Daily Chat Thread



  • seren1ty74
    seren1ty74 Posts: 171 Member
    just joining up and saying hello. Hello!

    I'll keep it short. I'm Em, 39, looking to break my slump in my consistency in motivation, meal prep, drinking water and activity. So far everyone is super motivating and i can't wait to get started!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Can I join too? I have lost almost 20 pounds and have another 20 to go. I am likely going to be starting the NROLFW next week; I need one more week to get myself ready mentally and with the logs, etc. as I just read the book this weekend.

    I am a regular lifter and exerciser (weights, spin, step, treadmill, elliptical) but have never lifted too heavy. I am a bit concerned about eating more as I still have a considerable amount of fat I would like to lose, and I am wondering if I can keep a few cardio sessions in my weekly schedule to help with that or if it will really hinder my progress. I guess I may need to try it out and see.

    I can get in board with the three goals for now though!

    1) try to meet my protein macros daily. I'm a vegetarian so I find it really hard to get my 30% protein, and it's usually impossible for me to do without going over on carbs. I try not to worry about it too much but also wonder how the heavy lifting results will be impacted by this.
    2) stick to one cheat meal a week. The last week I definitely had two cheat meals, if not more like two cheat days :P
    3) plan my meals and snacks the night before. So much easier for me to come close to hitting my macros and for me to stay in track when I've planned the night before.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello - I had an amazing vacation for spring break- we went to Panama with a tour group called backgrounds. It was amazing- so beautiful and we did something active everyday- cycling, zipping, snorkeling, hiking. I will post some pix eventually-- but first I am getting some other stuff out of the way
    like results of finishing NROLFW!
    I weigh exactly the same as at the start. My dH says my body has changed, but he can't tell me how.
    I have decided not to post pictures here on the thread - but I have some pictures on my profile.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome newcomers! Pudding hope you like nrolw.

    Sam congrats on your son's performance. It is a terrific feeling to see your child's accomplishments.

    I started supercharged and I am feeling a little overwhelmed with the choices. It is fun to try some new exercises. I did standing single arm chest press at 15 lbs. I am now amazed that I can bench press at all. Or do push-ups.

    I also did RAMP for the first time. For some reason the gym was full of classical music and I was tempted to try some ballet after reverse lunge with reach. Seriously, I felt good moving my shoulders so much before lifting.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sorry this is so choppy.
    I wanted to write a little about finishing nrolfw.
    1. It is important to keep track of it all. When I wasn't paying attention I didn't progress.
    2. I did lose some fat- not as much as I would have liked from my waist thighs and bottom. I lost some fat from my breasts -- which were quite flat to start.
    3. I dislike the bench press, even more than the YTWLS.
    4. I wish I had tried barbell step ups earlier.

    That's all . Hope everyone had a good weekend
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I've been MIA since friday before last. This is the last day of spring break for us so I've been hanging with DD besides some back issue that sidelined me during the last week. I've had a few chiropractor visits so my back is better but haven't lifted in over a week. Did workout but I had to beg off of any squats or dead lifts. My s-i joint is the problem. Also just confirmed I have some degree of scoliosis that wasn't discovered earlier. So thats added a layer of focus for my physical health and just maintaining good strength and doing what I can for supporting alignment.

    I got lost on the challenge, I thought it might be a jean challenge? I pulled out a pair of white jeans I wore the day before my wedding (11 years and one baby ago) and set the goal to get into them comfortably by the end of April. I can get them on and zipped now but they are too tight. My performance goals this month are to complete 6 workouts a week as outlined by Hal Higdon's 10K training program. This includes two strength training sessions a week. The training program is out lined here if interested: http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51122/10K-Novice-Training-Program

    I signed up for a 5k at the end of May so I'm in "training".

    I joined a local gym today after considering 6 other options. It won out by location (very close) and cost (very cheap). The tipping point was they got a real squat rack about a month ago and they will be setting up a nice dead lift station soon. I used to go this place and stopped going because group classes were too crowded. I don't plan on using any group classes mostly and will use the faciity for my free weight workouts and bad weather HIIT. So I feel I will be more on track now since I have a place to go that has all the equipment I need. I can jog there or ride my bike which is a bonus too.

    Went paleo for dinner tonight: roasted pork and butternut squash with aspargus. But chased with a "cheat dessert" and a gin and tonic...:ohwell:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Welcome newcomers :) These are some great goals. I'm looking forward to a great month with ya'll!

    Pmagnan, what a great vacation!

    Rocky, that's a great goal. And thanks for the link, I've actually been wanting to ease back into running for a bit now.

    Today I need to get some bizniz done. (1) stay sane and afloat at work, (2) eat some proteinz, (3) finally get back to the gym and back to lifting!!, and with any sort of "luck"/energy (4) laundry...ughhhh. Really, I'm just bound and determined to get back into a good gym routine. So that's my biggest goal for the day...keep up my energy, motivation, and downright will to hit the gym. I know I'll feel better once I go, it's just the full day ahead that I can't let eat up all my energy.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    You girls have been busy...nice to see and I look forward to the pictures of Panama pmagnan!

    I am feeling much better. My tummy is SO flat I can FINALLY claim "bikini bridge" status (which I don't care about....but, there ya go!).

    So, to keep THAT, I am making sure I don't DOWN all the calories I simply didn't ingest due to my illness. Am back at work. Will also lift, today, but it won't be very aggressive. And will work off 2 more lbs in April and move into May as "maintenance".

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    MARCH 31- MAY 26
    Let me know if I missed you or if you want to join in.

    Try to meet protein macros daily.
    Stick to one cheat meal a week.
    Plan meals and snacks the night before

    Get some workouts in during holidays.
    Get back to paying attention to meals being cooked.
    Keep up with PLP 60 day challenge.

    Samntha14 monthly goals:
    Do an unassisted pull up by the end of the month.
    Finish nutrition course
    Get all medical testing done
    Hit macros

    Eat between 10,500 - 11,000 calories per week;
    Get in 3 x lifting sessions per week
    Walk at least 1 hour per week.

    Hit at least 30% on protein weekly
    Keep calories at/below 13650/week
    Get 3 lifting sessions in weekly and 1 hr of cardio

    Meet protein macro daily
    Lift at least 3x each week
    Stay away from fast food

    Ride bike to work at least once a week.
    Lift three times a week.
    Eat protein.

    Work out at least 3 days/week.
    Eat to or under goal 6/7 days/week.
    Pamper with bath/pedicure/manicure/something at least once a week.

    4 workouts a week
    Up early to accomplish workouts
    Eat at deficit

    BodPod monthly
    Cut out "visible" Carbs,with the exception of Lesley Stowe's Cranberry and Hazelnut raincoast crisps/crackers
    Meet macros

    Get 6 workouts in per week
    Fit into pre-wedding jeans by end of April
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I've never been a part of a thread like this before; do we post at the end of each day or week to let you know if we met our goals?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I'm glad you're feeling better. I think the only good thing about being sick is the flatter tummy that comes with it. Hope your lifting session goes well.

    Rocky, I hope the gym situation works out. Sounds like you've got a busy workout schedule planned.

    WillLift, hope you can keep your motivation- get it done!

    Busy, stressful weekend= lethargic Monday. I'm really NOT excited about heavy squats, going to the grocery store and trying to get caught up on laundry and housework. I slept wrong and my trap/neck/shoulder is really hurting. I'm tempted to skip the gym today, but I only had 2 lifting sessions twice last week and I NEED to get 3 in. Someone send me a virtual kick in the rear to get started!!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've never been a part of a thread like this before; do we post at the end of each day or week to let you know if we met our goals?

