Daily Chat Thread



  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hi, Nancy! What's Cage?

    Cage Fitness is a class they have at my Dojo. It is a MMA style, ground work fitness class.... you use a 30 or 40 lb. person shaped bag that you ground and pound. It requires cardio, and strength training. It's great! I LOVE IT! Helps so much with my job stress!

    Tonight will be my 4th workout for the week, and tomorrow is rest day...then lifting on Friday, cage class or golf Saturday (Depending on the weather), and running Sunday. Trying to keep a good routine going.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm new here...
    And was looking forward to starting NROL4W today (been doing NROL4Life the last month) but had to get my permanent crown placed this morning. I have to get my little man from preschool now, so didn't have time to get my first lift in. Guess it's Friday for me. Would of preferred lifting over the dentist.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome, marieann!

    I lied- DOMS is slowly setting in. Working out later in the day yesterday probably had something to do with it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member

    I lied- DOMS is slowly setting in. Working out later in the day yesterday probably had something to do with it.

    That is VERY interesting!

    I did get my lifting in-and-done, today....9 days until Europe and then it will be WALKING, WALKING, WALKING...
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I'm new here...
    And was looking forward to starting NROL4W today (been doing NROL4Life the last month) but had to get my permanent crown placed this morning. I have to get my little man from preschool now, so didn't have time to get my first lift in. Guess it's Friday for me. Would of preferred lifting over the dentist.

    Welcome Marieann! These ladies are always so helpful, and we look forward to chatting it up!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    I lied- DOMS is slowly setting in. Working out later in the day yesterday probably had something to do with it.

    That is VERY interesting!

    I did get my lifting in-and-done, today....9 days until Europe and then it will be WALKING, WALKING, WALKING...

    EUROPE?! How awesome!

    My DOMS has become more and more delayed. I used to get it 12 hours after, now it's starting to take 24-48 hours to hit. It's weird.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Barbell, what are my goals? I need to change one. :bigsmile: I think one of them has to do with leaving the measuring tape alone. I'm over that one. Now, I need to control my Easter candy intake :embarassed: OMG those Robin's Eggs. :grumble: :grumble:

    On my way home from work, I thought (whined), "I don't wanna run today!" :sad: :sad: :sad: As soon as I got home, I changed into my running clothes. There's no way I'll skip it now. :ohwell:

    Barbell, DOMS can be funny like that. Mine always feels like rocks. Rocks in my ribs. Rocks in my legs. Rocks in my butt. I roll over in the bed and it's like rolling around on rocks.

    Hi, Marieann! I had a crown put in last month and it knocked me useless for an entire day :sick:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I will give myself 2/3 from last week.

    I tried the Smith machine for the first time ever today and it was...weird. Takes some getting used to, I guess. I had to put a towel on the bar where it rests against my neck and shoulders cause it was uncomfortable.

    How does everyone manage the step ups in stage 1? I can't hold more than 20lb dumbells in my hands when doing them cause my arms feel like they're going to rip out of their sockets, so this week I've been using a barbell on my shoulders across the back. But once I get to a certain weight I have a great difficulty moving it off my shoulders once I'm done the exercise. Should I try a barbe across the front (this concerns me as I feel the positioning in my wrists needed to do this would make my wrists sore - I had carpal tunnel syndrome there when pregnant) or maybe dumbells on my shoulders?

    Also, how much protein do you get most days? Mfp has my goal set to 112g daily but with today's workout it got knocked up to 140g. The best I can do today to meet that is 122g; I missed my cottage cheese snack (left it in the fridge when I took the boys to swim lessons :( ) and I don't eat meat. I could stuff more food down but I don't want to eat when I'm not truly hungry (especially as I have BED) and I also don't want to lose my deficit just to get to my protein target. What to do? I do always try to make sure I am meeting or exceeding my 30% protein no matter how much/what I've eaten.

    I think my diary is open if any of you want to look and make suggestions :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Step ups!

    You may not need BIG db's for this. Make it tougher by standing on the bench to start. The motion is then down - up, without touching the lowered foot to the floor.

    Lemme know if you can keep proper form, for that way, with 20 lb DB'ss in your hands.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey Pudding, I HATE the Smith. It wrecks my form and does too much of the work for me. Is there a reason why you used it. Does your gym have a power rack set up? Step ups are my jam. But Beeps is right. Keep the working foot working and on tap yur toe, don't put down the non-working foot on the top or the floor. Are you stepping on a "step" with risers, a box, or a step machine? THe idea is to go higher, not necessarily heavier until you leg is above a 90 degree angle. Protein is another issue. My personal goal is 100g min a day though my MFP goal says 120-140 depending on exercise.

    Todays testing workout included 3x10 squats lunges, front/back/side leg lifts, table push ups, standing abs, laps and running in place.

    The monsoons have arrived. Took 2 hours to get home, so did hubby. The run off from the hills into our valley pushed the water over the divider on the highway.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm going to give myself a 1/3 for last week - I couldn't do organised exercise, but I did concentrate hard on eating right (and more to make up for the week before :smile: ).

