Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Don't forget your weekly challenge report!

    I'm 3/3 this week!

    DNA, enjoy yourself.

    Pmag, hope you feel better soon.

    Temeika, I'm in the same boat- 5lbs from goal, but still more fat on my body than I want.

    Sue, sounds delicious!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Oh goodness, it has not been a great week for me. I did my toes and nails so I'll give 1/3. Back on track today and hoping I can battle through all this high pollen throughout the week. Last week it definitely conquered me and today is not looking great so far :grumble:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    I can only claim 2/3 this week because, even though my eating was pretty decent, my drinking was pretty egregious this weekend! Weird....I don't drink often, but had a houseful of company this weekend and I just said "wth" and went with it, lol!

    Today, I lift.

    And, I am going to do a "no junk carb/low carb" week....my indulgences over Easter are makin' me wanna do that sort of "cleanse".
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Sue, that's really nice that the company is replacing ur fitbit free. That sounds like excellent customer service to me.

    Dna, wish I were headed to the beach too. My fiance is going but I have some deadlines I'm trying to meet for work, so unfortunately I can't join him. I really really hope I'll be bikini ready for summer. If so, I'll be LIVING at the beach. Hope you get well soon.

    Cowgirl, you look pretty good in ur pic to me. And what is this about challenge report?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Willift- Spring can be tough season- do you take anything for allergies- I like Zyrtec the best, but this year I am not having much allergies

    Beeps- when you do fibonaccis how many exercises do you do? Assuming a fibonacci is one lift and doing 21res, 13reps8reps 5reps 8reps, 13 reps, 21 reps?

    Sam I hope you had a good ride.
    Dna- enjoy your break
    I had PT this am and I am feeling more hopeful, but th eweekend was a waste I kept taking naps.
    I had a good workout last night but I have more questions for everyone. I think I will improve faster if I get more feed back
    I am in Supercharged and I am picking different lifts for an A and B workout. So it seems that if I don't pick properly I can end up exercising one muscle more than the others.
    Last night I did plank with one arm up, combo Romanian DL(65#) and row- split squat with rear foot elevated (22.5#), 2point row (27.5#), romanian Dls(100#) and pushups, and weight glute bridges (40#). I always do leg lifts lying onone side 3x 15.
    It was the first workout, and I know I can do more with DL and glut bridges, but split squats were hard in terms of core.
    So it seems like a lot more lower body to me. ( should I mix it up- I hate changing a workout before I finish it!)

    And is it ok to do mixed grip on Romanian DLs?
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am only giving myself 1/3. I found myself falling back into some bad BED habits which, combined with the holiday and the chocolate my boys had in the house, made for a lot of overeating. Definitely not enough protein. My workouts did stay in track and I am just finishing workouts 3/4 of stage 1. I am definitely making progress except on my push-ups; I am totally stuck at 45 degrees or so :P

    Quick question: does anyone use a barbell for their step ups instead of dumbells? I am finding I can't comfortably grip any dumbells heavier than 15lbs (even with gloves) when I do my step ups, but the 15lbs aren't heavy enough. I am thinking of trying to do them with a barbell across the back of my shoulders next time, as the book suggests.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Quick question: does anyone use a barbell for their step ups instead of dumbells? I am finding I can't comfortably grip any dumbells heavier than 15lbs (even with gloves) when I do my step ups, but the 15lbs aren't heavy enough. I am thinking of trying to do them with a barbell across the back of my shoulders next time, as the book suggests.

    Pudding; I use these for heavier weight, for both dumbells and barbell lifts:

    I don't used gloves much at all as they end up hurting my hands. I use the straps and chalk (chalk ball). Also I have a grip ball that I squeeze to improve my grip. I keep it in my car and do "reps" when sitting at a stop light.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky did you like totem? We are planning to go next weekend.

    I enjoyed it. Had a cheap seat as I was supervising a grandma and kiddo outing. I was there to make sure neither one of them got lost. My great uncle was a trapeze artist so it makes me think of him and my family when ever I see a Circus de Solei show.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Last night I did plank with one arm up, combo Romanian DL(65#) and row- split squat with rear foot elevated (22.5#), 2point row (27.5#), romanian Dls(100#) and pushups, and weight glute bridges (40#). I always do leg lifts lying onone side 3x 15.
    It was the first workout, and I know I can do more with DL and glut bridges, but split squats were hard in terms of core.
    So it seems like a lot more lower body to me. ( should I mix it up- I hate changing a workout before I finish it!)

    That looks about right, you have a push and pull for upper body. Do you just throw in the leg lifts? If splits are hard to maintain balance to finish reps maybe reduce the amount of weight?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    2/3 for the week.

    missed my work out yesterday, just too caught up in Easter. Tonight plan to lift to make up for it. Still feel like I am shrinking but weight is steady. Upcoming trainer visit this week and Chiropractor appt.

    Yesterday was a planned cheat day. But DH had us bring home left over dessert even though I won't eat it and he is only suppose to have dessert on the weekends..... So things will be meeting my trash can today. :tongue:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Quick question: does anyone use a barbell for their step ups instead of dumbells? I am finding I can't comfortably grip any dumbells heavier than 15lbs (even with gloves) when I do my step ups, but the 15lbs aren't heavy enough. I am thinking of trying to do them with a barbell across the back of my shoulders next time, as the book suggests.

    VERSAGRIPPS!!! OMG they have made a huge difference. Ok, so I suppose I should be working on hand grip but face it, I'm not going to compete, and my hand grip improves even with the VersaGripps. I have short fingers, my grip just sux! These have been a lifesaver!!

    And yes I use a mixed grip for any and all DLs. I have been starting out with a straight grip and no Versagripps to help my grip strength but switch for subsequent sets.

    Today I lifted - bench, bent over rows, DB OHP, face pulls, skull crushers and curls. I also picked up NROL for Life - It's supposed to be designed for us older folks - not just for strength training but all around agility, etc. Just started reading today.

    I had fast food this week, so I'm 2/3
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm 1/3 :blushing: I met all my lifting goals. I was a wee bit lazy with the protein early in the week and I'm still screwing around with the measuring tape. I need to hide that thing in my car or something.

    I'm headed out for a run in a bit.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member

    Today I lifted - bench, bent over rows, DB OHP, face pulls, skull crushers and curls. I also picked up NROL for Life - It's supposed to be designed for us older folks - not just for strength training but all around agility, etc. Just started reading today.

    Suelegal Hey I'm lifer too, on my second time thru in phase 2 now. I like the program a lot, but I've not done any of the others. So you can compare and see what you think about any differences.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Pmagnan --->>>"when you do fibonaccis how many exercises do you do? Assuming a fibonacci is one lift and doing 21res, 13reps8reps 5reps 8reps, 13 reps, 21 reps?"

    You are correct, that as written, the fibs are 21 - 13 - 8 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21. However, I *am* time-crunched (always!), so I only do my fibs with 13 - 8 - 5 - 8 - 13 and I do 6 different moves - usually 2 are lower body (although some days it is 3) and the remainder are upper body stuff.

    Fibs have disappeared!! Now I'm onto X-sets....and, yep, I'm hurtin' a bit today, lol!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Pmagnan --->>>"when you do fibonaccis how many exercises do you do? Assuming a fibonacci is one lift and doing 21res, 13reps8reps 5reps 8reps, 13 reps, 21 reps?"

    You are correct, that as written, the fibs are 21 - 13 - 8 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21. However, I *am* time-crunched (always!), so I only do my fibs with 13 - 8 - 5 - 8 - 13 and I do 6 different moves - usually 2 are lower body (although some days it is 3) and the remainder are upper body stuff.

    Fibs have disappeared!! Now I'm onto X-sets....and, yep, I'm hurtin' a bit today, lol!!

    How long does this take you to finish?
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Pmagnan, I am taking Zyrtec. In the past, it's worked TOO well and I'd get dry nosebleeds (gross, sorry), but either I haven't been on it long enough or this season has been particularly high in my triggers.

    Sounds like everyone had a nice Easter. I also indulged too much this weekend. But today I lifted. I started stage 3 w/o A...phew! Let's just say I had the wobbly legs of a new coal by the end of it all. Very tough, but it was awesome. Definitely got to work out some work frustration too. I'm thinking I'll need a dip in the hottub tomorrow.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Reporting in at 1/3...I dropped from 2/3 because I had "visible" carbs this past Saturday. I traveled to a nearby big town an hour away, and they have great Indian restaurants...and I had Onion Kulcha...sort of like onion/garlic naan. Yummo!!

    Lifting was good today. It has been a fortnight already, and time to switch my workout, and it was great!!

    Lift on ladies!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't even remember my goals :noway:

    I have a gripe. Why is that people who weigh the same as me look so much smaller? I am much more fattier . You know when you sit down and the thighs double or even triple their size and all that yucky fat just looks like a big glob. I guess it just means I have a lot to lose , huh?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. But my question was do I need to change my workout to hit different groups? Yes I add in leg lifts because I have a weakness in hip abduction. But the rest seems to be all legs/ back - I guess the rows are arms and push-ups are chest/ triceps.
    Beeps please explain x- sets??
    Bepeejaye glad you had a good work out

    So my pt said I have trigger points in my neck as a result of a deltoid injury. I have some crazy neck exercises which I do every two hours but seem to help - tomorrow I will get accupuncture which is at least always relaxing.

    I will also do my second b workout for basic training 2. I am going to post it for feedback tomorrow.
    Hope everyone had a good start to the week.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I did my first Stage 7 workout yesterday.......I'm still in shock today!

    Only 5 more to go until I finish the programme!