    We will check-in weekly (on Monday) and let us know if you met your goals. I'll do my best to keep track of it on a weekly basis so that we can go back and look to see how we did over the course of the 8 weeks :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I'd like to join the challenge! My goals are 1- complete the 3 workouts a week 2-eat at or below my calorie level and hit my protein macro 3- go walking slash running every saturday and sunday weather permitting. Have a great week ladies!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    BarbellCowgirl: :happy: You rock, thanks for organizing us for the challenge. I'm like a little kid, since someone is paying attention to me I'll perform better. Here's my thank you gift for your effort: http://www.do-it-yourself-joint-pain-relief.com/joint-pain-relief-techniques.html This guy has some great release techniques for every sort fo tightness you might have. It's free, btw. I've been using some for my back and it has been really helpful. I've never looked at a tennis ball with appreication like I do now.

    Willlift4tats: The link to the workout schedule may be just what you need to get organized. Although it is 6 workouts a week the requirement is not that taxing. breaks down to 2 strength traning, about three runs (one long, for me a three mile takes me less that 40 minutes) and one or two sessions of cross training (which means anything) for 30 to 40 minutes.

    Beeps: hope you can hold on the that bridge. Nice that you are practially at manintance.

    Tabata me? What's tabata you? :smile: I am doing that on Mons & Tues at work to help complete my workout quota.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Thanks, BBCowgirl for the challenge - you got my deets right!

    147.2 lbs TODAY! - so I am ECSTATIC! I will aim to drop 2.2 lbs through April (totally do-able) and then I think I'll stick around 145 lbs for awhile. I have a strong feeling my attempts to get below 140 are just "pie-in-the-sky"....but, if I could make 140 my "floor" and 145 my "ceiling" for maintenance, I think I am good with that!

    Got my lifting in-and-done. I did do all 3 sets, but I also went down in all weights, for today, except my tricep stuff and my lateral raises (which i don't go that heavy on, even on a "heavy" day, anyway!). BOOM!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Nothing like a wild case of strep throat to throw me off course. Ugh. Feeling better and will just pick up where I left off tomorrow.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    BarbellCowgirl: :happy: You rock, thanks for organizing us for the challenge. I'm like a little kid, since someone is paying attention to me I'll perform better. Here's my thank you gift for your effort: http://www.do-it-yourself-joint-pain-relief.com/joint-pain-relief-techniques.html This guy has some great release techniques for every sort fo tightness you might have. It's free, btw. I've been using some for my back and it has been really helpful. I've never looked at a tennis ball with appreication like I do now.

    Oh, thank you! I'll check it out now. It's feeling better since I did a ton of stretching before/after my workout. But it's still very tight.
    And that's exactly why I started the challenge- checking in makes me accountable and more likely to hit my goals.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps - awesomeness! :happy:

    I have a little NSV. I walk with a friend on Monday afternoons and yesterday I was wearing a singlet top because it was hot and humid. She made me stop while she looked at my back. She told me to flex ROFL and said "Look at your back, you've got muscles!!"

    She knows how damn hard I'm working on that lol so I was pretty chuffed :bigsmile: Pity my neck can't do a 180 so I can look at them myself :wink:

    This whole re-focusing on food is a good thing. I've only been doing it since Sunday and I feel so.much.better. I have PCOS and insulin issues, so too many processed carbs = feeling crappy. Back to normal with the focus on lots of veges & protein etc and my stomach alone is thanking me for it. And my water bottle is once again traveling everywhere with me. Next time I slack off and get overwhelmed with stuff and just eat randomly, someone slap me over the side of the head with my water bottle, k?

    I did have pizza last night (friends brought dinner over), but it was planned for, and seeing as we need to have gluten-free and dairy-free, it ain't all that interesting lol
  • dodiem29
    dodiem29 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone, I first heard of nrolfw over the weekend and I've been reading a lot about it. I think I'm hooked so I am heading into town to purchase the book tomorrow. I am currently doing weights at the gym but need a more structured plan. I'm nervous but super excited. I would like to join the challenge as well.

    1. workout 5-6 days a week
    2. 10 military style push-ups
    3. One 10-12km run per week

    I've enjoyed reading all your posts, looks like a great group that really motivates each other