    With step ups, I do a knee raise at the top that gives me extra movement and difficulty. Also, I use a step that is a decent height for my short legs - I don't quite have to jump, but I need to push a fair bit lol

    TOM is finally here, only about 10 days late, but that's about normal lol Shall take some painkillers and get on with it. The short 20-ish minute bodyweight exercises per day are doing the job this week, shall start adding weights again next week and move on from there until I'm back to where I was before :smile:

    My birthday is next weekend, and the husband informs me last night that my present will arrive this Friday... he said it's enough for birthday, Mother's Day, Anniversary AND Christmas.... now I'm really intrigued :laugh:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't EVEN want to finish logging for the day. Crammed my face with high sugar cereal for the most of the day. I didn't bother measuring. I know what I ate. :sick:

    I'm ready for the big surgery. I want these ovaries OUT. The emotional roller coaster is exhausting. The fatigue is just as bad.

    ETA: Just logged all my food. over 276 cals for the day. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had exercised.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Runz, I'm not sure you ever posted your official goals. I went back through the thread and found that you were focusing on macros- that was it. Maybe you had some others?
    Rocks is a good way to describe DOMS. OUch.

    Pudding, regarding step-ups: What Beeps said. The higher the better. Brett C has you do them well above parallel.
    As far as protein- I eat everything so it's easy for me to get my protein. Not sure how you do it without meat. I personally aim for 1 gram per lb of body weight (some say 1gram/per lb of lean mass is sufficient). I feel so much better when I get this much. But 30% is usually a good amount unless you're eating crazy low cal.
    I'd avoid the Smith machine if at all possible- it's not going to give you the workout you want. It doesn't require you to use the stabilizing muscles and doesn't allow you to adjust for form.

    Sam, good job getting a workout in while you're at work. I bet you never envisioned that you'd enjoy doing that a few years ago?
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I mostly just wanted to try out the smith machine. I much prefer the barbell for squats and will go back to that next week for sure. What's a power rack?

    For the step ups, I am stepping onto an aerobic step (those longer ones) with six or seven risers underneath. I can't see me going much higher as I'm only 5'4" and sometimes my knees aren't the best. No actual issues persey, but I put on a lot of weight in both my pregnancies and some exercises (like step ups, lunges and squats) cause some discomfort. I already do the whole "don't let the trailing leg touch the step" thing and raise that leg, bent at the knee, slightly at the top. If I step on with my right leg (so that's my working leg), push off, bend my left knee and raise slightly, then step down with the left leg and then the right, is that correct? I will try dumbells on shoulders next week and see if that's more comfortable.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    It's the "push off" that is the No No.

    That's why starting on the bench (that is appropriate height) with both feet and going down-up eliminates the "push off".
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    No lifting too much work and too little sleep. I am going to have to cram some exercise in somehow.

    I am going to try "down" step ups as I do push even when I am trying not to!

    Welcome Mariann

    This week has stunk so I'm glad it's almost over.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Lifting went well yester, save for the fact that I forgot to do the pull ups ugh! I have the Xtreme Gym bar and I always use it afore heading out to the gym...aarrgghhhh!!!

    Saw just the slightest hint of definition beginning to develop on my lower quads, and feel a sort of "lump" across my chest....mmm....will have to wait and see about that. I missed my body composition analysis this past week, and will schedule it for the 9th :happy:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Runz, great dedication to your run!
    Sam, stay safe in all that water!
    Dnamouse, I feel your pain...literally, TOM is hitting hard over here too. I bet you're excited for your birthday! Sounds like a nice surprise is on the way :)
    Pudding and Pmag, I feel like I have to constantly focus on not pushing off of my non-working leg on step ups. It's almost automatic.
    Bepee, let us know what your progress is! I'm jealous that you get those done so often. It must be a good motivator!

    I'm trying extra hard to stay on calorie target. It's TOM and I feel like...well just gross. Not to mention the scale is out to get me. I neeeed to get back to the gym, but today will not be it. I'm babysitting for a coworker and will be busy until well into the night. I feel like I always take 1 step forward and 2 steps back on this program. I just need to have a normal week and reestablish a good routine. Or start getting up earlier and lifting before work. But who am I kidding, I can barely wake up before 7 as it is :ohwell:
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I am so glad today is rest day! I have doms all over.........ughh! EVEN IN MY ARMPITS......lol!!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Pudding: I used to try wacky equipment in the gym just for fun. If they had a smith machine when I was at the gym I probably would have tried it. I do step downs too. Step ups just felt really ineffective doing it the way they said in the book
    Sam: We aren't having monsoon season but the rain here is unbearable. I'm sorry you had to deal with all that traffic.
    Beepe: New muscles! That's awesome! Isn't it great discovering them?
    DNA: oooooohhhhh presents! Sounds like it will be a really good one!
    WillLift: I love the idea of lifting in the morning too! I used to do it but sleep is such a beautiful thing I can't see myself cutting any of it out.

    2B1 is in the books. I've noticed that a lot of people really don't like it but I loved every second. The things that were targeted in that workout were EXACTLY the parts of my body that I wish would hurry up and tighten up. Lower back work? check. Obliques? check. Shoulders? Two words. Cuban. Snatch. And then I did my Tabata. I did the whole barbell complex and then tried to move on to body weight and my body said no halfway through. So I got six minutes of tabata in which I'm still rather proud of. Yesterdays workout was right on time. After the monotony of stage one I was convinced in my head that this program was going to be a dead end and I would spend another summer, another year hating the body I'm in. But last nights work out really has me thinking differently. I'm excited again.