol!
  • sherriwedel
    sherriwedel Posts: 20 Member
    How long does the bloaty water stage last or is my *kitten* really getting bigger?!

    finished s1 a6 yesterday so im 31/2ish weeks in. have lost some weight, 10# since about Feb 13th & honestly have not weighed in 2 weeks on purpose. i tend to get obsessive about it...like stepping on every time i pass the stupid thing. so when my youngest dropped it 2 weeks ago i didnt replace it.

    waist is about 1/2 inch smaller, calf & upper arm about 1/4" but my butt & thighs are holding strong in their current size & shape. squatting at 85# now & all around that is increasing but this is really frustrating. How long does this typically last?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sherri - put an avatar up and then I can visit with YOU and not a SHADOW.

  • sherriwedel
    sherriwedel Posts: 20 Member
    as im at work that will be next to impossible
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I decided NOT to lift. Today is shoulder and back workout. I will get that shoveling the mulch in the back yard. It's finally a pretty day and should be all week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    You did it, sherri!! Welcome!! Are you doing NROL4W?!?!?

    manice - shoveling is gonna work just FINE! Do it!

    I did an OXYGEN kettlebell work-out...used 8 kg kettlebell, which was too light, but that wasn't the point. My quads 100% took over in the lunge department....I have to just QUIT lunge-ing. Ugh. I desperately do NOT want DOMS tomorrow to interfere with my Venus work-out (which, for me, are the ones that DO matter). I think I will keep trying kettlebells, though....it was a fun diversion and only took, like 40 minutes, which was AWESOME for me! I did stretch for longer and even used a rumble-roller, but my quads are ALREADY screaming at me. Booooooooooooooo.
  • sherriwedel
    sherriwedel Posts: 20 Member
    yes, im doing nrol4w, i swear my butt & thighs feel bigger but the tape says they arent. i just feel sloshy for lack of a better word.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Manic - yikes.... the throat issue must suck! I love fruit. That must limit a lot of things from your diet?

    Being GF I don't eat a lot of the things you and Beeps consider bad carbs anyway. No flour, bread, pasta and that rules out a lot of processed food too. I don't eat potatoes (don't like them) and don't eat white rice. I have a brown rice porridge every morning. The rest of my carbs come from veggies, fruit and chocolate, lol. I eat healthily enough that I don't feel the need to eliminate sugars.... as it is I don't drink soda, don't add sugar to tea/ coffee etc.

    Maybe you should try a GF diet as a guide to cutting out 'bad' carbs? There is a lot of info out there and it might help you stick to it :-)

    Jo xx
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yes, Jo, it makes it difficult . I don't eat a lot of meat due to digestion begins in the mouth with saliva. I don't have saliva production therefore no enzymes to break meat down . I eat a LOT of soups, pasta, cereals, oatmeal, cooked veggies, chicken, and ummm that's about it. So cutting out some of those are leaving me HUNGRY.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Just coming down from my high - TRX Suspension Training Class then Core Class then Zumba (today we had the belly-dancing jingle skirts! Wohoo!! ) aaahh.....life is good :drinker:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Manic - how about fats? Foods with a higher fat content leave me fuller - cheese etc.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I like the "fats" idea, manic....i don't like the gluten-free idea....I think the research (that I have reviewed....and I have reviewed it, with medical researchers...) is pretty clear that, unless you (clearly) suffer from celiac disease, or a gluten-intolerance (and I mean CLEARLY - as in you've gotten CLEAR test results), avoiding gluten is not necessary for the human population!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sherri - sometimes my biggest scale-whooshes were precursed with a marbled-fatty feeling in some of my fleshier body parts. I wish you the SCALE-SWOOSH....just make sure you are eating in a calorie deficit to expect that scale to move downward!!

    bepeejaye - TRX and Zumba?!??! Then you get a "BOOM!" for the TRX and a "ZOOM!" for the Zumba!

    My quads remain sore, but I am going to the gym at lunch, anyway....BOOM!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I LOVE cheese usually melted and smothered over my food. LOL

    I broke down this am and had oats and one slice of toast. Egg omelet did not sound appetizing today. Yesterday I had 70ish carbs and 22 of that was bread. I did pretty good considering I can eat 150 g or more of carbs in a day. (of course, that's a BAD day)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I like the "fats" idea, manic....i don't like the gluten-free idea....I think the research (that I have reviewed....and I have reviewed it, with medical researchers...) is pretty clear that, unless you (clearly) suffer from celiac disease, or a gluten-intolerance (and I mean CLEARLY - as in you've gotten CLEAR test results), avoiding gluten is not necessary for the human population!

    I am celiac and I do agree with Beeps - GF is not something everyone needs to do. I was just suggesting that if you used a GF diet as an idea, you might be better able to stick to your goal off reducing 'bad' carbs. To go completely GF without medical reasoning would be insane imho!

    Fun lifting yesterday, rest day today. Not sure what is going on with my scale measurements right now.... up and down all over the place. Had some hormonal bloating going on so blaming that for now ;-)

    Have a great workout today everyone xxx
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Is it alright for a newbie to jump on in? :smile:

    I'm up to Stage 3 NROL4W now (BWM hasn't killed me yet, but it has tried lol). I started very slowly last year with simple dumbbells and bodyweight substitutions for those exercises I didn't have the equipment for as I workout in my garage at home. I move through the program slowly, taking my time to get everything right and progressing before I move to the next stage (perfectionist personality unfortunately!).

    I don't lift big numbers, but I lift heavy for me, and the number is going up slowly but steadily :smile:

    I also started the PLP (pushup, lunges, pullup) program a couple of days ago. Mostly because I really, really like pushups and pullups (I know I'm a little weird lol) and because I'm a glutton for punishment :bigsmile: