Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    manic - while I totally cannot sit through the advertisement for this product, NOR have I purchased it, there IS some success, on the Venus forums, with this particular product of Brad Pilon's, called "Flat Belly Forever". --->>> http://bradpilon.com/weight-loss/flat-belly-forever/ <<<--- I will leave it to you to decide if this is a direction you want to move in.

    samntha - I would love your 4 lb scale weight loss, but not the pain/heartache/emotion that you have had to deal with to get it.

    I hope you have a good weekend and that you can get back to your form of "normal" very soon.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I had a great work-out, today! Did a "weight plate only" work-out ripped from the pages of OXYGEN magazine! Not too much lower body, although there were prisoner squats and plate-swings, etc. Mostly upper-body - and must be mostly shoulders because I am FEELING IT huge right now!

    JUST what the dr ordered....a totally different work-out, the SPARK of "what can be" sizzling in my mind, and 2 full weeks stretched before me before i catch a plane to Europe.....oh yeah, I will be BACK ON TRACK, for sure!

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Just swimming today.

    Beeps you are amazing. It is great that you get re-excited about lifting through your workout.
    I will hold you to your resolution

    Bb- that's a lot of protein

    Manic if you are mad you could have a really good workout.

    I am not sure I will lift tomorrow but probably Sunday
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Go blazers!!!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Cowgirl - Wow! That's amazing you can get in that much protein. I barely make 100g and that's WITH a protein shake. But I'm going to follow your advice.

    My 3 goals are:
    1. Average AT LEAST 110g protein.
    2. Drink AT LEAST 6 cups of water everyday.
    3. Include 2 days of 2 rounds of Tabata intervals weekly. I HATE cardio but I figure I can do 8 minutes right?

    I have not included any weightlifting goals because I really enjoy it and so it's not a struggle for me. The above 3, definitely a struggle.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    YES! Lifting 4x a week finally! Next week will be a fail though since our offices are moving and I'll be there nearly the entire weekend. Today was legs/lower body - DLs, inverted leg press, split squats, calf raises, DB shrugs, hanging leg raises, swiss ball crunch with 45lb plate and hyperextensions. I feel GREAT!!! And even better, meeting a friend at Cheesecake Factory in a couple of hours - love that place!

    Rocky I'm so sorry for your loss and that families can't just grieve together without drama - it all seems to bring out the worst in them I guess. Sending hugs

    Jo your attitude is infectious! I so get it! I'm hardly where I want to be shape wise, body fat wise etc. but I have to tell you that lifting is so perfect for me. I want to get to the gym and lift heavier, harder! Oh and instead of brewing coffee, I supplement with Lit-Up. It's similar - caffeine for the boost and vitamins, BCAAs etc to enhance the lift. I also do my creatine before I lift since there are some schools of thought that it helps you lift heavier more consistently.

    Mary yes, it could easily be the lifting, especially if you are lifting more weight than usual. Muscles retain water! That has to weigh more! It will go away, give it time! That's one reason why scale weight shouldn't be your primary indicator. Daily fluctuations can set you out of sorts. Keep going and you'll see everything change. Instead of looking at it like "working off the cals" how about looking at it like "working hard so I can eat the way I want to" Different perspective makes it feel totally different!

    Jamaica, those are great goals. I don't Tabata but I spin 2x (ok 1x consistently) a week. That and walking everywhere is all the cardio I'm willing to do! I get most of my protein from chicken, turkey, fish and beef, plus a protein drink almost daily and as Cowgirl said, I shoot for the protein first then fill the rest in with green leafy veggies and salads. I am a fast food junky - especially since I don't get home from work most evenings until after 7:30 - some nights I just don't have cooking dinner in me. But I try to do the fast food without the buns, and only a few fries. That's actually one of my goals this time - and I'm failing because I can't get through a week without fast food at least once. I should adapt mine to be fast food only without bun, no fries

    Sam, hugging you my friend, wish I could lighten your load. I bet if you get back into some consistent lifting you'll feel better.

    Beeps, you are amazing and a constant inspiration to me! Rock those goals girl!!

    Pmag, I would love to be swimming. Not convenient to me at all.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    You know, there is plenty 'not perfect' about my body. No boobs, out of proportion hips and more wrinkles than required on a 30 yr old face.

    But darn it, after losing 25kgs and being the fittest I've ever been, I'm slimmer than when I was 16, I'm strong and I am so freakin' proud of my body that I ADMIRE it every day. I used to dream about getting breast implants - now I'd never do it. Yes I have small breasts (so small I wear teen no-wire bras - all the time), but I don't care. I have abs. I have visible muscles. I don't have bat wings. My *kitten* is freakin amazing and I can run. All things I didn't have or couldn't do when I was 16.

    My journey through fitness has not only been about exercise but also about learning who I am. I am determined, resilient and I achieve. I absolutely WILL do anything I set out to do. If someone tells me I can't, I'll bloody show them I can. Mostly the person that tells me 'I can't' is myself. I kick my own butt every single day. I never used to be able to run for 30 seconds. Now I can run 21kms. I'm stronger than my husband. I am the biggest badass I know. My kids tell me I'm the fittest person they know. They can only learn from my example. There is no weird diets/ excuses/ slacking. Life is about hard work. But life is there to be enjoyed. How can you enjoy when you are stuck at home, sluggish and fat and lazy? Hell no. Not for me. Not for my family. I am proud of myself. I will be even prouder to see my kids grow up into healthy, responsible, confident adults. And I'll be there to enjoy it with them.

    yeah me too, I want to be a badass!:laugh:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Go blazers!!!

    I watched part of the game and got the recap this morning. Suck it man they didn't get it but at least it wasn't total beating....:tongue:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Had my trainer appt yesterday and got some really helpful pointers mainly on squat, deadlift and push up form. But I won't be signing up any time soon with this one as way out of my price range.

    So I've decided to take advantage of a fitness camp taught by a sought after expert in my area. I go to a gym called ADAPT training in Beaverton that I take classes there about once a week. The first two weeks of May I committed to this camp, M-Thurs for one hour in the evening. I hope to get gains in power, strength and shoulder flexibilty (as the trainer yesterday said I need two more inches in upper body flexiblity before a over head snatch would be possible).

    After that I may sign up for a six week group lifting program with a trainer which would fit my budget at the Adapt gym.

    Sunday:Today walk/run for an hour then an hour massage.
    I'm thinking about getting spray tanned? Anyone pointers on this? I'm really white so want a little color going in to summer.
    Sunday:Lift/3mile jog/walk
    Monday: Tabata/walk
    Tues: jog
    Thursday:Chiropractor appt/rest
    sat:60min walk
    Sun:Lift/take pictures/measurements
    Then two weeks of camp...assess results
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I saw an overused cliche on Pinterest recently. Some BS about living the life you dreamed of. DING DING DING went off in my head and I wondered "am I really pursuing any dreams?" I thought of the recent years where I kept thinking, "I want to start a flower garden." I've never done it and don't know my left butt cheek from a pansy. I've also been stewing over the fact that I spend too much time on the computer and how much energy it drains.

    So, after DS's baseball game, I took a couple of photos of my yard and went to a garden center. Some other baseball moms were telling me about it this morning. It's a beautiful little mom and pop place complete with chickens and goats and free popcorn (bonus for kids!). DS wasn't sure about going with me but was sure glad he did because he loved it! He ate the popcorn and pulled the wagon for me while we shopped and ooh'd and aah'd.

    We have a raised garden bed in our backyard that has been growing weeds for years. We cleaned it out together and got it all fixed up with our new flowers. I carried the 40 lbs bags of compost and mulch all by myself from my car to the backyard :heart: Threw those bags over my shoulder like a badass mama.

    Such a great feeling to finally pursue a little dream, make my home better, and make memories with my boy. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I passed out and took a nap around 7. It's nearly 9 now and I think I'll go ahead and lift tonight. Why not?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Runz- what a great day! I can't garden but my DH does and it's great bonding with the kids.

    Jo I have no boobs as well. It has never bothered me - except as an early teen (when I was still hoping they would grow) and about two years ago when my belly was threatening to overtake them. Then I started lifting and I am pretty happy with my body again. I think it helps to focus on what I am capable of not just how I look.

    Rocky your workout plan sounds good

    Sue I wish I could lift 4x a week. That is awesome. You are so motivated.

    The big news is we got a dog- very cute mutt- some terrier/spaniel mix. No name yet and still a question if he will get along with the cat. Because this is different I am in pain- totally ludicrous that a twelve pound mutt is such a threat my nervous system goes haywire. Even worse he might not get along with the cat and we would have to re- home him. I will post a pit tire when we have a name.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Cruising on in to say "I'm home!" :bigsmile:

    Had a lovely week, took it slow and steady and had a good time.

    I am now seriously considering a beach house. Or just moving. Will probably spend the week looking at real estate websites LOL

    Spent the second half of the week in a cabin by the river that was a 2 minute walk to the beach. The kids had a blast, we did some fishing, swimming, kayaking, jet skiing, and shopping (found some local handmade markets - I was in heaven). Walked a lot and slept a lot and ate yummy food. I don't think I've put back on all I lost while sick, but I'm well on the way :wink:

    It's late here, so I'll pop back in tomorrow and catch up on what I've missed. Looking forward to some quick and easy bodyweight sessions this week to ease back into it. And that'll also give me time to finish setting up the new gym area in the garage :smile:

    But I'm so damn weak after being sick it's almost embarrassing. I shall work hard to remedy that! :laugh:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    That sounds like such a good time, DNA!

    I do all my cooking on Sundays. I've already got chicken in the Crock Pot for tacos and the bacon just went in the oven.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Look at the varied and interesting lives we lead!

    Some of us wanting gardens in our yards, some of us moving to the beach....wonderful news!!!

    I am on day 3 of my "do what you say you will" challenge and it is going WELL. Eliminating snacking after supper is totally gonna move that scale, albeit slowly, in the downward direction....I can FEEL it!!

    All I can do is concentrate on the inputs, leave the outputs to themselves and BOOM!

    Got my scheduled cardio in on Saturday, and am even going for a walk this afternoon with a gf, so some unscheduled cardio, too!

    Back to lifting M/W/F, and I feel really good going into this Monday, which I haven't felt in a number of weeks....so, instead of DREADING the Monday, I am excited that I am tackling a VERY LONG-STANDING problem for me, being snacking after supper.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm thinking about a hybrid cruiser for Mother's Day. I'd like to be able to ride around town with DS for ice cream, lunch dates, and pool time.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member

    All I can do is concentrate on the inputs, leave the outputs to themselves and BOOM!

    Exactly Beeps! Kiddos on your accomplishment of no after dinner eating, I'm sure you will awesome changes.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member

    I do all my cooking on Sundays. I've already got chicken in the Crock Pot for tacos and the bacon just went in the oven.

    I always think about doing this but it just doesn't happen much in my house....

    Sunday workout tweeked a little due to rain and lighting= no running outside. So I knocked out 80 minutes:
    Extra shoulder exercises
    4 sets of 12 push ups, kneeling. Now that my form has been corrected they are harder, I did a few straight legged.
    4 set of 10 Single leg dead lifts, 16kg kettle bell
    4 set of 10 three point rows, 30# dumb bell
    4 sets of 10 goblet squats with 16kg KB. This was with a band around the thighs above my knees. Working on form, the band helps to keep my legs in a good position. And I've sucked up my stance a bit verging away from a sumo form. Lighter than before but focusing on form.
    Spider man planks
    medicine ball push pull, 12# ball no jumping, just upper body.
    10mins of HIIT: 80 KB thrusts, 4 rounds up and down stairs and 1 min of sprints.

    Feels awesome. My back is tight and I have work to do with the massage therapist.

    :smile: I weighed myself at the gym and I've lost some according to that scale. I have to confirm this with my scale at work tomorrow.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Runzalot81: I just planted some dahlias yesterday during a rain break. I plant them almost every year about this time which results in a supply of cut flowers in the summer. Easy. If you try them make sure to use some slug bait when they start to sprout.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Runzalot81: I just planted some dahlias yesterday during a rain break. I plant them almost every year about this time which results in a supply of cut flowers in the summer. Easy. If you try them make sure to use some slug bait when they start to sprout.
    How much sun do they need? We have lots of large shady trees in our yard. In fact, my raised planter doesn't get as much sun as I thought it would when I shopped yesterday :embarassed: I'm a wee bit worried that my flowers will die.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    RUnz, I love planting , but I think I'm going to go with baskets this year.

    DNA, that sounds like the greatest weekend ever.

    Rocky that sounds like a good workout. Have you tried 45 degree pushups instead of kneeling?

    Back to work tomorrow. Just in time for state testing. Trying to decide if staring at the wall for 4 hours a day will be good or bad for my mental health. Too bad I can't use the pedometer on my phone.